
Intertwined Retribution

The Picking Festival is a festival held by the cult known as 'The Children of the Two', every human between the ages of nineteen and twenty-two was eligible to be the Vessels for God Griffin and Goddess Savianna. This was Mulberry's first year qualifying for the picking, She will have to deal with all kinds of hardships including A Cocky God, Cult disciples, A foul-mouthed Goddess, and maybe get the girl in the end with some luck. Read more in the tale of INTERTWINED RETRIBUTION. WARNING!! Some sensitive topics such as Depression, Anxiety, Strong language, Fighting, Blood, and some more..

Iris_Louise · LGBT+
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6 Chs

The Beauty of Peonies

The night passed by pretty smoothly with Mulberry staying up most of the night sketching out the people in the 'visions' that Savianna had been showing her finding it rather interesting that she could see her memories as if she was actually there, Mulberry looked up from her sketching to glance at the clock checking the time.

4 AM

"Wow, I guess the time just passed by so fast.."

Mulberry smiled as she used to always stay up this late with her friends talking to them about almost anything that came to their minds, She chuckled at her thoughts remembering when her old friend Electra had her on the phone for almost two hours explaining to Mulberry how she saved her pet lizard from being eaten from her cat Salmon.

She definitely missed Electra but she wasn't allowed to talk about her around the community as her family was 'Banished' from the community as Electra came out as a lesbian, Mulberry gulped at the memory wishing that she could have left with her so they both could be who they wanted to actually be without the fear of their families hating them.

"Hey Savianna? When you were a human did you ever love anyone other than men?"

There was a small pause before Savianna spoke into her mind

"Are you asking me if I have ever loved a woman? To be honest I never got to fall in love like you humans do. If I wasn't protecting that airhead then I was meditating or training but I did come close to the feeling of love. One of the worshippers of the church, her name was Peony. She was the sweetest woman around...If you want I can show her to you?"

Mulberry smiled nodding softly before she laid back letting Savianna show her the memory

A garden laid before her with dozens of yellow and pink roses spread for what seemed to be miles, A large white building stood behind her.

"That has to be the temple..."

She turned her attention to the garden again hearing an inviting and soft voice call out, not for her but the Goddess

"Savianna! When did you get here? Come on, we need to get going or we will miss the coronation!"

Mulberry looked upon the woman's face stunned at how beautiful she was. Her long untamed ginger hair moved with the breeze and her piercing blue eyes gazed into her own. She stood there taking in every part of her face even taking time to count the beauty marks on her face, Mulberry only snapped out of it when Peony giggled softly

"Come on Savianna if you really want to look at me like that maybe do it privately"

That made both women laugh as the memory faded

She smiled saying softly hoping to keep that image in her mind till she couldn't no more

"She was very beautiful...Like a painting that you would see of a depiction of an angel.."

Mulberry giggled to herself at the thought but pushed it aside as sleep was finally overtaking her mind, Before she could continue Mulberry was asleep on her bed dreaming a sweet dream full of memories from them both.