

Jack, having taken a nice nap trying to comprehend the recent events suddenly hears a knock on his apartment door, getting up to see who it is he opens the door only to be met with a face full of black robe, raising his head upwards he can see the cold expression of one Professor Severus Snape

Jack"Hello, might I ask who you are?"

Snape" I am Severus Snape, a professor, may I come in?"

Jack inviting the stone faced man inside and takes a seat

Jack"So what do you need from me?"

Snape"I am a professor at Hogwarts school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, I have your letter of acceptance and am here to take you to diagon alley"

Jack"So are you on drugs?"

Severus for the first time changes his expression to one of slight surprise tinged with mild annoyance, before waving his hand which suddenly has a stick in it causing the entire room to be filled with fire as the furniture levitates, which he quickly reverses seeing the horrified expression of Jack

Snape"Here, take your letter, I don't have time to dilly dally, lets go"

Jack unable to respond simply takes the letter before following Severus into the building next door and through a stone wall that turned into a door while ignoring the expression of the patrons who showed mild surprise at the grumpy professor

Snape"First we will get you your wand, then you can buy the rest of your stuff by yourself, I assume you can find your way out or be competent enough to ask for directions"

Severus says as his robes billow seemingly never able to hold constant position, Jack once more following the professor like a stray puppy into a dilapidated looking building with a sign that says Ollivanders Wands

'Man, I feel like i'm on a roller coaster, dude can't even give me a minute to collect myself for christs sake, right right, Ollivanders that quack, I suppose he will appear out of no where in a few seconds'

Speaking of the devil Ollivander appears directly behind Jack startling the cheesus out of him

Ollivander" ebony with phoenix tail feather, dragon and kelpie heart string 13 1/2 stiff, it has been quite some time since I last saw you Severus"

Severus"Still remember what wand you sold me, whatever, get this kid a wand"

Jack"Nice to meet you, my name is Jack Stewart"

Ollivander"Pleasure, I am Garrick Ollivander, you feel like a tough one, right or left?"

Jack"Uhh, Left?"

Suddenly a measuring tape appears out of no where as Ollivander disappears for a while, feeling molested by the measuring tape currently measuring his butt, Jack slaps it to the ground ignoring Snapes slight chuckle

Ollivander coming back hands a wand to Jack which causes a explosion resulting in the store front almost falling apart, Ollivander quickly takes it back before handing Jack another wand, this scene repeated a few hundred times after Snape made a speedy exit avoiding the falling debris and the melancholic yet crazed smile that graced Ollivanders face

Ollivander"Well young lad, it would appear I have no wand fit for you, hmm, maybe"

Following this Ollivander once more disappears before reappearing after a few minutes with a black metal box covered in runes

Ollivander"This wand has been in my family as long as we have existed, no idea anything about it except that it reacts violently to anyone who tries to touch it and that it is almost incorporeal"

Ollivander quickly opens the box before shoving it towards jack who hurriedly grabs it before it falls to the ground and takes the wand, which results in the rest of the store front disintegrating before repairing itself much to Ollivanders amazement as a golden glow quickly envelops the store turning it from its once dilapidated former self to a shiny brand new store, the wand thats now about 16 inches long and pure black save for the green and gold streaks running through it disappears as a tattoo appears on Jacks left wrist

Ollivander"Stupendous, it pains me to part with that wand, however, you seem to be its perfect match, you can have it for free so get out before I try to take it back"

Jack completely believing ollivanders words quickly leaves before stumbling around the rest of diagon alley to buy what he needs

Jack walking by a store suddenly feels a strong attraction and walks inside immediately being drawn to a seemingly half dead snake in a tank and a scrawny looking bird, looking towards the sleeping clerk Jack half yells

Jack"Hey, how much for this snake and bird?"

Clerk"Its pretty much dead, you can just have it since it bites whoever gets close to it, as for the bird 5 sickles"

Jack quickly grabs the tank and pays the clerk before leaving returning to his apartment before thinking

Jack"Great Sage, can you analyze the snake and wand?"


Yggdrasils Wand- A wand made from the heart of the tree of life, the world tree Yggdrasil as the wood, the core inside the wand is a mix of Phoenix Heart, Thunderbird Heart, and Thesterheart string wrapped around a thin hollow piece of adamantium filled with a unknown blood

Bird- A half phoenix half thunderbird in disguise

Snake- A infantile basilisk king with the bloodline of a dragon

'I can't tell if this is good or bad'

(Sorry its so quick paced, I wanted to both get another chapter, and get to the hogwarts 1st year arc)