
Iron and Monsters

The story is set in the Medieval ages where a family who are blessed the ability to kill monsters who have been around for years must deal with a new and dangerous and a past that nobody seems to know about

Princess_Edak · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


Back at the castle of Baron Fall, King William is walking with a few guards and four men by his side. The two men on William's left were Lord Henry Ramos and Lord Aemon Gilead. Lord Henry was fat man in stature and average in height with a very chubby face. His eyes were brown and his hair black and he had fair skin. He had a beard which was the same color as his hair. He was wearing a wine colored robe. Henry was in charge of the kingdom's food supply, he owned the cities farm and rearing houses. Lord Aemon on the other hand was a knight. He was a tall dark skinned man with big brown stylish cornrows. His eye color was a grayish brown color and he was wearing a golden like amour and a big sword by his side. Aemon was in charge of the all the soldiers and he was the one who selected all the royal guards that work for the king. The men on King William's right were Lord Sebastian Brimley and Sir Jabot Graham. Lord Sebastian was the king's royal advisor and assistance. He helped the king to enforce law and he also helped the king with some advice and he was also in charge of the kingdom's capital. He was a tall man with brown eyes and fair skin and he had the looks of a man in his forties, his hair and beard were gray in color and he had a golden chain with a golden ball hanging on it. The necklace was used for identification and that meant that anyone who wore it was the royal advisor to the king. Sir Jabot was the kingdom's royal healer* (Sir Jabot was like the medical expert in Baron Fall during this story timeline). He was an elderly man who was in his sixties, he had green eyes and little hair on his head and he was wearing a brown robe. He owned a building in Baron Fall which was called the healer's den where he taught people how to cure certain illnesses with different herbs, mixture and methods. Behind the king, the lords and the guards was Eleanor, who still had her new face, following them quietly without even making a sound or drawing any attention to herself. They were all walking in the castle when they came across the guards that were blown away by the triplets all lying on the helplessly. Their amour had been damaged seriously and they all had injuries such as bleeding noses, cuts and grazes on their faces. "Well will you look at that, this is unbelievable" Sir Jabot said as he bent down and examined the guards on the floor with an excited face. "I suppose this is where all the noise was coming from" Lord Aemon said as he also bent down to examine the guards. "Tell me Aemon, you are expert when it comes to sword fighting, what type of sword style caused this much damage?" Jabot asked as he broke off a piece of amour from a guard and began to examine it. "It wasn't ordinary one, that I can tell you. My king you did say these people had mystical abilities" Aemon said and just as William was about to say a word, Damian came running out of the room where he murdered Florence and started running towards William. "Father, he's alive, he speaks" Damian said as he was trembling with fear. Jabot heard this news, stood up and started running toward the direction where the room was and the king, the guards and the lords followed him. "Oh my, there are even more fallen guards here and I think unlike the other ones we found outside, these ones might be dead" Jabot said as he raise his robe as he tip-toed over the guards. The others following him did the same then suddenly a seized king William's leg. "They had wolves, a wolf did this to me" the guard said as he coughed out blood. The king signaled two guards to carry the guard and take him to the healer's den and the guards lifted him and carried him outside of the room. Jabot came closer to the black stone that had a head with slivery hair sticking out of it, he came closer to the head and then touched it and immediately the head the man in the stone lifted his head and his eyes were open. This made Jabot to jolt in fear. The man had brown eyes, short hair and very pale skin. "Get me clothes" the man said. His voice was deep and shaky. "You mean you are unclothed under there? Fascinating, bring this man clothes" Jabot said as he signaled the guards. The king and the lords came closer to the man in the stone with amazement written all over their faces. "I would like some privacy while I change, I will meet you in the castle meeting room" the man said. "You know where the meeting room is?" Jabot said. "Of course I do, I am the one who made this castle what it is today" the man said and as soon as he said that the guards came walking with folded clothes in their arms. The guard dropped the clothes in front of the man and immediately after that everyone left the room. The man trapped inside the stone broke his arms free and picked up the clothes. Eleanor was behind the door of the room and saw all that had happened and she was left in shock.

The king and the lords with Sir Jabot are in the castle meeting room. It has quite the number of windows so the room was well illuminated. It had a big rectangular wooden table and the edges of the table were lined with gold. The table had five golden chalices* (Chalice is a large drinking cup often having a stem and a base).The king was seated at the one far end of the table with Lord Sebastian by his right and on his left was an empty seat and the rest of the three chair were where Lord Aemon and Henry with sir Jabot seated. Henry was lost in thought until he finally spoke out, "I don't know how spell casting works, that I will admit, but why on earth was he naked" Henry said as this made everyone in seated in the meeting room groan in frustration. "Maybe that is just how the spells works" Jabot said. "My king, you never explain to us who that man was if I recall" Henry said. "His name is Alaric; he was the king of Baron Fall before the whole world was cursed and he has mystical powers that we believe will eradicate all the monsters. Sir Jabot here did some digging through the books in the castle and found the map of where his prison was located and that instruction on how to set him free" Sebastian said. Sebastian was not only the king's advisor but also his spokesman. After a short while Alaric walked into the meeting room wearing the clothes that were given to him. He was wearing an amour like golden mantle. He noticed the empty chair and sat on it. Outside of the meeting room was one of the royal maid hold a jar of red wine, she was about heading into the meeting when suddenly came behind her, grabbed her mouth with one hand and held the jar of wine with another, and dragged away from the meeting room door. Back in the meeting room, Alaric was examining the men seated on the table with his eyes shifting from one place to another. King took a little cough that broke the silence and finally spoke. "It is an honor to have you here; you see we have this book that has the stories, importance information and achievement of all the kings of Baron Fall, before and after the curse." William said. "So this blasted curse it still here, no wonder you broke me free" Alaric said and his voice was still deep, but much more stable this time. Eleanor entered the meeting room now wearing the cloth the maid was wearing and holding the jar of wine. As she entered, Aemon looked at her as she walked with a very confused look on his face. "You are the maid that was meant to bring our wine? Why on earth are you coming by this time, we have been waiting her for ages" Henry said sounding quite vexed. Eleanor apologized and served the wine to everyone, as she came near Alaric she examined him quickly as she poured the wine into his cup and then left and stood by the side of the door. Aemon turned around and took a quick look at her and then turned back his seat to face William. "Anyways, how did you guy break my prison, who's blood did you use" Alaric said fiddling with the golden chalice that was in front of him. "The Prince, Damian Thyroid was the one who set you free Alaric. Our first attempt was to use the former queen of Baron Fall, Queen Margret Thyroid blood to…." Sebastian was saying before he was interrupted by Alaric when he said "This queen Margret you speak of, where does she come from and what power does she possess". "Well she is from Baron Fall and she does not possess any powers…" Sebastian said and just as he was about to say another word he was interrupted again by Alaric when he said "She possesses no power at all, so what made you think that her blood would have set me free". "Well we didn't know for sure but we thought…" Sebastian said as was once again interrupted by Alaric when he dropped the chalice he was holding and with a little bit of anger in his voice he said "You thought? There was nothing to think about, my instructions were clear enough, the blood of someone who has my kind of power, and how could you just waste the blood of a simple mortal?". Eleanor's eyes grew wide after hearing this. "We know we got it wrong, and we are sorry for that, but after I had to kill my wife and nothing worked I went to my room to grieve. As I entered my room I saw a black tube on my window, I picked it up and opened it, it turned out to be a letter from King Richard Marian. The let…" William was saying before he got interrupted by Alaric when he said "Marian, did you just say Marian?" . "Yes, the Marian family sent us a letter. They wanted to form an alliance…" William said before he got interrupted by Alaric again when he said "This Marian family, tell me about them." As Alaric said that, Sebastian and William exchanged looks at each other before William beckoned Sebastian to speak. "Well the Marian family are the rulers of the North and they all dwell in a castle located in a place they call Iron Ground. People say that the North is under a spell that prevents monsters from coming near there just as this cage like shield covering the whole city repels the monsters. King Richard Marian is the current king is the North and he has a wife and six children, it will be better for me to say he had six children, and all of them possess a mystical power" Sebastian said and this made Alaric laugh. "Of course, of course they will have powers, who else would she give it to" Alaric said while laughing. "According to the information I have heard, they are all very skilled when it comes to monster killing and fighting. The fourth born and the second girl of the family, Florence I believe that was her name was the person the person Prince Damian killed to set you free" Sebastian said and this word made Eleanor's eyes to shed tears a little and the gripped the handle of the jar tightly. Aemon turned his head to where Eleanor was standing and saw this and turned again to face the king. Eleanor quickly cleaned her tears before anyone could notice. Alaric laughed for a while and then he finally spoke. "Tell me then, how did you get your hand on a Marian" Alaric said. "King Richard proposed wanted an alliance and he proposed a marriage between that Florence girl and Prince Damian. We read the instructions again and we realized that she would make the perfect sacrifice to set you free from your prison and so we accepted the proposal. The next day the Marians were at the castle gate, are men tell us that they came through a beam of light or something like that. Things didn't really go as planned though. We may have managed to set you free but they fought back and we have lost half of our royal guards, I'm sure you came across the bodies on your way here and we weren't able to catch any other member of the Marian family. We believe they are still somewhere within the city and we will try our best to catch them if that is okay with you." Sebastian said. "Don't forget they had very big and dreadful looking wolves with them" Sir Jabot said. "Wait let me guess, they had dean wolves" Alaric said. "Well we don't know exactly what kind of wolves they had" Sebastian said. "It has to be dean wolves, they're the only friendly monsters out there" Alaric said. "Monsters can be friendly?" Henry asked. "It is only dean wolves I know of, not sure about other monsters"