
Invincible, Dragon Kin

Sometimes, Death is a Royal Bitch.... She lives and breathes making people dance to her tune. My life was great.. until I tested her patience with me. Now, I'm a Dragon Kin, in the world of Prandis, a place of magic and where the sword is what dictates who you are. One catch, I'm not a demi human, or Human. I am the a Child of the Dragon Lord. Like I said, Royal Bitch.

DerpyChan69 · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

I am Dead

Empty space, that's how I would discribe it. No light, no solid mass, complete sensory deprivation. Being Dead is peaceful, yet I am going insane in the darkness. Why did I have to be a hero? why did I jump in front of the innocent woman and take that bullet instead?

"She was pregnant, you saved a new life."

Whoever the disembodied voice was, she was right, and yet. "Is it really being a good person, if I regret it?" The voice laughed. "No, that's not the definition of a good person. But none said you were good. Just dumb."

"I saved her because she was innocent, not for a trip to heaven." The voice sighed. "You know, you could accept your death and move on to a new life." I laughed this time. Yeah, I'm not sure going back will change who I become. A man with no morels and few friends. "No, I'm going to stay here. The world needs less men like me." A Man who used to break legs for a drug lord. The voice sighed. "Fine, you give me no choice. I am reincarnating you. But there is a catch. You won't be human. You won't have anything to do with the species you care nothing for. You will have a harder time dying too, I don't want to see you again for a long time."

"How is that, if I'm not human then what am I."

"You will see. Goodbye, Zane."

The light was blinding, I couldn't see anything.

"Fucking Bitch!"

Her laughter was the last thing I heard.

The grass beneath my ass was soft and crisp at the same time. I didn't know what to think anymore. I was dead, and now I had titanium claws and a scale like texture to my skin. "That Bitch! What the fuck am I?"

Even my voice was different. more like a growl than an actual voice. I also have a mouth full of fangs instead of teeth. A laugh filled my head. "Kin, yet not. I am your Lord, Bahamut. Tell me the name of my child."

"Zane, I don't know what a Kin is."

"You are Black Dragon Kin, Your fire is that of darkness, Like Death herself. Look into the water of the lake, know my truths."

Bahamut couldn't be lying, could she? I rose and looked at the lake with fear. "Be calm, little Dragon, I will not abandon my son given to me by Death. I welcome her gift."

"I think she punished me for not wanting to return." Bahamut chuckled. "Not a very good punishment, then. I will be your Mother, child. I am not a weak Dragon, my son. I am the King of our kind. Humans have to build armies to fight just one of us, and they still loose. Go, look at yourself and accept your power." Her words were so confident I had to obey. I walked to the lake and stared at my reflection. I looked human, but my hands had claws and steel fangs glinted in the light. "I thought I would look like a lizard." My eyes were an eerie purple that glowed like fire. My hair was long, to the middle my back and deep black, not even a hint of light. As black as the Empty I met Death in. My skin was smooth and pale steel. I had Black and eerie purple wings too. "My children all look like humans, yet when we get real in a fight, we become the Dragon, know that our fire is your fire. Light magic is your enemy, nothing else can harm you. Death must like you, because none can use this magic. It is a lost magic. My child is immortal." Now I understand why she said I would have a hard time dying. "Because Darkness is apart of everything. I am pleased to call you my son, Zane." I took a deep breath. "Okay, Mother. Teach me how to fight."

"This lesson is unnecessary, all of my children draw power from a source, your source is what you call your fire. In your case, the abyss. Accept your power and the source will do the rest. You share power with only one other Abyssal Dragon." So I am not alone in my power. "Who is this Abyssal Dragon, Mother?"

"Me." I could feel her power flow through me. Black flames danced around me, like the wind. Only I was alone. A hand brushed my cheek. I could feel claws as sharp and deadly as any blade. "We are immortal, my son. Nothing can stop us." I believed her, my Mother told the truth. I am Zane Bahamut, Direct descendant of King Bahamut. I took the name and accepted our power. I am an Abyssal Dragon, I am no longer Dead.