
-The Concert-

Liv's eyes snapped open, for a moment she wondered where she was but then realised that she was in London and today was the day. Her heart did a sort of excited somersault then sank right down to her feet. "God damn it Liv, get a grip its only one silly little concert, your not going to die and nobody's going to bite you, get your lazy backside out of bed NOW!"​​​​ She thought to herself angrily. She made to get out of bed but her legs were tangled in the duvet and she tripped and fell flat on her face, Liv huffed angrily and contemplated just lying there forever.

Sighing she picked herself up and lumbered over to the bathroom and into the shower. She washed her hair then stood practically motionless in the shower for nearly twenty minutes thinking all those strange shower thoughts that most people had but never admitted to having: 'Plants release a gas, which is oxygen, dear God, I'm breathing tree farts', 'A coffee shop is a petrol station, but for humans', 'What if oxygen changes the reality we see, but when we take drugs we see what the world is actually like, which is why they are illegal?' etc, etc.

This was all going well until a huge gobbet of soap ran down her forehead and into her eye. Roaring with pain and swearing colourfully Liv stumbled out of the shower and fell onto the bathmat rubbing at her face vigorously. She turned off the shower and stomped back to her bedroom with streaming eyes and muttering angrily. After she had dried herself off Liv yanked her rucksack from out under her bed and began rummaging through it trying to decide on what she should wear for the day. She settled with a white vest top, black ripped jeans, a black denim jacket, her forever faithful boots and a black beanie; because why not, she was in a bit of a black mood just then anyway.

- Fast forward to just before Concert -

Oh my God, Liv was standing outside O2 Arena with Adam, who was fully decked out in BTS merchandise, and they were almost about to go in. "Isn't this just AMAZING!?" squealed Adam he seemed more excited then she was, mostly because he was finally going to see his 'Jiminie'. He had probably stalked poor unsuspecting Jimin all the way to there and watched him get dressed for the performance or something, she just couldn't know with Adam. The only thing that made her look at him was when he followed up his squeeing with "This is so cool Liv!, it's just like a date!!".  "I beg y-your pardon, a date?, c'mon Ad, we're j-j-just friends...." Adam did not reply to this and instead looked straight ahead with a strange look on his face. Liv frowned and tried to shake off the strange feeling that was currently attempting to crawl up her spine. 

There was only a few more people to go before they were first in line, so to pass the time Liv and Adam went over to a nearby stall to buy some more BTS merchandise, Liv went for a black hoodie with the BTS symbol on the front and Adam went with a peaked cap that had the ARMY symbol on it. As she and Adam shuffled their way inside Liv's excitement grew until she was grinning like an idiot and started giggling a little. "What's the matter with you?" said Adam looking a bit worried. Liv laughed "Nothing, but I'm j-just so, so, s-s-so excited!".

The pair shuffled their way over to a rather portly looking security guard who gave them a one over before grunting "Tickets?", Liv nervously handed them over to the guard who snatched them off her and squinted at them before deciding they were real and saying "Alright, go on through". Liv's heart leapt, they were in!!

"Liv this is so cool!, where do you think BTS are right now?, I wonder if we'll get to seen Jimin, is he here?" said Adam, looking around as if expecting to see Jimin to just come strolling around the corner. Liv rolled her eyes and laughed, then said "Of course they're here, why have a concert when your not going to bother coming, and yes Adam, Jimin is probably here, along with the rest of them so keep your hair on".

-Le Time Skip-

Liv's heart was battering against her chest as she looked up at the stage, any moment now they ​​would come and the concert would officially begin. White mist spewed from smoke machines, lights flashed and music blared, suddenly the lights dimmed and  the crowd started to chant: "BTS, BTS, BTS, BTS, BTS, BTS!". Excitement gripped Liv's heart and she looked expectantly at the sides of the stage waiting, waiting, waiting and then there they were; seven images of ulzzang perfection waving and smiling at the vast crowd spread out before them, Liv had never felt so immensely happy, there she was standing in front of the people she had adored and looked up to for so long, and yet it would all be over in just a few hours, she was determined to enjoy every single moment of it.

His POV: 

As he looked out over the enormous sea of ARMY'S, he saw one particular face that stood out from all the others, it was a girl who was looking up at him and his fellow band members, though it seemed as it was mostly at him, with an expression of utmost awe. It was like she had never seen something so amazing in her entire life, his heart clenched unexpectedly and he wondered what was going on with him, she was just a ordinary fan, right? He felt a hand gently tap his shoulder and he looked over to see Namjoon looking at him "Are you ready to go?" his friend and leader shouts over the screaming of the crowds, he smiles uncertainly still thinking about that girl, and gives Namjoon a thumbs up "Ready when you guys are!", he yelled back. He breathed deeply and got ready to greet his ARMYS, their ARMYS, he spread his arms out in a sweeping gesture and shouted "I love you all!" as his friends gather around and started to sing, he felt as if he could do anything, 'this'  he thought, 'this is what it's like to be BTS!'

-Liv's POV-

Liv stared up at him, he was so beautiful....were Asian guys always this perfect? He looked out over the sea of fans and for a moment, she couldn't be sure, it seemed like he looked at her, Liv felt her cheeks slowly start to burn, could he​​​​ ​​​of all perfect people be looking at the very unimportant her​​​​​​? Liv was flattered and insanely happy,  she looked up at him with an expression of utmost awe on her face, she felt like the Chosen One. With a start she realised that he was most definitely staring at her now, Liv's cheeks burned even harder, it felt as if some Godly Being was acknowledging her presence, she tried to push off the thing that was shredding her heart to ribbons and eagerly looked on to the night of music to come.