
It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

' A Tooth for a Tooth , An Eye for an Eye , you wish I never come back alive , if I do then I promise , I'm going to pay you back , all the pain I received. The burning fire and my dripping hot blood as the witness , I promise , I'll make you suffer more than I did . If I get a second chance , if I get a second life , I'm surely going to take my revenge ' Saying her last words , she closed her eyes , her skin felt hot by the burning fire , her breath started to slow down , her heart stopped to work , she remembered , her mother , her grandparents , who were the only one , who loved her truly ,yet they were no more alive . her heart beat stopped , her breathing put on a long break , she lost her consciousness, lost her soul , lost her life . ' Boom' Suzy , a twenty four years old girl , gets tricked , schemed and betrayed by her own people , whom she trusted and loved the most. She gets betrayed by her own biological father , her step mother and step sister whom she treated as her own blood sister , her own bestfriend , and her fiance . She was tricked and was taken advantage , when she finally found their true face it was already too late , she was already in the bed of death . She gets a new life , to seek her revenge , to pay back for their evil schemes , and finally she meets a man who truly loves her , supporting her in every aspect , becoming a wife slave , her childhood darling , Kim Tan . Their are lots of schemes , lots of revenge , lots of romance and lots of thrilling scenes in the story , catch up the female leads Revenge in her new life .

Samikshasam · Tổng hợp
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
388 Chs

Why not give him a chance?

Inside the car...

After hanging up the call, Suzy heaved a sigh of relief. 

Luo Shen who had long been fidgetting on his seat could no longer hold it in and whined "Sister, why did stop me from beating up that bastard? that guy has such an ugly mouth. How dare he state such a disgusting condition? If no for you I would have beaten him into a pulp" 

Chuckling at her younger brother's grievance, Suzy shook her head and said "Xiao Shen, you don't understand. Though it is easy for us to take care of the Song family we still don't have any idea on what are they up to. Without knowing their motive if we strike them then it would not be good for us so why not learn their motive then strike them? Anyway, it wouldn't be late to beat him up then right?" 

"Sigh...okay, I got it. I was too impulsive. Now, do you want to head back to your house?" Luo Shen asked