
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

bad grammar

Itachi101 · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Phoenix Force


The Sage shot through the sky, before landing heavily on something which looked like a moon, but smaller. countless moons were around him, while the sky was completely dark. before humans, a black gas slowly took the form of a demonic face that looked at the Sage

"Haha, without the time stone what can you do?" It laughed madly, The Sage gritted his teeth as he floated up, dodging a palm that shattered the moon he was on.

"If I knew you lost it earlier, I would have moved to swallow your world," It laughed as the Sage cast a spell, shooting a golden sword at this being. the dark being face twisted slightly in pain, sadly the sage was still too weak, the golden sword shattered,

"Dormammu you would go back to your word?" The Sage said through gritted teeth, he had been stronger in the past few days since the battle with Thanos, but this being before him was on the level of the gods... no he was lightly higher.

The Sage of course knew that this being would break his promise at any chance he got, and since someone told him of what happened he now wanted to make a move.

"Haha, keep talking and you might remind me." Dormammu laughed evilly as he attacked him, The Sage gritted his teeth, before he flew out of the dark dimensions. it was foolish to fight Dormammu within his dimension, as he had fused with it, he and the dimension was one

Dormammu grew stronger the more dimensions he swallowed, and he had swallowed a lot, making him something that the gods would need to take seriously. but Dormammu had a weakness, being that he had to create avatars of himself to step out of the dimension, depending on how powerful these avatars are, would greatly weaken him

Upon stepping out of his dimension, The sage cast countless spells, and sealed away this dimension, of course, this would not last, but since time flows differently here than in the dark dimension, it should take Dormammu at least 3 days to break free. within this time, he needed to gather earth's strongest heroes... no, this whole dimension's strongest fighter

with this he went to go call for help, meanwhile, Sora stood in shock while looking at his student test which was coming to an end. none of them managed to pass, honest none of them were to pass. but Emma did manage the best and got an E, only 10 others got an F, while the remaining had an F.

with this done, they returned upstairs where the student was given time to do what they wanted, meanwhile, he left and went home. upon returning, Sora went on to see how the Amazonian woman was doing. for the past few days, she had remained here and hadn't stepped out, which was a good thing as she would get some massages from others... so didn't want that, just yet.

"Well, what are you doing?" Sora asked as he found her in the basement, the Amazonian woman was stunned for a moment before smiling. in these past few days, she had been with Sora, they had gotten a bit close, and she even began to be jealous of Kara.

"You A.I. is powerful... it created a perfect copy of myself." She said with a smile as she pointed towards a robot standing still before her.

"of course, even Kara could fight all out here," Sora said pridefully, stunning the Amazonian woman, looking around, although this was all grade 5 tech, it had the power of 7 or even an 8 Grade tech, which she didn't expect. she couldn't help but wonder how Sora managed to do it. Sora could take over the world with such powerful stuff.

well, the two went on to start their spar, Sora was far more skilled than he was 3 days ago, leaving the Amazonian woman in shock. for one, Sora's instinct was so sharp that he could make the best movement while in battle. he could on instinct target the weaknesses even without knowing, on instinct, he knew your next move before you even know it.

on instinct, he sensed danger ahead kind of like the spider-sense, but much weaker, but in strength to the level of beings like Iron Bat, it would only be slightly weaker.

the Amazonian woman had reached a state where he fought without the need to think, making fewer moments without wasting too much of her energy. capable of adapting to her enemy's fighting style and making a new fighting style to counter it within a few blows, and more.

Sora was reaching this state, allowing him to do all that she could do but faster. it took a few minutes for Sora to do this, scaring the Amazonian woman slightly. but what shocked her was that Sora was still improving, countering everything she could throw before her muscle could even twitch.

the Amazonian woman was slightly annoyed, she was a goddess with hundreds of years of experience, yet she was losing to a mortal in his 20s? with a flash, flipped Sora over and her fist stopped inches from Sora's face. She slowly pulled her fist away, before she realized she was sitting on something growing.

she froze as she looked at Sora who touched her legs, the air seemed to freeze as the two looked at each other, before the Amazonian woman lowered her head, and kissed Sora. like that, moans went on to fill the basement, as the Amazonian woman felt pleasure like none other. Pleasure so God that she questioned if Sora had superpowers.

she was speechless as on instinct, Sora's hips made the best move with each trust. this was not a battle alright. but she had to admit, Sora's skills were out of this world. this alone could give Sora the title of God of sex.

a few hours later, the Amazonian woman let out the loudest moan, while doing the cowgirl, an explosion went off within her, making her eyes roll back, and her tongue hung out before she fell over, a river of white stuff came out of her, while Sora stood up, seeing as she fell asleep, on the spot he sighed softly... how would he make his dragon?

Shaking his head, he took the Amazonian woman to bed, before he went on to find Saline, but he bumped into Mei who was reading a manga while heading to her home. but when she walked past Sora, Sora suddenly pulled her into his arms.

"w-what are you doing." Mei's face turned slightly red, Sora smiled slightly as he placed one hand on her butt, while another held her chin up. she was pressed up against Sora's chest, this was the first time Sora did something like this to her, sadly Sora was thinking with his dragon, and she was the first person to stumble upon

Sora didn't say anything as he closed his eyes to kiss her, Mei's heart was racing, this would be her first kiss... well her first real kiss, she hesitated, not knowing what to do, but her eyes slowly closed, the two lips connected, making Mei body to shake slightly,

She couldn't help but moan as Sora's hand was playing with her butt, she was confused, she never felt so hot before, and she wanted this kiss to continue. never-ending kissing, but to her disappointment, Sora broke the kiss off. her head followed Sora's head, trying to keep the kiss going, before looking at Sora in confusion.

Sora looked at her with a smile before he picked her up, Mei was stunned, but Sora kissed her, making her wrap her hands around him. while Sora brought her to her room, where Mei went on to feel pleasure like none other.

it was then Sora realized that Mei had infinite energy, of course, she could get sleepy, but she can easily push off using her powers. she was still death, she only took on a mortal form, so for the first time Sora found himself getting tired after 6 hours,

but Mei wanted more, scaring Sora as she pressed him down, not letting this come to an end, it was just too good. luckily, alarms went off, forcing Mei to have to stop, and save Sora. Mei was like a bottomless pit, she will never be satisfied... of course, Sora planned to fix this, how dare a woman last longer than him, and have him have an orgasm so many times.

but he quickly got dressed to see what was happening and saw that outside his barrier, Justice man and a few others wanted to come in, but since Sora was not active to open the barrier, Techno used the limited power he had to sound the alarms as if an enemy was attacking.

Sora allowed them in while he got dressed, he went out and went to see them. kara and the others were back by now, Peter no longer stayed there. Sora gave him the first mansion he bought, and allowed him to move in. Aunt May on the other hand stayed.

"What?" Sora asked calmly while looking at Kara who was looking at him, Kara shook her head slightly, she didn't like sharing, but she found that she was hooked on Sora. as Sora's skills in sex improved to a godly level, it left her more hooked. by now, even if she wanted to break up with Sora, she would find it hard to move on in finding pleasure in many things, such as sex or food.

a flash appeared before Sora, and a Cheetah girl appeared hugging Sora. she was like a cute pet cat, and the moment she saw Sora she ran into his arm. Sora smiled slightly while rubbing her head, making her tail wave happily in the air. but her hair suddenly stood up as she felt death holding her next,

she fearfully looked behind Sora where Mei was coldly looking at her. But that cold look disappeared when Sora looked at her with a frown, making Mei want to say something, but she lowered her head the next moment.

the door opened as Justice Man entered, Sora looked at him for a moment and saw the cold light within Justice Man's eyes while looking at him. Sora smiled slightly, seeing this, Justice Man had a harder time holding himself back

"Where the Amazonian woman..." He asked as he took a deep breath, Sora pointed towards a chair, where the Amazonian woman was sitting. her body was too tired for her to walk, and she was in no condition for a battle.

"what's wrong.?" Kara asked in confusion, but now everyone here knew Kara was Justice's girl, so no one was shocked by this. Justice Man looked at Kara for a moment, he wanted to tell her who Sora was, but Iron bat said telling her might be bad. but instead, to have her see for herself who Sora was, telling her might drive Kara was, making it easier for Sora to control her.

"... the earth is in danger, a powerful being of the dark dimensions wishes to swallow this world. the last time, the sage could stop using the time stone, but now we need all the help we can get." Justice man said as he threw a look at Sora, who was simply smiling at all of this.

Kara nodded slightly, as she got ready to leave, the Amazonian woman also tried to stand up, but Sora shook her head at her. she never tasted anything like what he gave her, Sora was hitting her weak spot with each trust, such blows would make it so she can't be at 100% for some time.

Kara's eyes twitched see twitched seeing this, it was not hard for her to guess what happened... but really? the Amazonian woman was also lusting after her man, must she protect Sora from every female?

"How much time do we have?" Kara asked softly to which Justice man answered, they only had at most 3 days. Kara nodded slightly, the Amazonian woman would at most need a day to recover, so she had them leave with Fire Empress, leaving the Amazonian woman to rest.

just as they left, a screen popped in front of Sora as Fury was calling Sora, Sora sighed softly before picking up the call. he also remembered he forgot to go to the prison on the moon to check out a few things.

"Something wrong?" Sora asked with a smile, Fury sighed softly seeing Sora before he went on to speak,

"Doom and a few other villains are making their move, planning to use the dark dimensions attack to carry out their plans. I want your help dealing with them." He said calmly, Sora's eyes flashed slightly, was this not the chance he was seeking?

"Sure, have the group you want me to help head to these locations, I will build their equipment to support them in their battles," Sora said calmly, Fury thought for a moment before nodding, he would send the elite team known as the X-Man there.

Sora looked at everyone who heard the call before thinking for a moment, he had Saline and Cheetah girl come with him. The cheetah girl and Mei seemed to not get along, so he would have her come with him, while Saline would be his lucky charm.

After saying bye to Aunt May and the others, he brought Mito also come, since she was working today and Sora was in the mood for her cooking, she was the best choice. So, they hopped into the car, and in a blink of an eye, they stepped out as they had arrived at another palace that Sora own.

this place was known as Tech palace, as Sora would spend his time here working on the hard stuff, that would need days or longer to finish working. Sora and the others entered, and Sora went on to do his research on the X-Man, while Mito got cooking for the gust they would be having soon.

The X-man is a group of heroes who worked for Shield, they are all some of the strongest beings, having over 50 members, but Fury will be sending only 7 of them. although they seemed to work for him, they were simply a group that allied with them in their fight to have humans and those with powers live as one.

Sora looked at these 7 for some time, before coming up with ways to improve them, soon his A.I. reported that someone was at the door, and Sora went on to open the door to find a jet landing on the ground.

as the Jey landed, the door opened and 7 people came out. one of them was a bold man in a wheelchair, while the others were walking. one was a metal man, another a blue devil-like being, while the two females who came looked normal. although the dark seen woman had pure white eyes, which glowed like lightning as she used her power to float.

Sora welcomed them in, where dishes were ready for them. of course they wanted to say no, but how could they resist Mito cooking? their stomach cried out, making them embarrassed as they sat down to eat.

"I never eat anything like this... Mito was it? do you have some power that makes food great?" a red-haired woman asked after taking the first bite, on her chest, she had a symbol of a phoenix,

"It's all pure skills, Sora has been teaching us to improve our cooking skills, but I still have a long way to go before I can reach his level.," Mito said with a smile, stunning the 7 eating who looked towards Sora,

"You can cook better than this?" Storm the female with no pupils asked in shock, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"I'm also a teacher, Mito here can be considered a student of mine," Sora said with a smile, making them stunned slightly, they didn't even believe that food can be this good, yet here they were being told that there was a level above.

the group was in amazement, but they quickly eat their food. but one of the males suddenly stopped eating as he pointed his nose out and began smelling the air. slowly getting up, metal claws slowly grew out of his fist, as he looked towards Cheetah

Cheetah claws were also out, while she was on all 4s, it was like two enemies met, which was true. these two fought many times, and it usually came to a draw. Cheetah was fast, fast enough to force the racer to not dare hold back when she is around, but he knows the wolverine had sharper claws, sharper senses, a faster recovery speed, and a metal which was one of the strongest things in the universe around his skeleton.

"that's no way to treat gust," Sora said with a frown while looking at Cheetah, Cheetah froze slightly as she hesitated

"But... snort." Cheetah snorted angrily at wolverine before walking over to Sora with puppy eyes, as she wanted to be fed by him. but Sora was busy, and didn't feel like it, so she had to feed herself,

the group of 7 was shocked seeing this, not expecting that one of their enemies would so easily be subdued by someone. she was acting like a little house cat. how could they not be shocked, Cheetah girl was dangerous, her speed was scary, and she was like a vampire, as when she bites someone, she turns them into a Cheetah monster.

they finished their food while throwing looks at her, they went on to follow towards the basement where he did all of his work... of course, he hasn't begun doing anything huge, so it was empty.

"So, from my understanding, Professor X Telepathy, how would you like a helmet, which enhances your abilities? you're able to cover the whole planet? I can have it, so you cover the whole galaxy" Sora said calmly as a hologram of a helmet appeared.

the man in the wheelchair professor X was stunned hearing the power this helmet had, the whole group was stunned as well. that level of thing would make Professor X one of the strongest beings alive, mental attacks were extremely hard to resist.

"Is something like that possible?" Professor X asked in shock while looking at the silver helmet, to which Sora calmly nodded. Sora took his job very seriously, he would not half as anything thing

"It would take at most a day... next is a wolverine, your skeleton is infused or covered with one of the strongest metals in the universe. but it has many weaknesses, for one you can't swim because of how heavy it is, and there is also the problem of how painful it is when you use your claws." Sora said calmly while looking at wolverine

"I can replace that metal, with a lighter, and much stronger metal, it would protect your important organs, such as the heart and brain, so even thrown in the sun you will live. of course, it would be hell if you can't get out. It's why I will place rockets on your legs, allowing you to have a limited degree of light. as for charming them, they would have more than enough energy to last you a lifetime." Sora said as a wolverine skeleton appeared before him.

"Your claws will also be able to be drawn out, and put by in without damaging yourself, meaning it would be painless. the metal would also enhance your healing speed... so what do you think?" Sora asked with a smile, stunning wolverine who nodded in agreement,

with his agreement, a robot was created with a wave from Sora, who took wolverine off to get his treatment done.

"Colossus, you have a unique body. extremely powerful... I can range arrange DNA, having it so that when you transform, you can control how hard you want to be, without any drawback of being tried. I think I can make you up to 10x harder." Sora said with a smile, it just happened he had been working on improving his Bio skills, now it was time to put it to the test.

Colossus on the other hand hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he agrees, Sora gathered matter once more and created a robot, which took Colossus to get ready, as Sora would have to personally deal with him

next was Nightcrawler, who would create a suit that would allow him to teleport easier while carrying more people and items.

after he was Cyclops, some with the power to shoot lasers from his eyes, the best way to strengthen him was with glasses which enhance the power of his beam, capable of lowing him to match the power of stars and go further.

"Now, you two are last because I trick to strength you two. you have the phoenix, and she could summon storms. so, I think Phoenix is the easier one to help out. if I enhance your mental powers, you will not need to draw powers from the phoenix as much. and lastly, Storm, I can give you... a storm device which allows you to better control storms?" Sora said softly,

"... how do you know I have the phoenix force?" Phoenix asked in shock at Sora's words, Sora lazily looked at her before smiling.

"you don't know I have death as a gust?" Sora asked with a smile, stunning Phoenix who didn't know this. slowly flames seemed to cover her body, stunning her as she didn't call upon the phoenix, it was acting upon its own.

"What are you planning?" Phoenix asked, but it was clear she was not the one talking. the phoenix force was the one talking to Sora, Storm was stunned seeing this not expecting something like this would happen.

"How about you take on a human form and do was Death is doing instead of living without others? I don't like this." Sora said calmly, the phoenix force looked at Sora before all the phoenixes slowly gathered before Sora, forming a human wearing red robes.

She had burning red hair, a flaming beauty with red lipstick, and her body was covered in flames, making one wonder if she had flames under there or not.

"Wait, until I get them all done, then we can talk," Sora said calmly as he had two robots taking Phoenix and Storm, although the two wanted to know what was happening, they left, leaving Sora and the phoenix force who went upstairs.

"so, where does the phoenix want me to start with," Sora asked as he arrived in the kitchen where began cooking. Mito watched this from afar in confusion, where did this woman in flames come from?

"Why is someone as strong and as capable as you, living mortals?" She asked while looking at Sora, looking at the food he was cooking before shaking his head.

"Is someone as strong and as capable as you, taking on a mortal as a host?" Sora asked, making the phoenix at a loss for words

"I need a host, I'm the embodiment of every mind, I need a host..." She said softly, Sora smiled slightly hearing her words.

"Then, I guess I can kill phoenix and you can come with me," Sora said with a smile, the flames around the phoenix force exploded as her killing intent slammed down upon Sora, but Sora had already copied her, sure it made him tried, but he could withstand this.

"Haha, I'm joking with you. phoenix is like a daughter to you, so you do out of your way to protect her. I on the other simply want to enjoy life. you didn't need a host, that's just a lie you tell yourself, and her. you have something you care for and want to protect. meanwhile, I just want to live a life worth living." Sora said as he took the meat he was cooking and placed it on a dish,

he turned and gave her to eat, but the phoenix force snorted, since when would she ever eat? she didn't need such things.

"Eat it, it's not about needing to eat, it's about enjoying it. if death and live for my cooking, I don't believe you would not jump at the chance to eat it." Sora said as he tried to feed her, but the phoenix force was stunned hearing that Death of all people was eating and enjoying herself.

with a thought, she instantly gained knowledge of everything Mei has been doing, her body shook slightly just what voodoo did Sora cast upon Death? she looked at the food for a moment before opening her mouth to take a bite.

and once she didn't, her flames went chaotic, seemly about to destroy the whole world, but Sora suppressed them before his house could be destroyed.

"So, what does the phoenix think of my cooking?" Sora asked with a smile, looking at the phoenix force who seemed as if she might kill him for the food in Sora's hands. as Minto and his chief improve, Sora copies them each time, so one could guess the level of his cocking was at.

Sora handed her the disk, which she happily ate, meanwhile, the Cheetah girl was looking at the side with envy. she didn't dare to get closer, but she couldn't turn her head away. Mito was also looking on while swallowing her saliva, while Saline who was playing sword art online locking got up in time to see this.

luckily for them, Sora made enough, she the 3 rushed over to eat, filling the whole room with their moans,

"Cough, I see why Death stays around you." The Phoenix force said softly, Sora smiled slightly while looking outside.

"Some words of wisdom, it's not living if a person is protected from everything. a child has to fall to walk, life is full of pain. but it's this pain that makes people live, learning from their mistakes. you keep Phoenix away from anything which could make her grow. you're not letting her grow, and one day she will push you away." Sora said softly, making the phoenix force quiet. Sora lifted her chin slightly, having the two look at each other.

"I guess being a mother is hard... but it was nice seeing the human form, I wonder if I can see it again," Sora said with a smile,

"What are you saying?" the Phoenix force asked with a deep frown,

"I think this might be love at first sight, don't you?" Sora asked with a smile, the phoenix force eyes flashed slightly before she moved Sora's hands off her.

"Never going to happen." She said calmly to which Sora shrugged slightly,

"we'll see about that," Sora said with a smile