
INTERITUS: The Strongest Family

They were called many things; "The Impure Bloodline", "The Defiled Dynasty" and even "The Tainted Family". Though no one could deny the power that their family holds not only to the people who are extremely loyal to them, but also to the entire world. A single family member could tip the balance and cause a massive war and another member could end it within seconds. The Interitus family bows to no one, not even to the gods themselves.

Wajie · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I didn't move a muscle during the entire carriage ride. It wasn't because I'm uncomfortable, in fact it was the softest seat I've ever experienced in my life, but because I'm embarrassed that I've dirtied it.

Even in my previous life, I've only ever experienced this sort of comfort when I've finally become a General.

To most people, it would seem like a taboo for someone who's not of nobility to be able to experience something like this. Even a decent meal could be seen as luxury.

Dang it, the small confidence that I had completely vanished in an instant. The fancy carriage alone made me realize that I'm going to charge into a completely different world.

"Are you alright? Is there something troubling you?"

I looked up and saw Nikolai with a concerned face. He seems genuine enough.

"I-It's nothing." I shook my head.

"Don't you want to look outside?" He turned to the window.

No. I don't.

I hate the town, including its people, more than anything else in the world.

The amount of times I begged for food, help, and mercy at the hands of the common people, both in this life and the previous, plagued my mind horribly. They treated us like we were lower than dirt and made us feel like our existence is nothing more than a mistake.

I know that most commoners work for nobles. And so, many of them experience a hard time working for those pompous bastards.

So they turn their anger onto us; people who are even lower than commoners.

I shook my head and Nikolai quietly nodded in response. He probably doesn't know how to approach me.

A few minutes of silence passed by. It wasn't awkward, though. It was the kind of silence where both of us are too busy with our thoughts to speak.

"What do you think about 'Vyn'?" He suddenly blurted out.

"Huh?" I lifted up my gaze towards him.

He has a small gentle smile on his face which makes him look even more handsome.

"Your name will be Vyn. Is that alright?"

A new name, huh? It sounds nice.

"Yes. I like it very much." I nodded vigorously.

The ride became more comfortable after that. I could tell that he's relieved that I finally expressed some other emotion other than wariness. I figured I have to give him and his family the benefit of the doubt if I were to live with them.

He began to tell me a bit about himself and his family, which made me drop my jaw.

To say that I'm shocked would be an understatement.

Nikolai Emil Interitus, the 3rd child of the Interitus family. Only 19 years old and yet he's already the 2nd Grand Mythical Mage in the history of the entire world.

Out of all the families in the world, I have managed to snatch the attention of the Interitus family. What an absolute honor.

The so-called "God's Bloodline", the Interitus family consists of very powerful individuals that could destroy entire continents on their own. Their family is enough to be called an army and even just one of them could take on thousands of soldiers alone.

They're the only neutral family in the world as they know full well that they could tip the balance if they show even just a slight amount of favor towards any kingdom, political faction, or even just a single person outside of their family. It's the main reason why they have estates in each kingdom, empire, and country where at least 1 family member lives in order to prove their neutrality.

Back when I was still General Larent, I've experienced first-hand the horrors of what an Interitus could bring in the battlefield.

I still remember her beautiful yet stoic face clearly.

The ignorant General Valez thought that his army could outnumber her and decided to try and destroy her estate while we were trying to colonize the small kingdom of Lencia. I told him not to, but he ignored me.

Of course, no one made it out alive.

Anastasha Fahel Interitus, the knight who wiped out 30,000 Demikan soldiers by herself in two days.

If I ever meet her again, I would definitely want to become her student. Hell, even just an autograph would be enough to make me cry in admiration.

Great, now I've found one more thing to look forward to in this life.

"You seem to have become excited. That's great." Nikolai grinned as he continued to observe me.

I'm not only excited, but ecstatic. I hope this isn't a dream.

The more Nikolai further informed me of his family, the more I become interested in them.

Apparently, all of them are orphans. They came from different backgrounds, families, and places. You could get adopted by the Interitus regardless of age, gender, and social status once they take interest in you.

To know that I am one of those people makes me incredibly honored.

"Look, we're here."

I didn't even notice that the carriage has stopped. I was too immersed in what Nikolai was saying that I even forgot that we were travelling.

He stepped out first before offering his hand to me. I gently grabbed it and went down the steps of the carriage.

I was presented with a line of maids on the right and knights on the left, both bowing their heads deeply. An old man in a suit was in front, smiling gently at us.

"Welcome back, Sir." The old man greeted.

"Klaus, let me introduce Vyn. Vyn, he's Klaus, the butler of my estate." Nikolai gestured to the old man as he looked at me.

"Nice to meet you, young master." Klaus bowed his head to me, making me slightly shy.

I will never get used to the culture of high society.

"Nice to meet you, too." I also bowed in response.

We proceeded to enter one of the most beautiful yet simple estates that I've ever seen.

It's big and elegant, yet homely and warm. It's a clear sign that the master of the home cares for its employees and the home itself.

"Welcome to your new home." Nikolai announced.