

She was utterly ignoring me, not like she was doing it surreptitiously, no, it was clear, it was very obvious that she hated me already but she wasn't wrong, I didn't deserve her love, the new personality I have characterized just didn't deserve the loyal, lovely, modest Stacey that I had been besotted with. The reason is crystal clear- since I got fame I don't act the same, it would always be from one hockey practice to another or one party to another. So now, with knowledge of hindsight I was the one ignoring her even though I did love her, I cherished and adored her but not as much I did popularity and power... __________________ Trevor Stewart is in the middle of a precarious dilemma and is trapped; a step forward would be catastrophic and horrible for him and for the ones he loves but he still has to make a choice - one choice- what direction would Trevor Stewart; originally snubbed student of Maxwell High lean towards? Join him on this amazing journey of romance, adventure, action and fiction as he suffers to thrive the side effects of fame.

Heis_Browne · Phim ảnh
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14 Chs

Kiss! Kiss!! Kiss!!!

Apologies for the extreme delays of this chapter, I've been lackadaisical I agree but I hope you'd understand and bear with me, dear readers.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to inform y'all that I might not be definite or consistent in updating since I also have school issues to attend to as well as family's, you know, chance is something I lack right now and I really apologize if you are disappointed in me at the moment, I deserve it LOL.

Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to fan…


"How do I look?" I asked with spread arms as I turned round for my dad to access my uniform.

A small smile brightened on his face as he said, "Like my son."

I blushed and coughed a little.

"O' course." I muttered before snatching the carton he held and raced to the dining room.

"You don't intend to eat it all alone, do you?" I asked with a laugh.

His face was evident with worry, I could tell from his dull expression and lifeless smiles, it was obvious something was bothering him, something concerning me.

"It's for you, I'm fine." He said with nearly a whisper as he walked up to me. "You're sure you wouldn't be sent back?"

So that's what it is! He's worried about my school for I had earlier lied about having good excuses and how Principal Argyle loves me a whole lot, but only you and I know what my intentions really are. *winks.

"I'm definite," I said, "I have reasons to share." I lied again.

"They better be good." My father said with a dull, unconvinced tone.

"Hey dad, I'd be fine," my eyes trailed to his and I smiled, forcing him to smile back.

"So, breakfast." I announced childishly as I opened the carton to canned pasta.

"I know it's not much, but just manage." He said glumly, squeezing my shoulder.

I didn't respond; I couldn't ruin the surprise so I merely smiled.

He sighed then spoke, "Bring Stacey whenever you both are ready."

He turned away from me and headed towards the stairs.

I giggled before focusing on my meal.


They were not glances, surely not mere looks, they were stares. Gazes were fixated on me as I walked in the hallway of Maxwell High, students were looking at me with evident concentration but soon the stares erupted into whispers and indistinct chatters, they were talking about me and I knew why- Aaron, as egotistic as he is had made a fool of me and diffused the information about how he got me a week's suspension and how he made Principal Argyle to withdraw my scholarship.

So I wouldn't blame my mates for wondering why I'm here today…

Headphones hung over her crown, her hands fiddled with her backpack straps, her eyes were projected afar from everybody. I stopped offloading my books and glued my eyes on Stacey; the way she purposefully walked in the hallway with every ounce of comportment, how she ignored the ogles from lascivious young men that only came to school to seek a girl they could get into her pants for a cent, the condescending aura she consistently oozed of…I snapped myself from the admiration and shifted my stare from her back to my locker, but it was already too late- she had seen me.

My legs were trembling as I sheepishly arrayed and disarranged books in my locker, my pulse perturbed rapidly when I was engulfed in soft, warm arms.

"I missed you." Her voice was soothing and was clearly laced with sincerity.

The sensation of hygge rekindled in me from Stacey's embrace and I was just starting to enjoy it when she backed up and smiled genially at me.

"Hi." She cordially said.

I turned around and smiled back.

"Hey, Stace'." I said and heaved, hoping to schmoose right away.

"Back already?" she asked and decreased the proximity between us.

"Yeah, Argyle permitted it, I pleaded with him." I lied, hardly containing my excitement with a swallowed upper lip.

"Hmm," she smiled briefly but then wore a morose countenance as if stung by a memory.

"On my way to class." She said and turned away.

My armpit itched as I contemplated the idea of stopping her in exit but I was rather subdued by impulse and I stretched my hand and grabbed her wrist before turning her to me.

Her face was etched with an inquisitive countenance and my heart began to run up and down, or is it front and back? Well, whatever…

I inhaled deeply.

"Stace', I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, really, how I spoke to you, believe me I didn't mean a thing,"

Her face was now blank and cryptic.

However, I continued, "I was just mad, I was full of emotions- anger Stacey, I'm sorry." I concluded, biting my lower lip in anxiety.

"Mmm-hmm, I shouldn't have asked in the first place." She said and turned away.

This time I didn't dare call or back or attempt, I was stunned by her words, stupefied by what she meant- she doesn't really care about me after all.

Angrily I hastened my transfer and walked away for first period.

I saw him, propped against the doorway of my class, surrounded by a bunch of girls, giggling and blushing hardly as Aaron obviously flirted with all of them at once.

They all seemed blindfolded and gagged by his stupid face and annoying physique.

I forced a smile to camouflage my trepidation when he looked surprisedly at me.

I stopped in front of him, smirked, drew my mouth to his ears and whispered, "Three O'clock, today, outside school, don't be late." I whispered and tutted before swaggering into my class.

Eyes shot questions at me and I responded them with a smile as I cockily walked to my seat.

My plan for Aaron was simple, the Universe worked and the Universe would work whenever I want to squelch his neck and smash his face.

I sat on my chair; twiddling with my pen in boredom, I missed my father already and couldn't wait to see his smiling face as we would take turns to testify about the Universe.

A pat fell on my back and I turned my face to see who it was; it was Henry- the guy who had always sat behind me for almost three consecutive years but has never said a 'hi' or 'hello' to me, ever.

I raised my eyebrows and he passed me a paper with so much a glum face.

I received the paper that was boldly scribbled on with ink on its lines and it read…

Today Trevor, pick the place.


I gasped at this and turned my head to her direction; her head was forwarded to the blank whiteboard and her face wore a smile. I grinned at that before tearing a piece of paper from my book then began writing.

Thought you were pissed?

I wrote back, folded the paper and shook my head with a smile as I gave the paper to Henry who grunted before receiving it.

I saw her laughing stifledly as she read the note from my corner eye, and then she opened a marker and starting writing.

My fingers pattered a drum roll on my desk as I anticipated another note, and it came about time.

Henry thumped a piece of paper angrily on my desk, scowling at me before disappearing.

I eagerly unfolded the note and read…

Did I even say that? Maybe I was yah but only cuz you were rude to me for being nice but I understand bae friend

Don't misconceive anything LMAO

I laughed hardly at the note, thumping my clenched hands on my desk in hysteria- she had called me bae, she thinks of me as a bae!

I hastily tore out another paper…

You called me bae?!fbifnnffi LOL, anyways I think we should funny how you hide your feelings geez… :)

I folded the note and turned for Henry and he wasn't anywhere near me, I smiled and put the note under my desk


The clock was slugging from one second to the next, it was just a minute to Twelve O'clock so I began packing my books in my bag, while watching from my peripherals how Stacey quietly sat on her seat, unbothered, uneager just care-free…

It was now! The alarm had rung and I jerked from my seat, hung my backpack on my shoulders before strolling to Stacey's seat.

"Hey, bae." I teased and chuckled.

She lazily smiled at me, looking at me in a fraction of a second.

"Hi, friend." She corrected with clear emphasis on the 'friend'. "Skipping lunch?" she asked dully.

I sighed and sat by her, "How can I eat with a million and three eyes on me?" I laughed quietly and Stacey merely chuckled.

I noticed her somberness, the dullness of her mood but I couldn't help the urge to care about her.

"Hey, what's with the gloom?" I asked, pulling closer to her.

"Nothing." She said with a small laugh.

"Tell me." I prompted and clapped her hand in mine as she slowly raised her face to mine.

"It's music club," she wearily said, "I know you don't give a toss about it but we are in deep trouble, Trevor." She said with a downcast face.

"I care Stacey, I honestly do, if it's got to do with you then I care." The words flew from my mouth with the ear and pierced into her ears as blood pelted to her cheeks and they blushed.

"Thank you, but I don't think you can do anything right now, especially not with your Harry Potter voice." She said and scrunched her nose.

I absorbed her words and we both started laughing hardly at her tease, Harry Potter always had a pubescent voice if I can remember and now my voice with the help of the Universe is now as shrill.

We were still laughing when our foreheads collided, it was hysterical but it stirred up something in me as our brows were still glued together and we closely watched how our eyelids flickered, now the laughter had stopped but our heads were still together; both of us unwilling to break the bond and now my hands moved from the desk to her waist and I felt her hot breath hit my lips as her eyes shut, my eyes closed too and I brought my lips closer to hers and they touched, touched very slightly before a masculine throaty voice interrupted.

"Stacey!" His voice made us shiver and disembody. It was Mr. Smart; he stood in the doorway, looking glumly at us as Stacey stood from her seat.

"Follow me." He added and walked away.

Stacey shyly stood up and ran after him with steps on the fence of jogs and runs.

I reasoned it would be the time to prove to Mr. Smart that I wasn't just a pretty face so I reached for my phone- deleted my previous update about my voice and dashed from the class.

What d'you guys think, about time they kiss or wah?

Tell me your honest opinions about this chapter, I'm literally all ears guys.

Don't forget to vote and wait for the next chapter, love y'all and adios…