
Jade: The Conqueror

After witnessing the death of his Entire Clan, The Vragon Clan! . . . . Jade has become a ruthless warrior, Some call him a monster, Some sees him as a Villian who is the only warrior who wants Revenge against the Six Ultimate Clans and the Empire, He has watched his father beheaded. Jade has grown to be more powerful than his father ever was, To serve his purpose of ultimate Destruction, His hunger for vengeance and Obliteration...He has created an Organization of dark hearted warriors. Coming from the race of powerful beings, Vragon warriors, The most Destructive and brute force in the entire Cosmos, Their name and personality strikes fear and chaos through out the entire Empire. Growing stronger every time, Unstoppable, Unbeatable! Stronger than ever until he meets his brother Jace...! Will he be responsible for the Destruction of the Empire? Will the Almighty Jade become worst than his father? The Rage...The Anger, The Aggression... Listening to the sorrows of his enemies, A once lovely kid will soon become the Author of complete Destruction... Shall the Prophecy of the Conqueror be fulfilled? Who shall bear the powers of the Ancient James of the Vragon Clan? The world shall know pain and sorrow, The Complete Obliteration be averted, Shall the Seven Demons of Terror be Awakened...!! After the Destruction of the Vragon Clan, The world has never know peace and happiness, Sorrow and Terror has ruled all this long...Craig Vragon, Jace Vragon and Jade Vragon...The Brothers of chaos. Who shall be the next Conqueror? Will a broken and dark hearted being become a pure hearted being? Or will he create more Chaos and pain, Will the sacrifice of his friends and family be in vain? Found out in this Story?

Emeh_Wonder · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Chapter 11: A Jerk

Jade and Layla rushed into the Castle without anybody knowing, The Emperor started searching for his precise daughter when she appeared with Jade besides her, She doesn't know what her father did to the Yirioashi Village down there.

What she knows and understands is that the Emperor and his council members are mean and ruthless to the Villagers, By the Emperor's commands, They Destroy!

♍ Meanwhile in Yirioashi Village ♍

Emily, Curtis and their guys were headed towards the direction of their Village Chief to tell them the latest update on what's happening, The Village Chief made his two children the leaders of the scout groups depending on their genders.

Emily leads the female scouters while Curtis, the males!

On getting to the Chief's building, They despatched the scouters to their humble homes and they advanced into their house, They knocked on the door and a woman opened up the door, The Village Chief's third wife.

Well let me explain this few things to you all, Curtis and Emily are more like twins but from different mother's, Emily's mom is the first wife so that makes her the head of the scouters while Curtis mom is the second wife, Now back to the Story!

The Third Wife with smiles on her face opened the door for them and they ended immediately, Dropping down their daggers, spears and stones used for hurting in one side, They advanced towards their father's special room.

They knocked on the door, After hearing their father telling them to enter, They opened up the door to see their father the Village Chief sitting on his special chair with his children by his side, The Hall is a very big one.

" Greetings Chief of Yirioashi Village, Your humble servants bows before you " Curtis and Emily said in unison as they bowed their heads before their father, They heard their father chuckled before ordering them to raise their heads up and they did.

" Greetings my children and besides you ought not to bow before me unless it's necessary, You two are my favorite Children in particular " The Village Chief voiced out, He is a vibrant warrior in his mid forties.

" We are sorry father " Emily said and The Chief nodded.

" So Emily and Curtis, Is there any reports that you have to tell me? Am all ears " The Chief asked and Emily went mute, Curtis stared at Emily with cunning smiles on his face and then he faced his father and smiled even more.

" Yes, Father I have a report that is needed to be settled Father, Princess Layla came down from the Valley of the Emperor and she came to play with Emily as usual " Curtis said and that caused Emily to gnashed her teeths in anger.

" What? "

" Emily is that true? You are forgetting that she is a bad news to us, You lost your elder brother because of her presence and he is in the dungeon because he dated speak up to a Minister and he awaits his execution "

" How can you still allow her to be your friend? " The Chief calmly asked, Emily bent her head down in shame but deep down she is Furious and her anger made Curtis to be more excited.

" Father, She is not the fault...Her presence may have brought disaster but she should not wiegh the burden upon her soul, She is a young girl just like I am but she is inexperienced " Emily voiced out.

" Inexperienced you say, I hope nothing stupid happened that will result to her telling her father? " The Chief asked and that questioned made Emily to smile, She slowly rose her head up and she faced the already sweating Curtis.

" There is father " Emily said.

" And what may that be Emily? "

" You see Father, When she came to play with us, One of Curtis goons landed his disgusting hands on her and that caused her to smile but I believe that she won't tell on us " Emily said and that caused the Chief to frown.

" Curtis, Curtis...Is what Emily said true? " The Chief asked in anger, He slowly rised up from his chair with clenched fists and that caused Curtis to move back, He sensed danger and he made to run but Emily caught him by the hand.

" Yes but she has gotten over it Father, She was with a guy who wanted to fight me in return before Emily intefered, I doubt that she will spill the beans " Curtis said and The Chief returned back to his sit.

" Ok then, I will let you go Curtis but this will be the last, Anytime she decides to come without the Emperor's knowledge, Do not enrage her, Am I clear " The Chief said and Curtis nodded immediately.

" And Curtis, Who is that guy that came with Emily? " The Chief asked, Curtis and Emily faced eachother, This time they were both shivering to answer, They know that their father fears The Vragon Clan the most.

" You worry too much Father, He is a nobody " Emily said and The Chief faced Curtis immediately, He could sense that she is hiding something from him and he is eager to know what it is.

" Curtis??? "

" Father, He is from the Vragon Clan " Curtis spill the beans out of fear, The Chief rised up from his chair after hearing the word ' Vragon ' he knows and remembers how deadly and savage they are.

" What???? This is bad, This is really really bad..The Vragon Clan are a menace, Wreckers of villages and Clans, If Drio James should know about this...He could burn down our Village without mercy "

" I hope none were his sons " The Chief said and that made Emily and Curtis to move back slowly, They were shivering deeply after seeing their father freaking out, He is damn afraid of the Vragon Clan.

" Father that's the thing, He is the son of Drio James of the Vragon Clan, He is one of the twins " Curtis said and that caused his father to scream out in fear, The Chief grabbed the whip and was about to whip them when they ran out of their house with full speed.

With full speed, both Emily and Curtis ran through the market, Scattering things and crashing into people but they didn't stop at all, They used all their might until they arrived at the deep part of the Woods, They ran into the woods because they know that any Elder can catch them and bring them before their angry father to be beating.

Emily rested her back on a tree while trying to catch her breaths, Curtis sat down on a rock as they continued resting, They will be hiding inside the woods for the meantime until their father's anger is calm.

Knowing fully well that the Vragon Clan is mentioned means their father would be calm anytime sooner so they must stay in hiding for the meantime.

" You know you caused this Curtis, You couldn't even keep your mouth shut for once, Now father has heard the name Vragon " Emily said with her angry voice.

" I wonder why father is always afraid of the Vragons, I know that they re dangerous and deadly but isn't fearing them kinda off, He is like scared pussy cat " Curtis said and they busted into an overwhelming laughter.

" It's funny but we are really in trouble " Emily said amidst the laughter, Suddenly Jace appeared before them with a confused look and both Emily and Curtis screamed out and crashed their backs on the ground.

" Are you Ok? "Jace asked.

Jace helped both Emily and Curtis up with his hands, Curtis and Emily moved back after recognizing the face of Jace.

" Jade, why are you here again? " Emily asked with smiles on her face.

" Jade? You know my twin brother? Who are you all? " Jace asked in Confusion, He scanned Emily and Curtis with his eyes to recognize them but he couldn't remember where he met them, He doesn't even know that they existed.

" You are not Jade Vragon, Firstly you answer our questions...Who are you? " Curtis asked.

" My name is Jace Vragon and I am the twin brother to Jade Vragon and I am still wondering how you two lowly beings know who my brother is, And if I may ask...What do you mean by again? " Jace asked.

" So you are Jade's twin brother, He was just here some hours ago together with..." Curtis was about to complete his statement when Emily hit him and dragged him to were Jace won't hear them.

" What did you do that for? " Curtis asked.

" This is Jace Vragon, the twin brother of Jade Vragon, They are both Vragon Royalty and what if Jace isn't as friendly as his twin brother...What if he is the opposite, Then we are all doomed to be annihilated for good " Emily whispered.

" That's true, What should we do? " Curtis asked in Confusion.

" Hey you two lowlys, I will be gone for a long time but I will be back and be ready to explain everything to me our else, My Father and the Emperor will hear of this and boomed, Your world will be executed for having royalties in your wretched Village " Jace stated interuppting their discussion.

He closed his eyes and he vanished into thin air....He was using Instant Transmission all this while!

" You are right Emily, This Jace is a jerk! "