
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 63


Another month have passed as Sona can now freeze important things, their Unique skills are rather broken, though that was most of Unique skills do. Utaha's skill is also slowly evolving becoming rather terrifying. Xander told the two what Rein explained to him as they also got interested in Hell.

Today, the three of them would go to Hell with the guidance of the emotionless maid, Misery. At least the two are strong enough to handle Archdemons, they will not fall easily if they are surrounded by a lot of them, Xander made sure of that, that's why he only came now.

Misery brought them to a nearby Hell's gate. To be precise, it is the Hell Gate that Jaune guarded. Xander was interested in meeting primordials, not just Diablo as he feels weird to him. They entered and saw a dark world with rotting land. They turned around and saw thousands of demons were walking without any direction, most of them has yellow hair indicating their origins. One demon noticed their arrival, "Hoh, we have some guts to spill today!" the man said while giving a maniac grin.

Xander raised an eyebrow at that, the demon didn't last long before it was erased from existence by Utaha. The other demons got alerted, they observed them carefully and shrieked when they saw Misery standing behind them. "Kieh! Why is that bitch here!? We need to inform boss!" A demon said but before he could run, his whole body froze and turned into dust. "This skill is really handy" Sona said as it became easier for her to use ice this way, she also need to thank Velzard of this.

Sona and Utaha turned their attention to Xander who just smiled and nodded his head. The air around the two calmed down before their auras erupted on their body, some demons ran but most of them got excited of that display of power. They were from the Yellow Faction, they won't back down to a challenge. The Yellow Faction started releasing their auras destroying everything in the land.

The Aura in Tensura world is not the same in DxD where it would only intimidate the enemy. In this world, Aura alone can destroy armies if the user is strong. Any Archdemon could level an small country if they just release their aura. That's how scary the aura in this world is, the two also adapted to it as their auras could now erase High Class Devils.

The thousands of demons sprinted to the two as Utaha just erase many of them, a lot saw Utaha's weakness. Her erase skill could only fire at the front, that's why they stomped on the ground creating large craters as they appeared behind her. One demon was about to decapitate Utaha when he suddenly froze, he tried to get out of the ice but it was erased by Utaha who didn't even look at the demon.

Sona waved her hand as a large portion of the land turned ice along with the demons who are in the area of effect. Utaha began spamming her skill erasing tens of thousands of demons. One demon miraculously dodged their attacks as he used magic and threw a fire that exploded like a nuclear bomb.


The demon grinned wildly at what happened, "Destructions are really the best!" The demon said before his whole body got obliterated. The hordes of demons was never ending, most of the demons here don't really die as they would just revive themselves in this world. They are just spiritual being here so reviving is a simple thing, the only thing they need to be careful of are beings that can erase even their souls.

The never ending demons were starting to tire the two, they were spamming their skills for a few hours now, gaining various experience from this battle. "Utaha, are you still fine?" Xander asked worried about her. He didn't ask Sona as she was a devil before they arrived here not like Utaha who is just a normal human with a weak stamina. "I'm.. fine" Utaha said before using erase skill again, taking 2 thousand demons. It seems like her mind was tempered along with her soul the moment she arrived at this world. This much killing don't even bother her anymore, though she still possess her human morals which is good.

Sona was about to make rain and add freezing effect on it when her instinct started screaming at her. Utaha also felt something was about to happen so they raised their guard up. They heard a woman's voice appeared above, "Gravity Collapse~" A chill entered their body as a large implosion occured.


The land was leveled as Sona can be seen standing with a serious look on her face while Utaha was ragged but still fine. "Hey? They are still alive?" The voice appeared again, it seemed amused that they were not down by that Nuclear Magic. "Ha!" Sona shouted before freezing the woman's arm. The woman was surprised that she was damaged by a measle ice attack. "That tickled me a bit" The woman before she shook her arm destroying the ice.

Sona widened her eyes at that, she raised the denseness of her ice before it started to spread on the woman's body. The woman shivered at that before using her aura to destroy the ice to its core. The woman stared at Sona with interest on her eyes, "You're worthy... I am the Primordial Demon of Yellow, you can call me Jaune~" Jaune said before throwing nuclear magics at them blasting the two away.

Xander catched their bodies before healing them. Now the two were back to their peak, they glared at Jaune before they clashed. Utaha can see that Jaune is stronger than her, so any attempt of erasing her body was out of the question. Instead, Utaha just erased every magic that Jaune release making the delinquent pissed. "You bitch!" Jaune said before using her superior speed to arrive before Utaha. She raised her hand before plunging it to Utaha.

But before her fist could land on its target, a ice wall appeared defending against her fist as the shockwave destroyed the surroundings. "Kuh.. heavy" Sona muttered before Utaha escaped from the site and released her control on the magic. Jaune's fist broke the ice wall and almost hit Sona's body.

They kept fighting equally until Jaune suddenly felt the battlefield was quiet except for them. She stopped and turned her attention to the place, she saw the man that she thought the servant of the two massacring her whole faction. The reason she was scared was because she can feel that every demon the person killed wouldn't return in their previous state. Jaune threw another Gravity Collapse to Xander who just touched the air as it vanished.

Jaune's lips twitched at that, as she change her target to Xander. She dashed that looked like teleportation to Xander's side before throwing a punch that filled with magic. Xander just took a stance before returning the attack double to Jaune who got surprised as the left part of her body was destroyed. Jaune grinned and shouted. "Let's get at it! I'll beat you to pulp!" Xander just shook his head as he started pummeling Jaune.

15 minutes later*

Jaune was lying on the ground with her face disfigured. She chuckled before it turned into a full blown laughter. She stood up before kneeling, "You gained my approval! Primordial Yellow now bow to you!" Jaune said dramatically as Xander just stared at her before waving his hand. "..No thanks, I don't need subordinates" Xander said as Jaune was dumbfounded, "W-Wait! I'm strong, you could use me to handle troublesome fights!" Jaune said as Xander thought for a bit before shaking his head.

"You'll die trying to save me. My enemies are stronger than Veldanava" Xander simply said as Jaune was even more baffled, stronger than Veldanava? Is this person serious? Xander's lips couldn't help but twitch from Jaune's doubtful eyes. Xander slapped Jaune's head before she flew away, though she didn't stood up as she was comprehending the memories that has been implanted on her mind.

Jaune's eyes widen when she saw things that could make her insane just by being in its presence killed by Xander. And the scary thing is he only need to think about it before they died. Xander stared at Jaune who he thought that would gave up after this but was dumbfounded when not only she wasn't discourage but got excited instead. "Can I really fight those beings?! Then more reason to follow you!" Jaune said as Xander sighed.

Xander kept ignoring Jaune as he took Sona and Utaha to other places. The woman didn't give up and kept pestering Xander, she followed them everywhere while constantly annoying the hell out of them until he finally gave in. "Yes!" Jaune exclaimed before getting close to Xander's side."Where are we going, Xander?" Utaha asked while crossing her arms, as Xander thought for a bit. He don't really have a location in mind, Jaune saw that as she invited Xander to her castle.

Xander accepted the invitation as they teleported towards the place. "What is this mess?" Utaha asked while looking at the castle that looked old and very destroyed. "My castle, you have a problem with that?!" Jaune asked while snarling at Utaha who didn't back down and raised her chest damaging the two girls. Sona, because her breast is small while Jaune because she remembered a certain primordial with the same breast.

Veins were about to pop on Jaune's head while Utaha just displayed a smug look on her face. "Damn.. bitch!" They started insulting each other as Sona and Xander sighed. They entered the castle by themselves where they were attacked by another bunch of Yellow factions. They were weaker than Jaune so they didn't need any energy to deal with them.

Xander just ignored them before inspecting the castle that is about to collapse. "Hey, this castle... You didn't repaired any of this right? This must be the first castle you have.." Xander said while looking at the cracks in the wall. Jaune raised her chin as if proud of it, as she nodded her head. "How stupid, is your brain made of steel?" Utaha asked while Jaune got angry again as they continue their bickering.

"Where did ya came from, Master?" She was curious so she asked. That is her personality which Xander knew, he also loved it as he loved the blunt type of woman. "Another world" Xander simply said as Jaune just accepted it. If her master say so then it must be, simple as that. "Do you intend to stay in this world for long?" Jaune asked as Xander just nodded his head. Upon seeing that Jaune was satisfied, she didn't want to be left behind when her master was fighting beings like those.

"Now we have all of our time, let's go trainin-" before Xander could complete his sentence, the three already attacked as he dodged. "Can't wait huh? Let's break your limits!" Xander said while gesturing to them to start already. Sona was calm, Utaha was smirking while Jaune was giving a maniac smile. They started the sparring while Xander turned on the 'Teaching' skill which enhanced their learning ability.





After 3 straight hours of fighting, the girls were exhausted as they panted while kneeling on the ground. "You're really a monster, Master" Jaune said with a smile on her face. Halfway the fight she realized that she was learning rather fast so she asked Sona who just explained while bombarding Xander with ice magic. Sona and Utaha also nodded their heads, but they were more proud about being Xander's girlfriend as Utaha showed a smug face to Jaune pissing the blonde again.

"You wanna go again?!" Jaune asked as her aura erupted, she was about to walk when she suddenly fell. "Ugh.. how the hell did I even exhaust when I can fight for weeks without stopping" Jaune wondered as Sona just adjusted her glasses before explaining. "Xander's teaching ability is not based on the body, he is directly influencing the soul so the exhausting would be stronger than just normally fighting" Jaune raised an eyebrow at that, "Is that soo.."

"As if you could understand something like that, you should study first before you try to comprehend something easy as that" Jaune snapped as she threw a Gravity Collapse to Utaha who just smirked while running away. They started their game of tag while Xander was pondering about something. 'Why the hell didn't I gain a skill when I entered this world again?' he thought then just throw the thoughts away. He already understood the reason why.

Xander shook his head before seeing that it is already night in the outside world, he went to Sona and Utaha who tilted their heads at him. "What's wrong, Xander?" Utaha asked as Xander just smiled. "Night time.." Sona blushed as Utaha just licked her lips, this is the thing that they are always waiting for everyday. What they didn't know that their actions are already beyond what people call normal.

What kind of couple fuck everynight for 2 months without stop. Somehow they also didn't get tired of it as they craved it even more. "Then let's go, Xander. Let's leave this third rate delinquent here" Utaha said while climbing on Xander's back. "Wha'd ya say?!" Jaune said as she glared at Utaha who just hmpd while looking away. Sona immediately stood up as they teleported back to Guy's castle. The night was spent by fucking of the three people.

The next morning Xander woke up, as he went out of bed. Its been a long time since he cooked as there are maid doing the job for him, although the taste wasn't the same as the one in a modern world, it was still delicious. Primordial's are really useful, they can be anything as long as they practiced it. Chef, Maid, Cleaner, Teacher, etc. They could be called Johnny Sins successor.

Xander opened the door on his room as he met with a emotionless eyes staring at him without saying anything. "Is there anything you want to say, Misery?" Xander asked while yawning. Misery hesitated for a bit before bowing her head, "Please teach me how to cook" Xander raised an eyebrow at that. Primordials have high pride so them bowing to someone else except for Guy is already an sight to see.

"Let's go" Xander said as he went to the kitchen. He's going to teach her the Dao of Cooking, since he is already sick of eating primitive foods. As a modern person eating something like this could be interesting at first, but that interest was lost when they kept eating it everyday. Misery's face brightened as she immediately followed behind Xander.

Xander taught Misery a lot of recipes as he just instructed her. She absorbed all the knowledge without problem as a lot of recipes started forming on her head. Xander also taught Misery about farming some ingredients like Onion and Garlic, anything that is needed for cooking. Misery was grateful to Xander as she bowed her head again.

Misery was in trance as she cooked a lot of foods, she only stopped when Xander told her that it is already time for breakfast. Upon seeing Misery doing maid works, Xander started pondering whether to make Jaune a maid or not. All he could imagine was Jaune messing everything up and not doing a proper thing. He shook his head and didn't stay on that pessimistic thoughts and swore to make Jaune the best maid in the world.


Sona didn't use 'True Nuts' in any of the fight. She is more focused on making her skill grow than to dominate the battlefield.