
Jack's Sister -Rise of the Guardians

This is a Fanfiction about Rise of the Guardians. It is a cartoon movie that came out years ago staring Jack Frost, North, Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy. The story I started in 2013 and finished 4 years later, is revamped with longer chapters, more complete story arc, and a happier ending! Yay! ***This story deals regularly with topics of suicide, death, and depression.**** It is a Tragedy (with a happy ending to come). Original introduction: What happened to Jack's sister after Jack fell through the ice? She is left alone on a frozen lake after witnessing her brother drown. Jeannie, Jack's little sister, makes a new friend, someone no one would have ever guessed. Jeannie would do anything to see Jack again. Characters; Jack Frost, North, Pitch Black, Sophie, Jamie, Claude, Caleb, Baby Tooth and more! I would classify the different parts as Jack's Sister- Tragedy/Jeannie's story. Takes place only during the movie. Tragedy/action/drama. Daydream- Daydream/Katherine's story. Takes place before the movie. Tragedy/romance. Fire and Water- Daydream and Tragedy together. Takes place after movie. Comedy/Girl flick/Drama. The Miss Guardians- The whole crew. After the movie. Romance/Drama/Happy Ending. Eclipse- New Characters. A continuation after movie. Romance/Drama/action/ maybe a little horror and a little tragedy. I hope that sums it up well. Although, I love this story so I am biased.

Poetsoul61521 · Movies
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Daydream and Bad Dream

After Tragedy's very scary payback, Daydream and Bad Dream couldn't let each other out of their sight. They sat on the floor where Tragedy left them and started talking.

"She sure had you scared, big, bad, Bad Dream," Daydream giggled trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess she never told you of how we met?" Bad Dream laughed, "I thought she was the devil here to drag my soul down to hell."

Daydream laughed, "Tragedy? The Devil? She is so sweet." Almost forgetting the events that happened earlier.

"I know that now but she scared the daylights out of me then," he smiled remembering the women walking by that reminded him of his Kathrine.

"What state were you born in?" Daydream asked looking at his thoughtful smile.

"I am from Missouri, you?" Bad Dream sighed, he was rarely happy in Missouri but it was where he had met his love.

"Same, actually," Daydream laughed at the coincidence.

"What year did you die?" Bad Dream asked very solemnly.

"I cannot remember the year exactly but it was about 285 years ago," she thought about it but couldn't give an exact answer.

He thought about when he died and realized he didn't remember the year either, "I died about the same time actually."

"How did you die?" Daydream asked as she heard a slight whimper but nothing too severe from Tragedy's room.

"I was shot by slave traders, they didn't want my wife and I together. I was forced to watch them kill her," he sighed remembering that awful night.

"I was drowned on my wedding night. Some bad men didn't want me to be with my husband either," Daydream thought, "Didn't Tragedy call you Daniel?"

Before he could answer the screaming started and the smoke filled the air. They ran to Tragedy's bedroom and found her lying in a bed of fire while she screamed. They ran to pull her from the flames but she clawed at them and fire shot from her fingers. They both realized that she dreamed and Bad Dream's power would be useless on her. He stood in the corner shaking as there was nothing he could do to save his friends.

Daydream sprayed water over the flames and then over Tragedy, trying to wake her with the cool water but it boiled as it touched her and she screamed louder. Daydream instead leaned over and shook Tragedy's shoulders but Tragedy grabbed her arms and started to burn them. Daydream screamed and tried to pull away but Tragedy's grip held firm. She started to flood Tragedy's nose with water to free herself and get away. Tragedy finally woke up and let Daydream go, coughing the water from her lungs. Daydream fell to the floor and held her arms, crying, and screaming, "What were you dreaming?"

Bad Dream stood in the corner unable to take his eyes off of Tragedy.

Tragedy sat up, the bed was a pool of water, blackened, and steaming, "I am sorry, Daydream. I don't know how this happened. I have never dreamed like that before," she put her face in her hands and cried.

Daydream splashed cool water on her burns and held them there as she stood to hold Tragedy, Bad Dream walked over and hugged Tragedy too. "Are you okay, Angel?" Bad Dream asked sweetly.

"You scared us, sweetie. We thought you would be hurt," Daydream whispered as she stroked Tragedy's hair.

They all cried and stayed like that for a while, hoping the fear and hurt would calm down quickly. They relaxed and fell asleep in each other's arms until the Moon's light flashed in Daydream's eyes waking her and calling her to her job. Tragedy stayed in Bad Dream's arms shaking and crying. He didn't need sleep so he just held her and told Daydream to be careful. They wouldn't be able to finish their talk for a while, which upset Bad Dream but also made him curious as to why Tragedy had a new type of dream when he and Daydream were alone. The timing seemed too perfect.


As Tragedy slept in Bad Dream's arms warmth filled her body, a memory of a man came to her. A slave owner with a terrible secret, a man who regretted his past, a man who let pride take his daughter away. This man's daughter had fell for a slave, she, beautiful had not cared for the color of a man's skin but the kindness in his heart.

The man had a death bed plea for Tragedy, he feared like most that she has come to take his soul to Hell. She explained herself and heard his plea with a soft hand and gentle voice. He pulled himself up onto shaking arms and cried into his hands as he told his tale.

"I am a horrible person," The slave owner blubbered.

Tragedy tried to control herself, she had only been a spirit for a couple years and he was really the first person who had asked her to hear his dying wish.

"My daughter fell in love with a man who was kind and strong but not who I thought she should be with. I chose rather than to have her be happy to sell her to an abusive man and the man she loved to a murderer," he choked on his tears and coughed. When his breath came back to him he continued, "She ran away with him the night before they were to be taken away. Now, I do not know if she is alive or dead. I probably killed my daughter! A slave and a white woman on the run…She is probably long dead!" Tears flooded his face, "Since you are dead, can you take a message to her? Tell her, I am sorry and that I bless her marriage to Daniel. I am sorry it is so late, I hope she can forgive a dying old man."

Tragedy didn't know her limits or strengths, "I will try my best. I will look for your daughter; I just need to know her name." She had been so terrible with names that she would be surprised if she remembered it but she knew if she did not ask, she would definitely fail.

The man smiled softly and let out his last breath, "Kathrine Elizabeth." Tragedy watched as the man stood and walked into a golden light. His shimmering spirt left but his withered body stayed.

Tragedy woke up with a start and cried out, "He blessed Kathrine and Daniel's wedding!" Her body shook and she fell back into deep sleep. Her body had been through so much but she did not understand why she could not stay awake.

Daniel cringed, He blessed our wedding? Who? Why is she dreaming about Kathrine and I? He looked at the woman next to him and realized he was lying next to a woman who was not his wife, in her bed. He slid out from under Tragedy and went to check on the Nightmares. His life had not been easy but his afterlife was, as far as he was concerned a lot harder. At least in life he had one place and one woman to love. Now, he had three that he loved in different ways.

A Nightmare neighed and startled him so he went back to work and let his thoughts drift away on the moonlight, which always seemed to shine in the dark cave even though there were no windows or ways for any light to enter. Bad Dream just figured it to be some kind of magic left by the infamous Pitch Black.

Day Dream on the other hand had different difficulties to face at that same moment.

Tragedy's dreams coming into the real world. Kinda scary.

OMG! I made the recommended Fanfiction list!!! Yay! Thank you so much! <3 You guys rock!

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