
Christian chapter 2

I woke up to someone hitting me with a pillow only to see that it was my annoying best friend Marcus. He knows I hate when he does that yet still he does it. Shh. " Man what hell is wrong with you dude !" He just looked at me and laughed . " Wake up sleepy head , we have a little problem " . As soon as he said that I get up and looked at him with a confused face . " What could be the problem this early in the morning that you had to wake me up " I asked . The next three word that left his mouth will forever haunt me . " Nick is dead " he didn't even look up at my face he hung his head low . I felt all the blood drain out my face I was furious and was more than furious after he said " and the Venom gang were the ones who did it " .

At this point I was out of bed and putting on a shirt . I went to my walk-in closet and put in a code and it revealed my set of guns I got my shoot gold and handed the beats 1911 to Marc he didn't have to ask me any questions he knew what I was think and he knew what I was about to do . " I have told those Motherfuckers not to mess with me or my fucking people" at this point I was about to blow . I got to level 1 of my house by using the elevator and got my keys to my black SUV ( BMW X5 ) .

I reversed out of my garage and speeded down the drive way as soon as the gates hung open I was out . I can't believe they killed him that my fucking cousin, their in deep shit now . Marc looked at me and said we already did most of the work he's in the cabin in the wood I shot him a devilish smile and head to the highway 47 . It's normally a 1 and a half hour drive but I got to the cabin in 45 mins. I'm pretty sure I broke a lot of traffic rules but who cares i was never one to care about rules. Once i was out of the car I busted the doors and went straight to the basement and there he was tied up to a wooden chair.

*( If you do not like violence please skip to the next chapter plz ) *

" James James James James James how many times have told I told you to NOT let your man mess with mine !? " .

" Christian it was a misunderstanding Nicholas was just at the wrong place at the wrong time . It wasn't intentional. We didn't want to kill him . Please spare me Christian Please . " He face was crawling with fear he knew what I was going to do and he was supposed to know that nothing is going to stop me from doing it either.

I looked across the room and saw the torture table with all my favorite tools on it . I signal for Marc to go out he frowned first then obeyed. As I walked to the table I saw the iron skull Dagger I smirk came on my face as I knew what I was going to do to him now . I picked it up and walked towards him , suddenly all the blood drained from his face and his eyes widened in horror while I just stood there smirking. I was boiling with rage it's not the first the this gang of his has taken someone I loved they toke Valentina from me she was my first ever love and they taught it would be funny to take her away from me to scare me and then actually kill her. She was hoping that I would come to save her they kidnaped her and raped her, beat her, torture her, cut her skin and these sick bastards videoed it all and sent it to me those images will never leave my mind they way she scream my name. she couldn't hold on after the 5th day she died. And these bastards went into hiding until a month ago. I was at the edge by this memory and I just toke one look at him and walk for to him . " You like to see me like this don't you !? " before he could answer I toke is index finger from his left hand and chopped it off with the dagger " ahhhhh " he screamed I went ahead and toke the other index finger from the next hand and I did the same thing again at that very moment Marc came in and look at me with a shocked face. I looked then turned back to James. So tell me James was killing Valentina also an accident huh? Who were you trying to kill if not my cousin huh? Who the fuck was it James ? Answer me now. " I men was supposed to go after one of Blaze's we taught he was working for Blaze now because we have spotted them together on different locations. We wanted to give Blaze a message because he have been messing up my deals and orders" he explained. That is funny because we have also been having some trouble I taught we had a rat but I refuse that my cousin was the rat. I looked at Marcus and he looked deep in thoughts. At this point was even more angry I toke out my gun and shot him in his left leg ahhhhh another fit of screams filled the walls. I really didn't care right now. I went up close to him and my fist connected with his face I kept on punching him until he started coughing up blood I even broke his nose I was fuming with anger. "Do you think killing her was funny "!! I couldn't take the anger I shot him in is other leg this time as he sat there looking lifeless blood was every where in site. "And to top it off you (accidentally ) kill my cousin" . He had to pay and right there and then I pulled the trigger and the bullet went straight in his face leaving blood everywhere. I turned to Marcus " get someone to clean this shit up, and send a message to the venom gang and tell them to submit or die." He nodded then I left the room.

I got in my car and speed away I went to the only place that I go to when I want to calm myself. I miss her so much I said early that Valentina was my first love that was not true. When I was 16 my parents relocated in California so they sent me to Stone wall high school and there I met the most beautiful girl Elianna Levy she was smart and sassy gets irritated by me very quick. The way her face would look when she is angry at me was funny her friend Maddison had a crush on me but that later ended when I told her I liked Eli. Elianna's smile could make any guy fall to his feet she was just a perfect girl. I later found out I was in love with Elianna but I knew she was never in my level or should I say league. I was also a bit of a trouble maker and a big time player so I get expelled by that I was 17 and it was almost graduation. I went away to Harvard College I studied business so that I could take over Alfonso Corps. I met Valentina in my senior year of college I loved her but I was just not in love with her but it still hurt me a lot to see her get hurt by those disgusting people. I tried looking for Elianna when I toke over Alfonso Corps but I came up empty handed.

TRING TRING TRING TRING TRING I looked at my phone thinking it was just Marcus but seeing that it was my uncle Liam my cousin Nick's dad. " Christian I need to talk to you get to my house" he said then cut the call he didn't even wait for my reply. I know he most be grieving and angry so I don't mind. I entered my uncle's house and I could see that he was angry vases were no more whole but in pieces and I heard yelling I walked to where I heard his voice. "I need them fucking found and dead that is my child they killed my son" his voices cracked and he turned around and say he hung up the same time. " I found them already and dealt with the matter at hand uncle" I said hanging my head low my eyes began to water Nick was like a brother to me Liam walked over to me " son it's fine it's not your fault Nicholas knew what he was going into" I looked at him and blinked away my tears " we have reasons to believe that Nick was leaking information to Blaze's gang and that is why James's men taught he was working with them so they shot him to send Blaze a messages. " I called you here to discuss you take over the Kings Corps".