
-A Slip of the hand and Whispered Words-

Liv stumbled out of the hall feeling dazed and insanely happy, that had been perhaps the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to her. Now there was only the Fan meet left, Liv's stomach did a strange sort of flip when she thought about it. There was to be a one hour interval between the show and the Fan meet so the band members could have a break and the fans could calm down and she wondering what she was going to do in that time. She decided that she might as well go get something to eat so she made her way towards the exit. As she stepped out into the evening air she felt a hand tap her on the shoulder, she spun around, and saw Adam smiling down at her. "Why do you look so surprised?" he asked laughing, "Did you forget I was there?", Liv didn't answer and turned away guiltily because yes, for a moment she did forget that he was there.

Liv and Adam, who was burbling away about Jimin went to a Café to get something to eat. Liv wasn't really that hungry and she only bought a muffin, she kept thinking about him and how she was pretty sure that he had looked at her; her heart clenched so tightly it almost hurt, in fact it seemed as if he was looking at her at regular intervals throughout the entire show and the look on his face as he stared down at her, he looked bewildered and strangely in pain at the same time. She wondered if she would be able to talk with him at the Fan meet, her heard thudded erratically at the very thought of being in a three foot radius from him. It was all so exciting.

His POV:

He sat down next to Jin and mopped his forehead with a towel and realised that he was shaking a lot. Jungkook looked over at him and said "Are you alright?", he nodded "Yeah I'm fine" when actually he was thinking, 'save me' ​​​​. He could not stop thinking about that girl, every time he closed his eyes, she was there, floating in front of him just out of reach, all the time with that awestruck expression on her face. He hoped to the high heavens that she would be at the Fan meet, he wanted to see her one last time before going back to South Korea.

Liv's POV:

This was it​​​​​​, it was actually happening, Liv was currently in the process of entering the room where they would be and she could hardly handle the suspense, she was hoping that she would be able to see him, perhaps even talk to him, Liv had never felt so excited or apprehensive in her entire life. She nervously clutched the gifts she had bought for each of the band members in her hands. Those gifts she thought, would be one of many as thousands of fans talked with each member of the group, hers probably would barely even be acknowledged for there would be so many of them; Liv immediately felt that her gifts were cheap and not good enough to even earn the members thanks, her self esteem seemed to decrease into the minuses when she thought that. Adam gripped her shoulder, "Look! we're going in!", Liv grinned happily, this was it, she would step through that door and be surrounded by the people she had always wanted to meet.

-Le Time Skip-

A security guard nodded at Liv and gestured for her to step forward onto the raised platform to the table where the band members sat. She stood up, and carefully made her way towards them, trying her hardest to not trip over or drop any of the items that she held in her arms. Her eyes scanned the table, attempting to locate him, her heart sank when she saw that he was at the opposite end of the table, but then again, she was one of the last few people up, so maybe she would get a chance to talk with him for a little longer than most people could. Her eyes returned to the first person she would be talking to. It was Jungkook, he looked at her and smiled, Liv couldn't help but smile back, it was a hard thing trying to resist a smile from a person like him. She walked up to him and he said "Hello, what's your name?" "O-Olivia". Whatever Jungkook was about to say next was cut off when Liv nervously thrust a bag of cookies and a rabbit plushie in his face, hitting him on the nose. "What the-?", Liv's cheek heated up and at that moment she was so sure she had just messed up the only chance she would ever get to see BTS, but to her relief Jungkook laughed and accepted the cookies and rabbit plushie with many thank - you's and dazzling smiles. After that it wasn't so bad, Liv asked Jungkook what he liked about the UK and in return he asked her various conversation starters, like 'What's your favourite colour?' and 'What animals do you like?', Liv stammered her way through the questions occasionally asking a few in return, after that it was time to move onto the next member who was Jimin, their talk was in a similar to the one with Jungkook, hello, fling gifts in face, interview, onto the next.

Until she reached him​​​​​​​​​​​​, he was right there looking at her and she began to feel very nervous, he looked her up and down with an incredulous expression on his handsome face, stared at her right in the eyes and forced on a half smile, Liv's heart sank slowly to the bottom of her feet, out of her shoes, through the floorboards and down towards the earth's core sighing loudly as it did so. So he didn't like her then, all this excitement for nothing, Liv could have drowned in disappointment.

His POV:

And there she stood, the girl, she was a small and petite looking woman of around the nineteen to twenty-two years old mark, with lily white skin and waist length brown hair so dark it could be mistaken for black. Her green eyes glittered as she looked him up and down; she had a slightly nervous air a​​​​​​​​​​​r​​​​ound her. His heart clenched again, and he wondered if there was something wrong with him. "Hello" he said forcing a smile onto his face, she smiled back "Hey".


Aaaaaah, the girls voice was more beautiful than Jungkook's deep manly voice, it was like flowers in summer, sugar in tea, mocha with extra chocolate, hotteok pancakes drowning in way to much honey, it was the murmur of the sea, the wind gently swaying through the branches of trees, it was li- OK he should stop. Now he was faced with the challenge of initiating conversation, an incredibly hard task.

Liv's POV:

So far the conversation was going very well, a few questions asked and answered on both sides; Liv couldn't stop staring, and her heart couldn't stop doing a complicated gymnastics routine inside her chest, well, that's what it felt like anyway. There was something about him that made her heart pound, and her cheeks heat up, apart from the fact that he was way to beautiful to be an actual human being of course. When it was time to leave, Liv certainly did not want to go but she had to, good things only come for a short amount of time in life and a band consisting of seven very handsome men was definitely one of them.

His POV: 

He couldn't, he just had to go after her, grabbing a piece of paper from Seokjin and begging a pen from Namjoon he scribbled down something he most likely wasn't allowed to and rushed towards the departing girl. He whispered "Here" and and stuffed it into her hand before going back to his staring friends. Hopefully she would answer, and not think he was a weirdo or something because she was the first person he had ever truly loved.