
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 12: Introduction of New Techniques

Drio Unere and Drio Casa's battle ended which resulted to Drio Casa winning and he advanced into the next round, A three way fatal battle.. Battle against Drio Obeton, Drio Konin and Drio Casa in one ring.

The defeated Drios sat down comfortably because there is nothing to be afraid of, No commoner can enter and watch or else he or she will be beheaded without Mercy, They rule with cruelty.

" Drio Casa, Drio Konin and Drio Obeton, will the three of you advanced into the Ring to commence the battle, The winner of the match will have the chance to face Drio James of the Vragon Clan " The Judge said and everyone faced James.

James could be seen sitting down with folded arms, He bent his head down with his eyes closed, He opened his eyes immediately he sensed both Jade and Layla's energy and that caused him to be more relaxed.

" Are you all ready? If so...Begin the battle now "The Judge declared and they rung the bell immediately, The Barrier covered them so that their powers won't affect the spectators who are watching with excitement.

Drio Konin smiled deeply, He stretched forth his hands and brought out his Kunai knifes for battle, Two sharp swords appeared on Obeton's hands while Drio Casa swinged his spear with smiles on his face.

" Are we going to fight or not? Because it looks like we already started a staring competition " Drio Casa said, He launched his spear at Konin and Konin ducked the attack and he kicked Casa back immediately.

" You want a real fight Casa, Let's see how you handle this " Konin stated, his eyes glowed and he appeared behind Casa and he landed a brute kick to the neck of Casa, the impact sent Casa crashing hard on the ground.

Obeton attacked Konin with his swords but Konin blocked the attacks with his Kunai knifes, He tossed his knifes at Obeton but Obeton hit them away with his swords, He started approaching Konin when he felt sharp substance pierce his skin.

" Wha...the hell just happened? " Emperor Karsas asked while sitting on his Throne.

Drio Casa slowly rose up to his feet, His body began to glow tremendously, His auras reeked the air that it caused James to open his eyes and see what's happening, James stared at Casa before facing Konin.

" You really think that you are the only powerful being to have ever existed? Don't make me laugh, I am the strongest being in this..." Drio Casa couldn't complete his statement and he swiftly fell on the ground immediately.

" What just happened? " Zaibon asked himself, He looked up to see James staring down at Casa with smiles plastered on his face, He couldn't sense any evil auras used but he know that James is the caused of Casa's blackout.

" Is that A cryokan eyes? " Zaibon asked immediately on shocked, He shocked on fear after seeing the triangle symbol on James eyes balls, Zaibon continued looking at James eye balls until his eyes went back to normal.

" Drio Casa and Drio Obeton is out and that makes Drio Konin the winner, In less than two hours to come, And we shall behold the awesome battle showdown, Konin Versus James " The Judge said.

James stood up from his chair and he quickly left the hall, Zaibon caught James walking out of the hall and he decided to follow him, He carefully followed James so that James will not sense his energy and attack.

James arrived at the fields outside the Castle, He glared to see who has the dark energy he is sensing all this while, He could feel that someone family is watching him but he doesn't just know who.

James now focused his attention on the sky, He stared at the bright sun which had little effect on his face, He raised his right hand into the sky and he unleashed a ray plasma beam from his fingers which caused an explosion.

' I don't know what is happening to me, I don't know why I am becoming so emotionally weak, Emotionally weak to regret all this horrible things that I have done in the past, Is it because of my sons that I have become this weak? ' James asked himself.

' Is it because that I have become a father? But when I was bringing up my son Craig I wasn't as remorseful, I don't know understand what I am slowly becoming ' James said to himself, He bent head down as he felt the sensation.

He is about tracking the dark energy for good if not a servant interuppted, The Servant brought the news of the battle commence and they need him in the ring to fight the last warrior Konin of the Amastu Ninja Clan.

" Ok, I am coming...You can now go " James said and the servant walked away immediately, He clenched his fist angrily which caused his Fist to spark lightning, He looked around but still couldn't Understand the Dark Energy.

" Listen up punk, I don't care what you are or who you are, I will figure out who you are and what you are doing here, I can feel that your familiar Auras but I don't know who you are, I will figured that out and when I do "

" I will end your life without stress or mercy " James stated and he then advanced into the building, He passed through many corners and received many greetings from the servants until he arrived at his destination.

The two guards standing at the entrance of the door opened up immediately after greetings James, James walked into the hall to see that all eyes were fixed on him, He is the Ultimate and final contender.

" James, Where were you? " Emperor Karsas asked.

" Sorry for the delay my King but I was busy outside refreshing my soul and spirit with meditation, I shall begin right away " James answered, He started walking towards Tournament ring with smiles on his face.

Konin swiftly stood up from his throne and he followed from behind, They both entered into the Ring almost immediately, And they faced eachother as opponents they are... Staring deeply at eachother.

" Ah, I can see you all are ready so there is no need to ask if you are ready, BEGIN!!!! " The Judge ordered and they rang the bell immediately, At once the barrier covered the building Immediately without stress.

" You deal pretty confident of yourself James, Are you sure you are going to win? " Konin asked with smiles on his face, He brought out his sharp Kunai knifes for another set of battle but he knows how tough his opponent is.

" You can use all the weapons you want, I will only use one weapon to defeat you right now " Drio James stated, Konin giggled and he charged at James with full speed, James evaded the Kunai attack by blocking it all.

He deflected the welcoming kick and he unleashed a plasma force which blasted Konin down, Konin tossed his knifes at James while it glowed but James stopped it immediately and blasted it down without stress.

" You are as tough as they say but not tougher than me " Konin voiced out and that caused James to smile, And his left eye revealed the red Cyrokan once again, Immediately Konin sighted the Cyrokan, He started feeling dissy.

James smiled as he slowly approached Konin without worrying, Konin tried to move his body but by the orders of James, He couldn't even move his body a single bit, It's like James has control over his body.

" What's that? What did you do to me? " Konin demanded.

" It's called a Cyrokan, My eyes commands and unleashed his great powers with my brain giving the command, How did you think you were able to advance to the final and beat the rest of the Drio...It's all because I allowed that " James answered.

" Set me free " Konin demanded, He finally gained control over his body and he rised up to his feet immediately, He grabbed his Kunai knifes and made to attack when he froze up immediately, He couldn't move his body.

" One of the special things the Cryokan eyes can do, It stops the flow of time and I bends it to my will, You are under my control and now..I shall set you free " James said and he touched the forehead of Konin with his index finger.

" You shall forget about what just happened now "James said and he landed a brute punch to the chin of Konin and he caused the Cryokan symbol on his eyes and time started flowing for everyone except Zaibon, Zaibon used his dark magics to block the Cryokan effects and he watched the battle.

To everyone present except for Zaibon, They are believed that Konin was knocked down with one single blow and the Judge declared James The winner, James smiled as he walked out of the ring in victory.

" I know you would not disappoint me James, I love your performance " Emperor Karsas said as he walked up to James,

" So when are you going to begin this tournament of power that will contain the commoners of all the Empire's and Clans? " Drio James asked, He smiled immediately he sighted Jade and Layla rushing to were he is.

They hugged him and he lifted the two of them up with his two hands and the Emperor smiled, James is the only one that has the power to touch his daughter like that, He has always admired James from the start.

" Well as interesting as the tournament can be, The news of the tournament is already around the corners and I have beings registering already, I hope it as fun as this tournament " Emperor Karsas answered.

" Very well then, There is somewhere I need to go right now "