
Club Chapter 3

Elianna Pov

I decided to go the near by Starbucks to grab coffee and maybe a muffin for lunch since I skipped breakfast. I texted my best friend when I got in the car and told her to meet me for her lunch break I gave her the address which was not far from her work . I got to the café in 5 min I got in and ordered a caramel Frappuccino with extra caramel for me and a chocolate cappuccino for Maddi since that was her favorite and a blueberry muffin, cheese Danish two butter croissant and two chocolate chip cookies. I went to sit down until the waitress came with my stuff . I got my phone out and started scrolling on my Instagram account when I heard the bell on door of Starbucks opened . She saw me and she screamed I just stood up and smiled . She hugged me . " I missed you Lili " she said

I laughed at her " you saw me two days ago Mads " I replied

" Can't a girl miss her bestie "

I just shook my head and smiled at her . She started telling me about her work . "Yeaaaa!! You got us food " she said has of she has never had food before. Even though Maddi was slim she ate a lot sometimes I wonder how she does it.

"So guess who's the newest assistant manager? "

" Omg I forgot to asked you . I'm so proud of you , you are all grown up now " she faked wiped away her fake tears . " Anyways before you say anything, you can't say no because I'm not asking you I'm telling you this " I looked at her with a puzzled face and told her to continue. " We are going to lux today to celebrate " I looked at her and laughed she knows I hated clubs I saw that she was serious. " ooh no way in hell am I going to Lux you have got to be kidding me Maddison." I look at her again and say that she was very serious I knew their was not a point in arguing with her so I just mumbled an okay . We talked and continue eating until her break was up and had to go back to work we hugged and we left the café. " I'm over after work so make sure you shower so i can shower after you done." I said okay

After I got home I saw my stepfather I told him about my interview and he told me how happy he was for me . After that I ran upstairs to start looking for something to wear since I knew Maddi would get here soon, even though it was only 3:30 I knew Maddi and I knew myself and I take a while to get ready so started from now. I ended up with three dresses which I placed on my bed and the headed downstairs to see my mom and the twins .

" Hey mom". I greeted her . " Hey sweetheart, so how was it ?" It's funny to say that my mother was looking nervous as hell I smiled at her reaction . " Well you are looking at the newest assistant manager of the King's corporation ! " my mom was screaming like a mad woman and I just jumped along with her . We stopped after a minute. " I'm so proud of you, my baby girl is all grown up now " and she wiped her tears . " It's funny Maddi said the same thing as you did " my mom laughed and said only Maddison.

After telling my mom that Maddi wants to go out and celebrate she said I could go but I have to be safe . I talked to my two favorite small humans and went upstairs to get a shower since it was already 6:30 . While I was in the bathroom I heard Maddi saying she was here . I brushed my teeth and got out since I forgot to do it before I showered .

When I got out I didn't even get a chance to talk Maddi came up to me and yanked my hand to my makeup table and said sit . I already know there is no fight her so I just sat down still . After 35 min she was done I looked in the mirror and honestly I wasn't shocked Maddi is great at make-up. I got to my drawer at put on my white lace panties and bra . After doing that I saw that Maddi had already went to bathroom to take her shower. Once she was out of the bathroom in nothing but her undie and a bra she went and did her make-up she got up and looked at the three dresses together we decided on the white dress with my white heels and clutch with my braids down .

Madison decided to wear my black laced dress with black strap heel and a black clutch with almost similar make-up to mine.

We both looked in my mirror that I've looked in about 5 times since today . " Damn girl we look hot " Maddi commended

We called an Uber and told my mom that well be back by 2 if not well just go to Maddi's apartment or an hotel. And we were out . While in the Uber Maddi gave me a VIP card so that we could enter without having to stand in the long line out front.

Christian Pov

I drove home and once I was in I went straight to my bar I poured myself a glass of whiskey and downed it all at once I poured one more and away it went. I hear the door open and I saw Marc . " Lets go to Lux's get drunk and get some girls " he said with a smirk. I shot him a smile and got in the elevator . I went to take a shower it was at moment I realized that I did not smell so good and the scent of blood and death lingered around me. About 45 minutes later I was done and dressed

in some black skinny jean with a grey sweater shirt with a black leather jacket with my favorite black Clarks.

"dude you ready? "

" Yea I'm done hold on man " I answered. Marc was dressed like he would normally dress

Demi jeans with a white T- Shirt and a black leather jacket with his so called favorite poker vans .

We both got out of my room and I let my personal bodyguard Matthew drive me now because I know I won't be sober enough to drive later.

When we got to Lux I didn't have to stand in line to go in, I went In straight away . The music was loud I could smell the sweat and alcohol in the place , but right now I just needed it . I went to the bar and order shots the bartender was clearly flirting with me but I wasn't in the mood right now . I toke my shots and had her give me one after the next . I walked to an empty booth and sat . After my third glass of whiskey and coke Marc comes over with one in hand too . Two girls walked our way one seemed like she was Spanish since the first thing she said was hola papi . Marc seems to like it but I could care less at the moment.

It's gonna be a long ass night. Marcus and his chicks were all over each other I however was just not in the mood for this bullshit at all.

Elianna's . Pov.

I got to Lux's I paid the Uber driver and we got out . We didn't have to wait in line because the bodyguard at the door was Macy's brother's best friend so he just let us in what was the point of the VIP cards . The music was so loud I don't even think I could hear my own thoughts. It was ragging with the smell of sweat and alcohol . We went to the bar and Maddi ordered shots I gave her a knowing look and she just said I need to relax . We got the shots and we downed them . My throat was burning from the liquid. " Good night, what can I get a beautiful lady like you tonight ? " he smiled.

He was a cute guy rather hot btw . He was blond and had a muscular body you could see it and he had a great smile to top it off . " how about the hot bartender give me a martini " I said with a smile. He smirked and got to busy . I looked over at Madison and see that she was talking with a guy she mouthed that she was going to dance and I gave her a thumps up with a smile . I turned back and I was greeted with a deep blue sea martini . " Thank you "

I replied .

" So how comes a beautiful lady like you are here alone? " he asked

" Actually I'm not alone I'm here with my best friend Maddi if you look over there you'll see her grinding on a dude. " I said with a giggle. He looked at saw her then said I see .

I had been talking to the bartender ( Anthony ) for a while now I got to know him a bit he was still in college and works here for extra money since he had a girlfriend with a baby on the way . He was really friendly and he was study to become a doctor . After awhile he left to go attend to some people since there were more people at the bar now . I felt a tap on my shoulder and I sinned around there stood the most beautiful man I've ever laid my eye on . He looked 6'3 with black silky hair I couldn't see his eye color well but he looked tan he definitely had a divine body he had facial hair and a great jawline and--- my thoughts were got short when he cleared his throat I looked up at his eyes the were hazel brown with a hint of green he smirked . " Done checking me out" he asked .

I started to blush . " Hey I'm Christian " and he stock out his hand for me to shake I toke it " Elianna nice to meet you Christian " he looked like someone I knew but I just couldn't put my finger on it . He laughed a little and showed his perfect white teeth " So you Elianna Levy really don't remember or know who I am ? "

I look at him with a puzzled face

And said no .

" Remember high school senior year second trimester on the first day of school I was new and you had to show me around , does that ring a bell "

💡Then it hit me it's Chris , at least that what I used to call him . I jump of the chair and hugged him . " Omg Chris is it really you ofc I remember now you used to always get in trouble 😁😁😁😁"

I laughed. I let him go and went to sit out back on the stool . " And you used to always try to get me out 😉😁😁" he winked .

"I haven't seen you since you left the end of last trimester in senior year ."

" Yea I moved away my dad said to better my behavior " he rolled his and I laughed.

" I've been here for about a year and a half now . " We talked for a while as I continue drinking my martinis I was feeling the alcohol more and more and it made me feel free .

" Would you care to dance with me Elianna , please don't say no " I laughed and said ofc I would love to and he smiled . When we got on the dance floor Candy shop starting and I remembered how much I loved this song I don't know if it was the alcohol but I turned around so my back was facing his front and I started grinding on Chris . At that moment I felt free . He leaned I a whispered in my ear . " you look so damn great in this dress. To say you look hot would be an understatement."

" Thanks , you don't look too bad yourself no wonder why all these girls are eyeing you like a piece of meat and looking at me like I committed a murder ". I giggled " Same to you, every guy in here has their eyes on you ".

I grinded away I could feel that I had an effect on him, I could feel his manhood poking below. I just smiled we dance a couple more songs until out of no where he spun me around and crashed his lips on mine. At first it was just a relaxing kiss but with a lot of need in it . He bit my lip and I granted him access we fought for dominant I gave up and he won and he explored my month. So this what kissing Christian Alfonso feels like.

Hey guys . i did both points of view in the chapter i hope . please show me some support.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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