
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

Chapter 64

This is AU, so no complaining about shits that I just made.


It seems like making Jaune the best maid in the world was impossible after all, even Xander's teaching skill was getting error when trying to teach Jaune about cleaning. Though it was not in vain as Jaune still learned how to clean, even though it was still basic. If before Jaune would clean a room by making it explode, now she could clean by hands without destroying anything. This is a huge improvement, Xander nodded his head.

Jaune was now learning from the two maids while being disgusted by it. Rein just sneered at her as Jaune didn't take that lightly. They started to fight as Misery just sighed at them, they stopped after a few minutes with Misery was already gone. Jaune also learned how to cook as Xander can finally eat modern foods all the time. Her first try of cooking was a disaster, it was just like what happened to Xander"

Xander was walking in the ice castle when he met Guy who was just strolling without doing anything. "Guy, where are you going?" Xander asked. "Nah, I was just taking a stroll since I was bored" Guy said while yawning, being an immortal could be boring, it was boring for Guy that he just got used to it. "Right, is there a nearby city here? I want to see the human settlements" Xander said while interest could be heard on his voice.

"Hm.. there is a nearby empire south from here, just don't destroy it, its rather important" Guy said, that empire consists of the major population of the world, destroying it would be bad as a mediator for this world. Xander nodded his head before calling Utaha and Sona who immediately teleported to his side. "Sona, Utaha. Do you want to go to a human settlement? I heard theres an empire nearby" Xander said as his words gained the attention of the two.

"Let's go Xander, I'm tired of doing boring things everyday" Utaha said as Xander nodded his head. They went outside before flying and going to the place where Guy pointed, they arrived at the place in just a few minutes of flying. Their interest was raised when they saw that they are already advance from a simple middle aged place. They went to the gate where a guard was stationed to it. "Halt! What's your identity and where did you came from?" The guard asked.

Xander wanted to make an excuse but Sona beat him to it. "We were refugee from a small village that was ravaged by a demon, please let us enter" Sona said as the guard just nodded his head. Utaha was confused as it was too easy, "Did you forget already? Xander even taught you those skills first" Sona said making Utaha understood what just happened.

They entered the city as the attention of the people were immediately drawn towards them. The people was wary of them making the three confused, "Some heretics have come..", "Should we stone them?..", "That would be for the best..", "Heretics should be destroyed" the three heard a lot of muttering as they started to get annoyed by it. One man saw the body of Utaha as he went towards her, "Did you know that Heretics are punished here? I could save you if you come with me.." The man said.

"Oh no, Xander what should I do..?" Utaha acted scared as she entered Xander's arms making the man pissed. "As expected, Heretics are really filthy! We shall cleanse our land with the blood of these Heretics!" The man said as the people started marching towards them, even child followed the footsteps of their parents and started calling the three of them Heretics. "Fuck, did we just entered a area with Religion Fanatics with it?" Xander asked.

Sona nodded their head accepting the explanation, "Its time to clean thing-" before Xander could complete his words, the place was suddenly destroyed as a blonde appeared. "Oi Jaune, unnecessary killing are no good you know?" Xander said shaking his head while thousand of people suddenly died. "As if you can say that!" Jaune exclaimed while pointing at the collapse people.

The people stopped for a moment before continuing marching to them making the three creeped out by it. "Let's get out of here" Utaha said while clutching Xander's clothes. "Eh? You're already done? I thought we were just starting?!" Jaune said as she didn't expect that they would already leave. "Dealing with shits like this are more tiring than fighting against those beings" Xander said before they teleported leaving the blond maid again.





After that, the three didn't have any intention of returning to human settlements so soon, they were afraid that they might destroy a country because of their irritation. That is not acceptable as humans has the most brilliant minds in the universe, they can do anything as long as time and effort are added. They just continued their training as something happened that made the three alerted.

The sky in the world turned red as the whole turned hot. The land was devastated as the heat kept getting stronger. Xander immediately looked for Guy and saw him with Velzard already waiting for him. "Guy, another True Dragon?" Guy just nodded his head as Xander warped the two girls and brought them with Guy and Velzard.

They teleported to a place where the center of the trouble and saw something curling up while its body heat surpassed that of the sun. The shine was so strong that it blocked their eyesights. Velzard saw a dragon and went towards it, "Brother, is this new born connected with this increase in temperature?" Velzard asked while the Dragon didn't reply but turned its attention to Xander. Seeing that Xander is not doing anything and just watching it made the dragon relieved.

"Yeah, this newborn True Dragon would handle everything that is connected to heat or fire" Veldanava said as he watched the True Dragon is finally forming. The temperature increased even more making the whole place melt with its intensity, the crops all around the world died as water evaporated. Veldanava immediately went to work as he started restoring those things while suppressing the effect of the True Dragon's hatching.

A blinding light appeared as a small red dragon emerged from the light. From the way its eyes move, it can understand what is happening in its surroundings as it looked at the two other True Dragons with fond on its eyes. Veldanava and Velzard also smiled at the little thing as Veldanava closed his eyes. "From now on, you're going to be called Velgrynd. The Scorch True Dragon" Veldanava said.

Velgrynd's magicules started skyrocketing as she gained her name, her aura was released destroying the place. Another large blinding light appeared but this time it was followed by a heat so strong that it melted Sona's ice wall. It was about to burned the whole world itself when Xander muttered a word. "Die". The heat was disintegrated until everyone couldn't sense any heat left.

[Announcement! True Dragon has been born. It is being blessed by the Creator itself.]

[True Dragon Velgrynd gained the Ultimate Skill 'Lord of Charity. Raguel'!]

The world voice rang as every people in the world understood what is happening. They wondered what Ultimate Skill is but just shrugged it off. "So this is how a True Dragon is born huh? It always bring natural disaster" Xander commented. Natural disaster would be an understatement to what happened here but Xander just made it simple. "How did it go with you, Velzard?" Xander asked.

"Hm.. its nothing really, I just froze the whole world while freezing a lot of abstract things along. My little sister would probably do the same but you just 'killed' the heat so it didn't happen" Velzard said while smiling innocently. Xander shook his head while turning his attention to Sona and Utaha who was watching the show with awe in their eyes. "If we had a child, then something worse would probably happen" Xander said breaking them from their trance.

They digested his words before blushing, the thought of having a child never occured in their mind. Everytime they did it, Xander would always kill the sperm he released so that they wouldn't get pregnant. He knew that they are not ready for that thing yet so he didn't pursue it. A lot of things are still happening in the world of DxD so getting pregnant is rather hard. Xander just smiled at their reaction before turning his attention to the creator.

"Hello, we finally met Creator-san. You've been observing me so I was wondering when are we going to meet" Xander said while looking at the dragon. "I was still observing your side in this world. I am afraid that you might just be playing and would destroy this world when you get bored of it. But it seems I was wrong" Veldanava said before handing one of his dragon hand which Xander accepted.

"I won't destroy this world nor I will play with it. I am looking forward to the future of this world after all" Xander said while smiling as he shook his head at Veldanava's words. "That's relieving to hear.. I hope you will not changed your stance when the worse happen" Veldanava asked while Xander just nodded his head. Xander as the embodiment of death could see that Veldanava's death was already fixed, of course Xander could just prevent that but he won't do something that has no benefits for him. Xander bid farewell to the other party as they returned to the ice palace.

Another 6 months have passed. Xander stared at the two before asking a question. "Should we make a place on our own?" The two thought about if before accepting the suggestion. "We've been here for months already, we need to change place" Sona said. "Right, I also don't want to be indebted to those two too much" Utaha supported Sona's idea. Xander called Rein who is just taking a nap, "Oi, Rein. Tell Guy that we are going now. We are going to make our own place" Xander said before waving his hand at Rein who is in daze at the sudden information.

They took their items from their room before stuffing it at Xander's storage. They got ready as they don't want to teleport, they wanted to see the place for themselves. "Are you ready? Were finally going to explore this world. Its time to stop our laziness and do some work" Xander asked as Utaha just sneered. "You're the only one who is lazy. We are only waiting for you" Xander pinched Utaha's cheeks making the girl pout at him.

They walked for a few miles before they saw the first town they saw. They were already traumatized by their first visit and they didn't even know why they were called Heretics. They entered the town while hypnotizing the guard, but they were confused when instead of being called Heretics, they were welcomed normally by the people in this town.

Xander was happy with this development as he also waved to the residents. They were quite a happy bunch, its as if there was no disaster that occured before. Xander called out a random person, "Excuse me, is this place always like this?" Xander asked as the man was confused. "I mean, so welcoming to visitors. The last town we visited, we were branded as Heretics" The man finally understood what he is talking about.

"This is normal here, and you're probably just unlucky to step on that land. All of the people there are fanatics, they deemed anyone they don't know as Fanatics. Specially when you have two beautiful ladies at your side" The man explained as Xander sighed at the unreasonableness of the people in the last town. Xander was wondering whether he should just blow that place up.

"Thank you for answering. We thought that it was weird but it seems like we really just stepped on a landmine" Xander thanked the man as they began touring the town. "Should we build our house in this town?" Xander asked as the two immediately shook their heads. "Thought so" Xander chuckled before continue the tour. There are a lot of things that are novel to Utaha as she only know modern items, not primitive ones like this.

"Sona, I have a feeling that we forgot something" Xander said as the two also started thinking. A bell rang on their heads before remembering. "Jaune. She was left there right?" Sona said, "We don't need that yankee right?" Utaha said while snorting at the existence of Jaune. Xander just raised his arm before plunging it to the side where it returned with the head of Jaune with it. "Master!" Jaune was surprised but was glad that she was still remembered.

"As expected, I can't be forgotten after all" She said smugly as she started following the three, not ashamed of her maid outfit. "It would be better if you were just left there, you half-ass delinquent" Utaha said hitting Jaune's reverse scale before they started bickering. The scary thing is their auras were pouring out making the residents scared in getting close to them. Sona and Xander didn't bother the two as they continue with just the two of them.

Xander saw an inn so he went to it, in fantasy world this should be one of the most generic but also the best place to look. They entered and saw many residents having their lunch while chatting with each other, they were having so much fun that Xander couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Welcome! What is it young man?" An old man from the counter welcomed them as Xander went towards it. "Old man, how much for a meal here?" They began talking as the girls just waited for Xander.

After eating at the inn, Xander was disappointed that he didn't get any cliche encounter of thugs messing with them. But its not like he was really hoping for it as he's sure that Jaune would just destroy those thugs without hesitation. They left the town after that and continued traveling without any location in mind.

Few days later, Xander and the girls stopped on their place when a flying lizard suddenly started bothering them. "Should we kill it?" Jaune asked while bumping her fist together. Normally Sona and Utaha would reject that proposition as they have no reason to kill a passing dragon, but this dragon has been following them for a few hours. Its even looking at them as if they were his prey, they were wondering if their aura are really there since many beings still challenge them without caring about it. "Go for it" Jaune smirked at that.

Jaune vanished from their sights and returned already bloody while the dragon lost its head. The thing that confused Xander is the dragon was a Dragon King one, he wondered if he is specifically targeted. They continued traveling not knowing that they already pissed the newborn True Dragon because of what they did. The dragon was raised by Velgrynd to become its subordinate, since she is still a child, she is not mature enough to handle things like this.





"This is the place right?" Xander asked as the girls nodded their heads. After traveling for many months, they experienced various of things from the human towns. They saw a festival, war, peaceful town and a lot more. They just kept traveling until they encountered this enchanted place that reeks novelty. So Sona and Utaha just chose this immediately, they thought of having to build a house in this magical forest would become some kind of legend in the future.

They started cleaning the place as Utaha waved her hands then a hundred of trees were erased. During their travel they also met a lot of crazy opponents that Xander used to temper the two making their experienced with their ability more. Jaune was even worried that she is getting left behind by the two, so Xander also started to include her in training. Seeing as the place was trimmed, Xander asked. "What kind of house should we build? Castle? Mansion? Or just a normal modern house?"

"I don't really like huge things like castle, I want a mansion that is same as those Japanese one" Utaha said, "I can deal with that" Sona said. Seeing that it was already decided Xander then started to build the house using thousands of Magic Hands. It didn't even take an hour before the mansion was build, Xander also added some ponds and a small garden to make the view more beautiful. Their mansion was built at the top of a mountain in that forest, they did that so they can watch the whole place peacefully.

After doing that, they relaxed inside the mansion when they suddenly sensed a violent aura coming towards their way. Utaha built an erasure field in the house so that it would not get destroyed incase a battle occured. They looked outside and saw a small red dragon releasing its aura while looking at their place with hatred. "Huh? Why is this squirt here? Did it want some beating?" Jaune asked while tilting her head. As if sensing what just Jaune said the small dragon turned its attention to her before blasting a small dragon breathe that hit Jaune and made her flew.

Jaune got embedded on a nearby mountain before she stood up while seriously injured. It was even a miracle that she survived an breathe from a True Dragon. "That hurt! I'll really teach you a lesson, squirt!" Jaune said before throwing Gravity Collapse to Velgrynd who didn't even dodged as it merely bounced at her body. No damaged could be seen on its scale as the little girl raised its chin, showing off to Jaune who started fuming in anger.

Xander shook his head as this battle could lead to the destruction of this forest, he don't want that. Xander teleported to Velgrynd's face before slapping her so hard that she was blasted hundreds of kilometers away from the forest. Velgrynd stopped and slowly touched its dragon face, it could not believe that there is something that could touch it. Her sister told her that True Dragons are absolute, there are no equal for them, so she took it upon herself to establish the dominance of the True Dragon by burning many country.

Velgrynd was enraged as it started making a Dragon Breathe again, she released the breathe that has the temperature hotter than the sun to Xander who didn't back down and just kicked the breathe breaking it. "Impossible!" Velgrynd cried. Damaging her she could accept but destroying a True Dragon's breathe? That was already beyond her understanding. While she was in her thoughts Xander kneed the dragon's stomach raising it to the sky before rushing above its place and punching it to the ground making the place shake.

"Kuh! That hurt, you insect!" Velgrynd said before using her Ultimate Skill to amplify her strength to the limit, she then waved her claw expecting the small human to be disected in it but was surprised when Xander didn't even dodged but just catched it. "Sigh, I guess all True Dragons really are arrogant" Xander said before clenching his hand breaking the claw. "Ahh!!" Velgrynd cried, she could not accept something like this.

Velgrynd used fire magic while amplifying it, the moment the magic was formed the land instantly turned lava because the heat was too much for it to handle. Xander just raised an eyebrow before remembering that Velgrynd's Raguel could amplify things to its upper limit or even breaking past that limit. A large storm of flame went to Xander, everything that was on its was was evaporated, Xander touched the fire before using Command T to shrink it before it cannot be found anymore.

The dragon was dumbfounded by what she saw before she started shaking in anger. Her magicules kept skyrocketing as Xander just stared at her. "Woah! I wish I could battle that dragon squirt!" Jaune said as Utaha just sneered at her. "As if you could do something like that, battle-junkie" Jaune wasn't aggreviated by what Utaha said as she know it was true. She swore to train much harder so that she could also be at that level in the future.

The battle continued as Xander also kept slapping Velgrynd the truth that nothing works to him. Even though he received no skill when arriving to this world, Ultimate skill are still not a problem for him. After 8 hours of beating the prideful dragon, she was finally exhausted and ran away. Xander didn't pursue her as teaching her a lesson was enough. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting girls" Xander said while waving at them.

"No, we also learned a lot from the fight, even though you make it look easy, its still difficult to fight a True Dragon. It seems like we need to up our training" Sona said as Utaha nodded her head. "Master, why is did that squirt attacked us again?" Jaune asked confused about it, "I heard her muttering mid fight that we killed one of its pet, its probably the dragon that you blow the head" Xander said making them remember that encounter.

"Anyway, the sun is already setting, isn't it time?" Xander said with a sly grin on his face before the girls jumped on him. They teleported to their new house, they wanted to test if it could isolate sound. Jaune would be their test subject as she was always complaining by the two's loud moaning in the night.


Velgrynd's real birth was 18,000 years ago. I just made it like this since its easier to write a sentence while Velgrynd is still immature.