
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 13: Can you be my friend

The News of the Ultimate Tournament spreads across the Empire and the Clan like wild fire, Many warriors too permission from their Clans and Villages to register for the tournament, Everyone wants the special position to and face a Drio in combat.

Warriors could be registering for the battle in the Palace!

Meanwhile Jade and Layla could be seen playing on the fields happily, As usual they are enjoying their day because the tournament is finally over and they will be going back to the Village once again to play.

" So Jade, When are we going back? " Layla asked with smiles on her face.

" Going back? Oh I remember...The Village right? Where Emily and Curtis dwells " Jade asked and Layla nodded still smiling, She grabbed Jade's arm and she didn't for one let it go.

" Yes so when are we going? This place is becoming too boring for us, We need to go play " Layla asked, Jade could be seen in deep thoughts about it when he heard Jade's voice from behind.

" What are you two talking about? " Jace voiced out, He walked up to them with a sternful look on his face, He has been eavesdropping the entire time but only listened to them play and that made him jealous.

" Nothing Jace, Just go away...Me and Layla are just having a peaceful time together " Jade answered while scratching his head, Jace looked at Jade suspiciously before facing Layla and he smiled.

" And who are those two commoners I met outside the Palace in the woods? " Jace asked.

" Huh? Two commoners? " Layla asked in Confusion!

" Yes, one is a boy and the other one is a girl and they were certain that I am you and which made it suspicious, I don't believe you two and I know how to detect lies so I am suggesting that you take me with you "Jace stated.

" Huh? I don't get you Jace? You are becoming crazy " Jade said and Jace smiled, Jace closed his eyes and touched his forehead with his right index finger, Jace vanished and he appeared behind Jade.

" What was that? " Layla asked in shock.

" It's called the Teleportation, Brother Craig showed the way to do it but I am still yet to master that technique, I was doing that technique when I appeared in a forest close to that Yirioashi Village down there and I met your friends down there "Jace answered.

" How did you do that Jace? "

" It's not really that hard brother, You just have to concentrate on your energy and seal it within you, You will only need to unleash your mind to connect and then you will boom, Disappear!! " Jace said.

" Huh? I don't understand a single bit of what you just said but I will try to use this Teleportation technique of yours, Well you can be going now...Layla and I need some privacy "Jade said and that caused Jace to frown deeply at his brother.

" You two annoys me you know that, It's not like you and Layla are married so I don't have to give you the privacy you always wanted, and besides I want to meet the girl back then, She is too beautiful " Jace said.

" Wait hold on, Are you talking about Emily? " Layla asked.

" I don't know what her name is and If that's her correct name then yes she is the one, She too beautiful and I can say that she might even challenge you in a beauty contest " Jace said and that caused Layla to gnashed her teeths in anger.

" Sorry brother but the answer you will get is a No " Jade said.

" You know Layla, After I met them yesterday, I investigated the Yirioashi Village and I learnt that they suffered because you once stepped your foot there and the Emperor figured that out, will you want me to tell your father about it? " Jace asked.

" Are you blackmailing us Jace? I am your brother "

" Of course Jade, Brother or no brother I must see that girl once again so you will decide if you want me to tell Father and the Emperor which will cause the Yirioashi Village to be burnt down to ashes and slaughtered without mercy or I should follow you " Jace said.

" Fine we will take you with us but don't try to spoil anything, I don't know how we should leave the Palace without the guards noticing us, It won't be easy like before now they Warriors are trooping in to register for the Ultimate Tournament " Jade said and Jace smiled.

" Hmmph, nice try brother but we are still going anyways " Jace said, He walked up to Jade and he touched Jace's shoulder with his left hand and he connected to find the life force of both Emily and Curtis.

" I got them, Layla don't let Jade go now " Jace ordered, He touched his forehead with his index finger and he vanished immediately, They all appeared in the woods filled with many living creatures.

" Where are we? " Jade asked in Anger.

" Well you should have first told me thank you Jade, This the forest were Emily and the other guy are, I couldn't sense an energy in them so I track their life force and lock on to teleport us to where they are " Jace answered.

" Well ok thanks Jace, Now we're are they? " Layla asked, Jade covered her mouth immediately, He could sense the presence of an incoming wild animal, He opened his eyes and shock, He rush and pulled Jace away from the incoming Lioness attack.

" Ouch " Jace crashed his butt on the ground and Jade told him to move backwards, Jace is not the type that loves training how to kill and defend himself but he loves using tricks like Disappearing and many more.

" Stay back Jace, This is a real lioness and it's hungry " Jade said, He looked around and he grabbed a sharp stick to face the lioness,

" Ok lioness, let's see what this stick can do " Jace stated and he launched his attack, the lioness roared angrily as Jace swiftly stabbed her with the stick, He landed a brute kick to the face of the Lioness.

The pain caused the Lioness to roar, calling for back up !

" Aren't you too young to understand the principles of fighting and killing? What are you, Six years old " Jace said and Jade growled in anger.

" Aren't you too young to be using powers like Teleportation? What are you, Six years old " Jade said, He turned back to see five lionesses running towards his Direction with full force, His eyes glowed and he created a wall of rocks.

" What? How did you do that? " Jace asked in shock.

" Mother taught me, She told me that it is the Vragons principle to learn it and while I was damn eager to learn, You were eating the food like an idiot brother " Jade answered with a smug and he faced the Lionesses.

The Lionesses were using their claws to create a way to attack but the wall of rocks is unbreakable, the rocks started levitating up and a powerful force blasted the rocks at the Lionesses which crushed them down.

" Huh? " Jade exclaimed and he faced the smiling Jace!

" I might not understand the ways of fighting now but father will teach me soon, but what I do know is that you can never beat me when it comes to powers " Jace screamed out, He caused water to appear and he lifted the injured lionesses bodies and he lifted them up high.

" Why don't you feel my exceptionall power? " Jace asked, He snapped his fingers and the water vanished immediately, The injured lionesses started falling down with full force, Jace snapped his fingers again and the lionesses caught fire.

Before they could reach the ground, they were already turned into ashes and the wind blew them away at once, Jace could see the jealousy written on the face of Jade and that makes him more happy than ever.

" Wow that was awesome you two, I never for once thought of using my Powers at all and here you two are toying with elements " Layla said with smiles on her faces,

" Layla?? " A female familiar voice called out from the woods, Layla smiled immediately she sighted Emily and Curtis approaching them from the thick part of the woods they were hiding from the lions.

" Emily! We found you already " Layla said and she hugged Emily, Curtis smiled and he meant to give Jace a hand shake when Jace directed the hand to Jade instead of him and that's when Curtis knew it was Jace.

Jace and Jade are identical, It's only their voices that could make people recognize them and besides there are some marks and body type that you would know who they are and not the opposite.

" Hi Jade, It's good to see you again " Emily said as she faced Jade.

" Hey Emily, It's nice to meet you too and besides I want you to meet my twin brother Jace, He told me he has seen you two already and I am very sure that it went well " Jade said and that caused Jace to giggle.

" It's good to see you Jace Vragon, Should I call you that? " Emily asked.

" No, just call me Jace and I don't like that title Vragon, It makes us look scary and even though I enjoy threatening people with that name, I don't like to be called that " Jace said and Emily smiled.

" It's nice to meet you again Jace, even though the first meeting you threatened to use the Emperor to burn us to ashes but I am glad to meet the second brother of Jade, My name is Curtis " Curtis said and Jace nodded.

" I am confused Layla, How did you manage to get here? " Emily asked and Layla smiled.

" Well Jace sensed your life force here and he teleported us to with ease, I didn't even know that as young as he is, He could master the teleportation technique " Layla answered, Emily smiled as she faced Jace.

' It seems like both twins are great are using powers, I watched how Jade and Jace killed all those menace of a lioness, Jace is as handsome as Jade but I still like Jade even though it will affect Layla's friendship with me '

' Infact, I love Jade! '