

She was utterly ignoring me, not like she was doing it surreptitiously, no, it was clear, it was very obvious that she hated me already but she wasn't wrong, I didn't deserve her love, the new personality I have characterized just didn't deserve the loyal, lovely, modest Stacey that I had been besotted with. The reason is crystal clear- since I got fame I don't act the same, it would always be from one hockey practice to another or one party to another. So now, with knowledge of hindsight I was the one ignoring her even though I did love her, I cherished and adored her but not as much I did popularity and power... __________________ Trevor Stewart is in the middle of a precarious dilemma and is trapped; a step forward would be catastrophic and horrible for him and for the ones he loves but he still has to make a choice - one choice- what direction would Trevor Stewart; originally snubbed student of Maxwell High lean towards? Join him on this amazing journey of romance, adventure, action and fiction as he suffers to thrive the side effects of fame.

Heis_Browne · Phim ảnh
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14 Chs

Highway To Hell

If the gate was shut then my portal was closed too and if my portal is closed then I can't leave to earth and if I can't leave to earth I'd have to stay here with my mother, initially I believed I wanted to stay, in the company of my so long deceased mother but now I had a different purport because if I stay here then my father would get married to Caroline and Stacey wouldn't even know about me; she'd probably think I transferred to another school and that was just worst of the worst.

"I need to go back!" I cried.

"You've ruined your chance Trevor." The sentinel said quietly as we walked back to the room.

"Please, there has to be a way," I hurried to him. "A way for that gate to open right?"

He stopped and furiously glared at me making me dart backwards.

"Yes Trevor there's definitely a way that gate would open," His finger pointed backwards as he continued, "and that would be when we have another visitor which is likely impossible and even if that happens there isn't any way you are leaving here because the portal would only open for whoever's body, so Trevor either way you are stuck, forever." He shouted angrily and I must say; he looked terrifying.

I gasped and left my mouth gaped. I can't be stuck here, I can't remain here, and I can't just die.

Tears seeped down my eyes as I walked into my room and saw my mother's despaired expression, she looked dejected; her still position and dropped jaw and the colorless tears that streaked down her eyes.

I ran to her impulsively but she pushed me away; swatting my hand from her cheeks.

"What have you done!?" She growled with a faltering voice.

"Something stupid, irrational, unreasonable and I'm..." I still had my mouth open when my mother interjected.

"It's been done already, hope is lost." She said in a sunken voice as she pratfell to the floor with suppressed sobs.

I was hurt as I watched her struggle to hold back tears, I was barely suppressing my own tears as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her head shot up with a countenance I couldn't comprehend at the moment,

"Follow me!" She quickly said as she jumped from the floor and ran.

Of course I followed her immediately, my curiosity climbing to its apogee as we ran out of the room.

"What is it mom?" I asked vaguely and hastily as we ran apace indistinctively.

She didn't say anything, we just kept running and soon we appeared into another room that looked somewhat like a monitor room; everybody had their eyes glued to the screens of queer machines making certain taps on its sensitive screens.

"Where is he?!" Mother asked eagerly.

"Sanctum." They all replied in unison without removing their eyes from their machines.

"Follow me." She prompted and I ran, enjoying the spasmodic feeling of intensity as we appeared in the dark room that I emanated in earlier. The sentinel was there with his legs curved and his nostrils emitting monotonous hums.

"Hey, excuse me." My mother said, announcing her presence as she panted.

He grunted lowly before saying, "What is it Nika?" He sternly asked, standing to his feet.

"What about Hades?" My mother asked, giving him a desolate look.

It seemed like we were both thinking about what she said- Hades, the sentinel was rubbing his chin and I furthered my eyes away to void in thought.

Hades according to Greek mythology had two definitions; Hades was a god, a mediocre god; the brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone and was also the ruler of the underworld- Hades, Hades secondly is a world for the deceased governed and controlled by Hades, but in all it was just a perpetuated myth that I never believed in, no human actually did.

But I was still confused about my mother's proposition, of course we were in a strange place with diametrically opposite schemes and systems and maybe Hades did exist and possibly...

"Not happening." The sentinel cut in with a defiant tone.

"I know it's dangerous but it can work." I noticed the promising note in my mother's voice and I quickly interjected,

"Yes it'd work." I said lowly before turning to my mother. "What'd work?" I whispered, and she ignored me but it seemed to me like the sentinel heard the question before my mother said anything because he injected,

"Believe me Stewart, what your mother is proposing is crazy and might not work..."

"But there's a chance." My mother quickly cut in.

"A theoretical chance Vera, we haven't tested this out before so we aren't sure it would work or is even possible." He sighed.

"But if she says it'd work then it would." I said, hanging my arm over my mother's shoulder which she quickly shrugged off; stepping aside from me.

"I can't take that risk, it's not what we do here, we don't send people off to their deaths." The sentinel spoke confusingly.

My eyes immediately lit up. "Death?" I asked the apparent question- Who dies twice?

"Ever heard of Satyr?" He asked and I just gawked at him.

When I didn't speak he continued, "Well he's a ruthless servant of Hades who originally ruled the woodlands but there're some complications in Hades and Hades has been imprisoned, leaving his world in the care of Satyr, but Satyr didn't care for it rather he transformed it to a snake pit; clouded with misery and torment,"

He pulled a face and shook his head before continuing,

"He has barricaded the gates of Hades with ruthless demons and monsters which makes your mother's suggestion suicidal, you wouldn't even get past the first gate Trevor, you'd most definitely get caught and sent to Satyr, believe me boy, you don't wanna know what he gets to do with you." His voice evolved from somber to horrific, or were they his words? Because my ears pricked and my cheeks twinged.

"So there isn't any other alternative?" I asked abjectly, rubbing the back of my neck in discomfort.

"This isn't even an alternative, it's suicide!" His said with a voice laced with irritation.

I just couldn't help the curiosity that bubbled up in me, what it suicide to a dead...

"We've got to give it a try, a shot, it can work." My mother said shakily and I could sense the distrust in her voice as she spoke, she evidently knew that the chance was slender.

"Sacrificing your son to Satyr willingly isn't an imitable motherly virtue." The sentinel said with a laugh.

It irked me, the matter was grave, it was serious, it wasn't funny and he shouldn't laugh, no one should, "You must think this is funny I guess." I said cursorily and removed my eyes from his now grim face.

"Breaking into Hades and alternating their transmission portal?" He said with sarcasm bubbling up in his voice, "That's absurd, laughable if you ask me."

"But I want to do it, I'm ready to do it." I lied, my confidence was seemingly at its acme but honestly I was barely standing, my legs tingled and my lips quivered- I was frightened.

"You have no idea of what you are up against." He huffed at me before continuing, "Everyone things he's a myth; a fabulous creature, everyone regards him as a product of mere fiction, the ecumenical man doesn't take him seriously, he's just a peripheral asp..."

I cut him off, "He's nothing peripheral to me now, I know he's a vicious devilish beast that exists in Hades and is ruling the one place that could get me to earth with misery and torment." I said and rolled my eyes in the poorly illuminated room, alongside a slight smirk.

I turned to my mother with the smirky countenance I wore; she looked so lost in thoughts as her head fell to the ground and her ten fingers entwined in each other.

"That's not all," The sentinel said as I quickly turned towards him; with the similar speed of a lightening streak; he motioned closer towards me with slightly squinted eyes and spoke, "you don't know he has very pointed ears, ears you have never come across in your short lived life Trevor, you haven't cognized with his pug daunty nose, uh with a short, spiky, scary tail attached to his goat-like legs, coupled with his budding thick horns that are as sharp as the irregular archaic blade and please let's not forget his nature; a lewd, lustful, wanton nature towards boys like you Trevor," He chuckled with an implication of scorn, "still wanna be the buccaneering Trevor Stewart from earth?" He smirked.

"You are scaring him."My mother whispered.

Scared was an understatement for what I was feeling; my legs were the first to be defeated by the horrifying description of my savior as they crumbled to the ground, then my hands; they spasmodically shook while my face tingled jerkily and my lips trilled with fright and my heart sunk in my stomach.

"Not so much of a superman after all." He laughed.

I took it as a challenge, but it really wasn't, he only stated the imposing dangers of the suggestion and he was right, I was nothing to front Satyr and I was supposed to comply, apologize to them for ruining my ab initio chances rather I said this,

"I can do it." I said, externally sounding super-confident as I staggeringly rose up to my feet.

The sentinel and my mother looked at me in a flash with bewildered expressions but I merely smiled at them. I was up for the challenge.

"That's it, no more arguments!" The sentinel shouted and his voice terrifyingly echoed in the voids. He pushed between my mother and me and muttered as he past me, "You are going." With that he stormed back to the operation room.

We followed him with hasty and scampering steps.

"We are sending him in!" He gruffly announced and for the first time in my Elysium life did I see them lift their gazes from their machines.

"What?!" They asked in unison, looking from me to the sentinel.

"Yes, he's going in," He turned towards me and gave a very clear look of desolation before tutting...

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