
Ch. 4 Start Of The Phase One

{ Time-Skip }

{ Year 2008 }

Jake: this year I turned 17. My powers are almost mastered and my Dark Tone mode has a 2500X multiplier over that.

( Sorry In first chapter I wrote that my multiplier in this form will rise but I update it so Dark Tone mode has a still multiplier of 2500 it won't rise and it will multiplier all of my powers by 2500X okay.)

I have the perfect weapon control and my Eye powers are almost maxed out and by almost I mean the techniques that I can't practice due to them being Too easy to find out like Chibaku tensei and rinne-Sharingan abilities due to them being used at a global scale. and I don't know why but lately I am using amenotejikara a lot and by that I mean a lot I placed my plates all around planet and by using OMOIKANE* and AMENOTEJIKARA* simultaneously I could Teleport with anyone anywhere with just a thought it's like minato's hiraishin but even better because I don't need to put seal everywhere by myself by manipulating my Destroyer plates and tracking and connecting to them by OMOIKANE* and using AMENOTEJIKARA* I could instantly get anywhere.

After all this wait the time has already come Tomorrow Tony would test his new Jericho missile in Afghanistan and then with help of yenson will make mark 1 I'll let it play out like it did in real timeline. I don't want Tony to get hurt but I want him to go down as one of the greatest hero so I won't interfere till he becomes one and when he becomes one then I'll go and save him from dessert before anyone notices.

In night at dinner table.

Tony: Hey Jake tomorrow I am going to Afghanistan to Test Jericho while I am out there could you look dad's old blueprints I just think they are rubbish but you have that midas touch you might find something good in that trash.

Jake: Okay, I'll do that after I am done with my own project that I am working on.

Tony: Oh you mean that that helmet which will cover you body with some special substance so that Bikers don't get injured when they got into an accident.

Jake: Yes and at least it works with that synthetic polymer idea that you gave now I just have to make it so that synthetic polymer covers the rider by it self by a senser or some programme.

Tony: Look Guys Jake is all grown up there was a time when he couldn't even use a screwdriver properly and now he is inventing stuff.

Rhody: And his invention could potentially be a lifesaver.

Pepper: Sometimes I think that he is completely opposite of Tony, He is generous, Cute, Thinks about other and respects others.

Tony: Do you mean I am not generous c'mon pepper You know that I am generous right.

Obidiah: Yeah Tony stark is full of Generosity.

Rhody: That's the best Joke I've ever heard.

Obidiah: Jake do you have something to say on this matter.

Jake: Guys, Guys leave him alone, he good as he is i don't think I can imagine him different that he already is, can you imagine that.

Pepper: Well he is right at that, I can't imagine a Tony who doesn't do dumb things, who isn't a drunk playboy.

Everyone: Agreed.

{ Next Day }

Tony: Okay I am off to Afghanistan.

Jake: take care.

Tony demonstrates the Jericho Missile Obadiah Stane had been selling Stark Industries weapons to the Ten Rings under the table for some time. Wanting to take over Stark Industries, Stane hired the Ten Rings to kill Tony. Tony had been testing his jericho missile for the United States Air Force in Afghanistan. After a successful test, he traveled back to Bagram Air Base in a humvee convoy. During the trip across Kunar, the Humvee in front of them was destroyed by the Ten Rings and Jimmy, Pratt, and Ramirez were killed. Tony attempted to flee but was nearly killed by a missile that his company manufactured. The missile threw several pieces of shrapnel into Tony's chest, only centimeters away from his heart. The terrorists kidnapped Tony and fled the area Tony was hooked up to an electromagnet powered by a car battery, which kept the missile shrapnel from reaching his heart. He was put into a cell with Ho Yinsen, who had also been captured by the Ten Rings. They were instructed to make a Jericho missile for the Ten Rings. Instead of making a missile, Tony and Yinsen secretly worked on an armor that would help them escape. They also made a miniature Arc Reactor so Tony could move without carrying around the car battery. Working on the armor for three months, Tony and Yinsen formed a strong bond between one another. When they finally finished the armor, the two prepared to escape Yinsen tried to distract the terrorists so Tony could charge the Arc Reactor came across a large group of the terrorists. Tony's suit reached full power and headed out of the Ten Rings Base. Killing several of the terrorists, he came upon Yinsen, who had severe injuries sustained from the large group of terrorists, who told him not to waste his life before dying. After exiting the cave and destroying all of their stolen weapons, Tonu flew out of the area, but the suit's flight capabilities malfunctioned, causing him to fall. After that Tony wandered through the dessert of Afghanistan for days until he was rescued by me.

{ Flashback }

I Grew impatient due to Tony not returning after so many days in original timeline he didn't took that much time so I decided to go look for him and save him, his life was much more important the all the Superhero Shenanigans. But when I was heading out I was stopped by pepper as she asked.

Pepper: Where are you Going Jake.

Jake: It's been so many days Tony hasn't returned I am gonna go look for him by myself.

Pepper: Rhody is looking for Tony, he will surely find him and what can we do.

Jake: Huh.... look pepper I know that you won't believe it if I told you this so I have to show you. as I pick up the chopper near me pepper had Almost went crazy after seeing this.

Pepper: wh...what....

Jake: pepper I have superpowers, Tony made me promise him that I won't do anything reckless but I can't just sit and watch as nowhere to be found so I am gonna go and save him.

Pepper: So for how long have you known that you have superpowers.

Jake: From my Sixth birthday.

Pepper: and when did you told Tony about this.

Jake: After I found out this I told Tony about it the next day and he told me to never tell anybody about my Powers and not to get into some big trouble. I only told you because I trust you and I know you won't tell anybody about my Powers.

Pepper: So how are you gonna find Tony.

Jake: Remember that dragon shaped chain I gave to Tony.

pepper: Yeah the black one with two dragon's like yin and yang.

Jake: that chain is like a tracker. with it I can teleport to Tony, I just need to focus and lock onto it. I thought I am feeling so guilty for not saving Tony already and now I am so sorry for lying to you I can teleport to him or teleport him here anytime I want.

Pepper: Okay. soon

I closed my eyes and disappeared in front of pepper's eyes using AMENOTEJIKARA* I was in dessert where Tony was lying down the hot sand as I took him in my arms and teleported to where Pepper was as pepper saw Tony she began crying, I barely kept myself from crying I felt so bad for leaving Tony there for so many days. Soon Tony opened his eyes he knew that who saved him was me. As looked at me and said Jake thank you for saving me.

Jake: Sorry I didn't saved you earlier I am a bad Little brother.

Tony: You just Did what I told you. as Tony stroked my hair. After that I partially activated Tenseigan chakra mode in my hand and healed most of Tony's wounds completely as Pepper and Tony were shocked to see that I could do this too. When Tony was fully healed the aftermath was same as original.

The Kidnapping of Tony Stark or the abduction of Tony Stark was carried out by the Ten Rings through orders by Obadiah Stane, who intended to kill Tony after he had tested the Jericho missile in Afghanistan. The Ten Rings forced Tony and Yinsen to build a new missile for them, only for the two to build an armored suit instead, which allowed Stark to escape and yinsen died in the process. This event was the catalyst which prompted Tony to abruptly cease operations in the weapons division of Stark Industries. Which again Pissed off Obidiah Stane. He came to Tony and said.

Stane: Tony, it's Your father's legacy to make weapons.

Jake: Mr. Stane that's where you are wrong My father's legacy is Not those weapons that he made and his genius doesn't show up in them His legacy and his greatest creation is My brother. And I am the living proof that Tony stark Has a Heart.

Stane: But.....

Tony: No buts I've seen how much suffering these weapons costs. I don't know how Stark industry weapons Got into the hands of Terrorists. He had a determined look on his face that told obidiah that he wouldn't listen to any bullshit he said

Jake: I promise you that the day I found the culprit behind this, it will be his last day. as I looked towards Obidiah he left.

Jake: Hey when I was looking through dad's archives I found something that you would be interested in and after seeing your arc reactor I am sure that You would love it. You know that the nuclear elements in this arc reactor will cause Nuclear poisoning right so I thought that if dad created the designs for arc reactor how did he missed it so i looked through the old archives in hope an answer and what I found was that he didn't.

Tony: the stark Expo model.

Jake: Jarvis Remove every unnecessary object that I marked.

Jarvis: Okay sir. Jarvis removes all of the unnecessary object from the model and only one word came out of tony's mouth and that was.

Tony: Amazing.

Jake: If you remove all of unnecessary objects from this model it becomes a the Model of brand new element, one which hopefully can run arc reactor without any problems.

Tony: Love you Jake.

Jake: Now, Now first you have to make this element a reality and that's up to you.

Tony: You did your work now it's my turn to do mine.

As he left to make his new arc reactor I also left with a slight smile on my face as I remembered Tony's smile from Before as I've never seen him this determined. Now to the real good part how I am gonna utterly destroy stane. Should I use amaterasu or crush him with susano'o or maybe use tsukoyomi yeah tsukoyomi sounds very good or maybe I could use Truth seeking orbs to slowly tear him apart.

I then used AMENOTEJIKARA* to teleport to my usual training spot. Punched the ground with my full force which made a fissure on the Ground as ground split in two I looked upwards.


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