
INTERITUS: The Strongest Family

They were called many things; "The Impure Bloodline", "The Defiled Dynasty" and even "The Tainted Family". Though no one could deny the power that their family holds not only to the people who are extremely loyal to them, but also to the entire world. A single family member could tip the balance and cause a massive war and another member could end it within seconds. The Interitus family bows to no one, not even to the gods themselves.

Wajie · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


"I dare you to say something to me again."

I stared down at the boy sitting on the dirty ground, amused at how his obese body seemed to have shrunk down to the size of a hamster.

The other children began to tremble and some have ran away.

They were bigger than me and older than me yet they were significantly weaker. The scene was laughable, pathetic even.

"You have the guts to insult me and yet you can't handle the consequence." I scoffed at him.

"Y-You're a monster!" He yelled, pointing at me with shaking fingers.

I could feel the 'other side' calling out to me, begging to be let out. They want something to strangle.

But I can't. Not here. Not now.

I may be a little crazy, but I'm no murderer. At least not yet.

The aura of my magic is already more than enough to scare them. There's no need to permanently traumatize them with blood.

"If I ever see you face here again, I swear that you won't be escaping unharmed." I sneered at them.

It was a bluff, of course. It's nothing more than a literal child's harmless threat.

Well, unless they harm me first.

I sucked in my aura and they all started to run away. They didn't even look back at me.

"Whoo..." I audibly breathed out.

Luckily, no one comes to this alleyway at daytime. After all, who would intentionally come to a den of criminals willingly?

Not even the finest knights of the empire could step foot in this part of town and come out unscathed. The level of hatred that the people here harbor for any sort of authoritative figure is almost obsessive.

I went back to the little shack that I've built up. It's just cardboards and cartons taped together beside a dumpster but hey, it's home for me. Not only do I get free meals by dumpster diving, but I also get to eavesdrop on criminal activities since my spot is a frequent rendezvous for different kinds of transactions.

I sat down and continued to eat the miraculously clean bread that I found earlier. If I was any weaker, those older kids could've taken everything from me and have already beaten me half to death. It's survival of the fittest out here, even for children.

I was more than lucky enough to be reborn with magic powers even if I was smaller than the other children.

According to what I've heard, only nobles are born with any kind of superhuman ability, skill and/or talent. So I shouldn't really have these powers in the first place, unless I really am of noble blood.

In my previous life, I was General Axio Larent of the Demikan Kingdom. I was considered as the strongest, the bravest, and the most cruel monster on the battlefield. Blood follows me everywhere I go, causing both enemies and allies to call me the "Bloody Valkyrie".

Hah, if only those titles were true then maybe I wouldn't have died in the hands of my most trusted comrades. It was a shameful death, really. I would've been fine if I were assassinated by enemies and not by the people whom I've called 'friends' for many years.

I've sacrificed literal blood, sweat, and tears for my people and the kingdom and yet they repaid me with less than what anyone deserves.

Now, not only have I reincarnated as a boy, but someone who was born with strong magic as well. Truly, this is a second chance.

In this life, I swore to be more powerful than I ever was before.

I would destroy the Demikan Kingdom with my own two hands, even if I were to do it on my own.

It was a good thing that I reincarnated in the Lauvent Empire, the number one enemy of the kingdom. It was a relief since I don't want to be reborn in the same place filled with those who betrayed me.

I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards me, causing me to hug my knees and stop eating. I never really liked hiding but it was beneficial for me.

I thought they would pass me by, but my eyes widened when two seemingly very clean and expensive-looking leather shoes stopped right in front of my shack.

"Was it you who used magic?" A deep voice called out, way too sophisticated and gentle compared to anyone who lives here.

A noble, that's for sure.

I stayed silent. Nothing good's going to happen if I answer. He might even sell me or something.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you. I just want to know." He continued.

That's what they all say.

I took a deep breath. If he does anything I don't like, then I would have no choice but to open the 'other side'.

"I did it." I answered.

A few seconds passed by and there was no response. I was already preparing to run away but then he suddenly kneeled down, getting dirt on his fancy black pants.

"Can you come out? I want to see you." He sounded like he was cooing an animal or something.

I contemplated for a few seconds before deciding.

I crawled out of the shack slowly, trying to measure if the guy's a danger to me or not.

But wow, I didn't expect to see someone this handsome in my entire life.

He's very tall, has pale skin, white hair, and red eyes. What an odd combination of colors. If it wasn't in the middle of the day, I would think that he's a ghost.

"Do you have a name? What about parents or family?" He asked again, smiling.

He seems harmless, but everyone knows that nobles are untrustworthy. A common criminal would do something straightforward to get what he wants, but a noble would stab everyone in the back to achieve goals that are beyond their own understanding.

"I don't have a name and I don't have parents." I immediately answered, looking at him in the eyes.

I may look defiant but I'm seriously nervous. One wrong move and this noble could have the power to murder me and everyone in this district.

"I see. Do you want to have both?" He grinned widely.

I frowned deeply, surprised.

A name and a family? Ha! This guy must think that I'm stupid or something.

"What? You're gonna sell me?" I clenched my fists. He seemed to be taken aback.

"Ah, no. Of course not. I felt your magic earlier and I figured that it would be such a waste to let someone like you rot in this place. You see, my family has a hobby of adopting talented children like yourself in order to make them stronger. So, what do you think? Don't you want to explore your powers further?" He held out a gloved hand towards me.

I hesitated for a moment before answering.

If I was like any other children, I probably would've jumped at this opportunity right away.

But I wasn't. I've fought for my life, I've learned how to survive, and I've experienced things that no kid should ever go through. I've suffered through countless battles and different kinds of warfare.

Am I tired of living like a rat? Of course.

But this is the only way of living that I've ever known.

"Are you afraid?" His soothing voice snapped me from my daze.

I simply nodded, saying nothing. It's better to act like an ignorant child rather than be hostile. He hummed in understanding.

"How about this; spend a month with my family and if you don't like it, then I'll send you to one of the orphanages that we sponsor. How about it?" He offered.

A month, huh?

This could be the opportunity that I've been looking for.

"I think... I think I could do that..." I nodded lightly, finally putting my dirty hand on top of his clean gloves.

He chuckled, sounding pleased.

"Let's go." He slowly stood up.

I don't know what I'm anticipating for as we started to walk away.

I'm excited, scared, optimistic and thrilled.

I just hope that I don't regret this decision.