

She was utterly ignoring me, not like she was doing it surreptitiously, no, it was clear, it was very obvious that she hated me already but she wasn't wrong, I didn't deserve her love, the new personality I have characterized just didn't deserve the loyal, lovely, modest Stacey that I had been besotted with. The reason is crystal clear- since I got fame I don't act the same, it would always be from one hockey practice to another or one party to another. So now, with knowledge of hindsight I was the one ignoring her even though I did love her, I cherished and adored her but not as much I did popularity and power... __________________ Trevor Stewart is in the middle of a precarious dilemma and is trapped; a step forward would be catastrophic and horrible for him and for the ones he loves but he still has to make a choice - one choice- what direction would Trevor Stewart; originally snubbed student of Maxwell High lean towards? Join him on this amazing journey of romance, adventure, action and fiction as he suffers to thrive the side effects of fame.

Heis_Browne · Phim ảnh
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14 Chs

Hey Douchebag!

What's going on? I wondered not removing my hands from my mouth, why did I sing like that? Like some extreme choir-boy? I asked myself as my eyes fell on Mr. Smart who literally cringed on his seat, his face wore a very funny expression that I didn't really find humorous amid my mammoth anxiety, Aaron had dissolved into laughter, mouthing enthusiastic laughs and Stacey just smiled at me, with a partial expression of embarrassment.

Slowly I removed my hands from my mouth and the irksome vocalization started again...

"Stop, stop, stop!" Mr. Smart shouted, glaring at Stacey.

I immediately closed my mouth. "I'm really sorry, sorry." I said, casting my face down as I heard Aaron's hysterical chortles.

"Boy what was that?" Mr. Smart asked with a very unserious countenance- it was a scorn. "Duhhhhh..." He mimicked.

"I'm really sorry." I noticed my face had gone crimson from the shame; it was really an embarrassing moment.

"You don't do that 'Tremor'." Mr. Smart snickered and turned to Aaron, like he was asking him for support to taunt me.

"Crooning like birthing birds." Aaron added whilst laughing.

"Exactly, I blame Stacey though." Mr. Smart said and darted his eyes to her.

"She had nothing to do with anything, I voluntarily came for this audition mister and if you don't like my singing sir, you do something about it, you are a music instructor after all, not laughing and displaying your foolishness, with all due respect, Smart." I said angrily, bowing my head to the floor.

"So you are done birthing 'Stewgull'?" Mr. Smart burst out into another paroxysm of laughter, this time it got me so very angry and I stormed out, holding back tears that begged to fall.

But why did I actually sing like that? I was going to sing Calum Scott so how did that happen? I wondered.

"Hey, Trevor." Stacey called, jogging towards me.

"I'm sorry about what happened." I said apologetically.

"No, no, no, it's totally fine." She smiled as she walked beside me; her arms sporadically hitting mine.

"It's not." I said lowly. "I saw your face." My words were accompanied with a mild smile.

"My face? What happened to my face?" Stacey asked, obviously oblivious of her earlier countenance.

"You cringed." I chuckled.

"No I did not," Stacey quietly laughed. "But don't take them to heart; they are a couple o' jerks." Stacey said reassuringly.

"But I did sound bad didn't I?" My gaze met with Stacey's and she giggled.

"Why'd you sound like that by the way?" She laughed. "Just weird."

"Super weird, what makes it weirder is why I sounded like that, you've heard me sing before." I sighed and hissed, my mind hurling back to the Universe.

"Yeah I have, so I actually didn't cringe, I was surprised." Stacey said, ducking her hand in her pockets.

She sounded distorting to me as I had diversified my concentration from her to the Universe, it was likely impossible but there's an ounce of likeliness, considering the time frame from update of status to audition.

"Trevor?" Stacey hauled me from my reverie, casting me a questioning look. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, scrupulously gazing at my eyes.

"I think I know what's happening to my voice, it might seem a little weird." I said with a sizzling voice.

"Tell me." Her expression was clearly rapt, her face tilted towards mine.

"As I said- very weird." I drawled slowly, making Stacey twitch a smile.

I was going to tell her about the Universe but as my lips opened they quickly shut, shut almost immediately- didn't I vow to confidentiality?

"You were going to say something Trevor." She interposed, slightly peering her eyes towards mine.

"Yeah, yeah," I heaved "Well after school, you know, my phone, so I went to the market to get it fixed, but I didn't get it fixed, I heard Britney Spears." I grinned sheepishly, knowing I had sounded an utter fool.

Stacey questioningly arched her eyebrows. "So?" She said, looking uncannily confused, furrowing her eyebrows deeply. "How's that weird or even concerned with what happened today." Her face wringed in confusion.

"'xactly what I am saying Stace," I tensed extremely, "after hearing Spears' voice the I...err...umm," I unnecessarily stuttered making Stacey shift her gaze from my face; she clearly knew I was lying, but after a deep sigh, I continued, "I did some rehearsals and that's just that." I sighed again.

A look of disbelief and incredulity plastered on Stacey's face, of course I sounded ridiculous and absurd, in fact it was an obvious lie, a lie so blatant that it made my heart flutter but it was just what I could say for the moment, no way I was going to tell her how some magical app suddenly does wonders to my voice.

"I know it's insane..." I spoke when she didn't, leaving my mouth agape as she cut in.

"Totally insane." She laughed.

"Well I guess that's why I said 'twas weird." I doubled my steps as we walked towards the diner. "You don't think I'd get in, do you?" I slyly digressed.

"No, I'm certain you won't," She chuckled. "I barely escaped their downpour of scornful heaps." Stacey snickered. "Anyway, we can still be friends, if that's what you want of course." She said solemnly, biting her lip.

That was all I needed to hear, from the horse's mouth and bid stupid illusions goodbye, and the fact that she acknowledged my own feelings was more prestigious, but of course it's what I want.

"Yeah, right," The happiness in my mind left me dumbfounded, I just couldn't think and before I knew it I had opened my mouth to words I never thought of. "What's about this music thing?" I turned to see the intent in her eyes. "You seem particularly interested in it, like something personal." I added.

"Oh! Didn't I tell you; you must know the upcoming prom, well we would be performing on that day, that's the school music club, else an expatriate club would perform and that's really not good you know." She deeply inhaled and exhaled sharply.

"Okay, so you need sin..."

An off-balancing nudge interrupted me, the scornful laughter of Aaron and his friends followed.

"Duhhhhh." They mimicked and snickered before jogging away.

I noticed Stacey's disdainful look at Aaron, her eyes seemed to flare with obvious rage, she clearly hated Aaron, and I hate him too.

Well I ignored them, turning back to Stacey. "So, umm... sorry what was I saying?" I asked finally, after several futile attempts of recognition.

"About what we need, as a club." Her face radiated weak smiles.

"Yeah, I was saying; you guys need singers to perform ain't it?"

"Exactly," She heaved quietly, now looking electrifyingly at me, "it would have been a perfect collaboration- you and I." Stacey whispered, whilst chuckling.

"Right," I blushed slightly. "I would have loved to."

"Oh, don't start." She laughed.

We took seats in the diner, sitting closely together as Stacey was telling me how they're being threatened to come up with a performance or Mr. Smart would be relieved of his duties(which to me would be a very relieving relief of duties) however, she would get affected too as she occupies a very crucial role in the club and she wouldn't enjoy losing it because of 'stupid' prom, we were talking about musical arts and their artists when my gaze relocated from her to Aaron who was bullying a boy by the window at the far end of the diner, he snatched his food from him and snickered away. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind Aaron's consistent bullies except the victim was my own very friend- Browne.

I felt my anger intensify, I felt the impulses overwhelm me, and I felt the spasmy movement of my legs as I jerked from the seat.

"Excuse me Stacey." I muttered, storming towards Aaron and his friends.

They were chattering and snickering; making fun of Browne.

"Hey douchebag!" I yelled at Aaron and I saw his mirthful laughs thaw to a confused expression; he turned, sneered and started walking closer to me.

"What did you say?" He drawled, stopping in front of me.

"Hey douchebag!" I shouted again, glaring furiously at Aaron; his jaw clenched and his face flared.

I know this episode is too short and I apologize, but I promise I'd make it up to you guys in the coming chapters.

Drop your thoughts in the comments section guys.