
Is it wrong to be a Huntsmen in the Dungeon

Noir is a college student who focused on studying, but was a fan of RWBY, however as he made his way home he died from a heart attack Now he wakes up in a field with a great sword at his side and is shocked on who he looked like. "Shit I just had to be my favorite character" Read as he heads to a city full of gods a dungeon and avoids horny goddesses

Nether_Ark · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Arrival and problems

Right now me and Neo have been traveling for a while now, and things have been interesting. During our travel towards Orario, we encountered more bandits.

It was the same line the same strategy and the same results. It was tiresome to say the least, but the good news is that we looted every bandit.

The bad news, the two of us don't know how much we earned. So we had to head towards the city and find someone who could teach us.

"Okay then, Neo can you check how much time we have left in order ti arrive?" Neo gave me a salute and began to tap on her scroll.

After a few more minutes, she came back to my side and showed me the amount of time we have left.

'Half an hour left.' I nodded in satisfaction and the two of us continued to make our way towards the city.

During our travels, i remembered that harbinger is also a gun. And I began to worry how I was going to make some ammunition.

"Um Neo." She faces with her head tilted to the side and looks at me.

"Do you have a way for me to have more ammunition?" She then placed her hand into her pocket, and pulled out a box full of ammunition.

I just had my mouth opened and stared at her in shock, i was confused on why and how, but then remembered that Neo has her scroll.

"Let me guess, your not going to tell me?" She nodded her head and began to skip away. I just sighed and just followed her.

'I have so many questions at this point.' But I just tossed that thought at the back of my head and continued to follow Neo.

As soon as we neared the edge of the forest, I saw a large tower in the distance. I smiled at the sight and began to jog towards it.

Neo seeing how happy I was, started to jog as well smiling. I was about to embark on a new journey, a new life and no one is going to get in my way.


"It'll be 20,000 Valis please." Someone is in the way, a guard at the wall is asking us to pay a fee to enter the city and the two of us don't know.

Neo just reaches into the bag and pulls out some coins and pays the guard, the guard just clicks his tongue and moves to the side.

I just looked at Neo and all she did was smile, I began to think we were about to spend all of the money we got from the bandits.

"Neo, go get the money we paid." I said with a deadpan expression. She just nodded her head, and followed the guard to get our money back.

I just went inside, and waited for Neo to come back with the money we spent. After a few more minutes, I heard the sound of glass breaking and looked to my right.

Neo was standing their with a bag full of Valis, and was smiling like she won the jackpot.

"That bag was the guards right?" She nodded her head and shook it, making the bag produce a jingling noise inside.

"Well, we aren't going to return it since we need the money. So let's use it for a good cause." I said while chuckling.

Neo just covers her mouth and silently giggles at what I said, now the two of us need to find the guild and find a familia .

Now from the information I received, we have about a year before Bell arrives. So I have enough time to grow strong and maybe reach level three.

Maybe four if I can reach the higher levels, but that's if we can find a familia. But we had to move quickly while getting stares from many adventures.

Some adventures tried to convince us to join their familia, but all it took was a simple glare for them to back off.

Other times we used Neo's semblance to help us get away, and to say the least, we even made one of the adventures think he was having sex with Neo in public.

Those were good times, but now we finally arrived at the guild and made our way inside. As soon as we stepped inside, everyone looked at us and began to whisper.

"Look, it's those two I told you about." Said one of them

"You mean the ones who showed up in strange clothing?" Replied another.

"She's just my type." Said another

"Good luck with that man." Replied another, we just ignored them all and made our way towards the advisors.

All of them were busy except for one, she wore a white shirt with a black vest. And she had red hair that reached her waist, on the top of her head were two wolf ears and a tail was behind her.

"Welcome to the adventurers guild, how can I help?" She asked with no emotion on her face.

"Hello, my companion and I would like to register as adventurers." The woman takes a look at me and Neo and nods her head.

"Alright, please follow me and we can begin to register the two of you." She said, the two of us then made our way following the woman and soon we began to fill in out information.

"Alright, with that out of the way, here's a list of gods and goddess that are available." She then hands us a book containing familias and left us to see who we can apply to.

"Let's see, Frey she can suck ten ducks. Loki can have a spear stuck through her throat. Apollo, beat his head on the floor and rip his head off." I then continued to flip through the pages but didn't find Hestia.

I mean I did find Hephaestus, she would be a good choice but they would be for support if they went dungeon diving.

And blacksmithing is not a skill I got when I received the information of this world, I only have the information of harbinger and that's it.

I called the woman back and asked her if there were any new gods or goddesses that descended.

"There is one who descended recently, her name is Hestia but I wouldn't recommend her." She said, but that didn't matter to me.

As long as I avoided the other three, no wait four since Ishtar is here as well, I'll be fine. I looked at Neo and she knew who I was going to pick.

"Hestia will do." The woman's eyes widen for a sec but then returned normal.

"I would advise you to choose someone else, she owes a great debt to Hephaestus." I just waved my hand and dismissed her advice.

"It's fine, can you let her know that we are interested in joining her familia?" I asked, seeing as I'm not going to change my mind she sighs and agrees.

"That is fine, from now own I'll also be your advisor. My name is Rose." She stuck out her hand, and I shook it.

"It is nice to meet you miss Rose." She then left us and went to notify Hestia of our interest.

Half an hour later, we heard the sound of slapping heading towards us, and soon a girl with black hair with two long ponytails reaching the floor.

She also whore a small white dress and her chest were threatening to appear. The girl then placed her hands on her knees and took a few minutes to breaths

"So-sorry for the late arrival." After she calmed her breathing she raises her head and smiled.

"My name is Hestia and who might you be?" She asked I returned the smile and replied.

"The names Qrow, Qrow Branwen."

(A/N) HEY HEY here's todays chapter hope you enjoyed it and send some power stones if you did.

Now things will be confusing since I still need to read the manga but I'll just wing it.

For now peace