

"So, you want to say over and watching thing?" Sora asked with a smile while looking at the Amazonian woman, she nodded slightly. Sora nodded slightly at her words, agreeing she could stay for as long as she wants.

they just finished eating, and the Cheetah girl had eaten her fill until she got sleepy, so she went to sleep without a car in the world. currently, Sora was in his lab, looking at Salina who was playing the game.

"So, you're Zeus's daughter... what's that like?" Sora asked with a smile, the Amazonian woman smiled slightly hearing Sora's words. so many people want to know how's it's like to be the daughter of Zeus, but it's not so fun when you have his wife trying to destroy all clues that he was cheating on her.

"Everything is alright, Hera is the only problem, along with her son Ares, and a few other gods. the thing is you can't blame Hera, she is a perfect wife who had no other choice but to marry Zeus... sigh, it's just so complicated." the Amazonian woman said with a deep sigh, Sora looked at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"Let me guess, Hera wants to kill you, while Zeus is trying to calm her down while protecting you. this would lead to how your home was almost being destroyed, forcing you to leave as you were bringing danger to your home." Sora asked stunning the Amazonian woman, but he was on point.

"you're strong, kind, and beautiful, those are real things to see," Sora said softly, the Amazonian woman was stunned for a moment before she smiled.

"don't you have a girlfriend?" She asked with a smile, Sora shrugged slightly as he looked at her.

"I'm only speaking facts. there is something about you that stands out from everyone else... I believe it's your heart. Kara is pure, meanwhile, although you fight on the side of good, you willing to kill and be cold with it. that darkness... I believe it balances you out, making you perfect." Sora said softly as he looked into her eyes,

"you're not against killing?" She asked with a smile, to which Sora nodded calmly

"Pulling the weeds from their roots, I believe sometimes such actions are needed. sometimes not killing an enemy just gives them a chance to grow and return stronger than ever before. sometimes a person's sins are too heavy for them to remain in this world, at least that's what I think." She said softly, stunning the Amazonian woman. she honestly believed Sora and all of the smart people to be some babies hiding away within their labs, but Sora's point of view was something she could agree with

"... I plan to be a kind of hero; you want to be a kind of martial art teacher for me?" Sora asked with a smile, making the Amazonian woman's eyebrow raise.

"As Ares's stepbrother, I believe he should be a fighting god or something... right?" Sora asked with a smile to which the Amazonian woman went speechless. but Sora was right, Every Martial Art form is at his command. He knows all the military wisdom of the ages... the strategy and tactics of each battle from the beginning of time.

Ares was the best martial artist, with a few other gods of war rivaling him, so the fact the Amazonian woman could fight him in a martial art for some time was something to be noted off,

"you're smart but are you willing to go through such training? even Iron bat isn't my match, and he searched a shocking like of martial arts with is a grade below mine." She said softly,

"There is something you will find out about me, I'm a fast learner. don't think because I'm smart that I don't work out and stuff." Sora said with a smile, the Amazonian woman wanted to sneer, but seeing the confidence in Sora's eyes, she shook her head and got up.

Sora went on to tell Salina he was going downstairs to learn some martial arts, to which Salina pouted slightly, he would have asked her to teach him.

"I guess you can say you will be my trainer, and in return, I will pay you with food and other stuff... deal?" Sora asked with a smile, to which the Amazonian woman was speechless, but she agree in the end, why would she pass something like this up? free food, hell yeah.

So, they arrive in the basement, and the Amazonian woman suppressed herself to Sora's level. and so, the two went on to battle. to say the least, Sora was beaten up, how could he a normal human match such a skilled fighter?

But Sora showed his quick learning skills, the Amazonian woman wasn't just attacking as she was helping Sora freshen up his move each time. to her shock, she only needed to say it once, and after some tries, Sora learned it,

what shocked her most was that Sora was adapting to her fighting style, she realized Sora was a thinker, so him watching her movement was something he would be looking for. what happened once would not happen again as he was always thinking of a counter.

he was smarter than Iron Bat, through their battle this was clear, in a few hours Sora's martial arts skills seemed to reach a level where Iron bat took months to search, for and normal people years to reach. this showed how freakishly talented Sora was, shocking her, as Sora might be able to suppress her and even reach Ares's level of martial arts.

Sora fell heavily to the ground on his back, with the Amazonian woman landing on top of him. Sora sighed softly, she was too skilled and easily adapted to everything he threw at him. she was something he, a normal human who was only smart and nothing else couldn't hope to go against.

"you're talented." She said softly, Sora blushed slightly as he turned his head away. the Amazonian woman's eye twitched slightly as she felt something pocking her. and growing. she froze for a slip second before she blushed, and with a flash, she jumped backward and saw the thing in between Sora's legs.

She was stunned, could something be so big? She is Bisexual, liking both males and females, coming from a land of females, all of them were into females, but she left the island and fell in love with some males and females over the hundreds of years she was away from home.

"My apologies, you were the first person I ever fought with like that... it made me feel weird," Sora said softly, stunning the Amazonian woman. Did Sora connect with her through those free clashes?

when people clash, they could sense and know the person's heart. it was a deep connection, much deeper than what any words could describe. she of course didn't enter this state as she was not trying to go all out and was lost in her thoughts while fighting. but Sora...

"I-it's alright, let's continue tomorrow." She said as she blushed slightly, this was the first time something like this happened. what male could match her in battle or be so skilled to reach such a state? Iron bat? sure, but he didn't react like this.

as for why she was blushing, who wouldn't? a perfect guy like Sora just reacted to this, she didn't see it before, but now she thought Sora was even more handsome than before. just look, perfect cooking, super smart, super talented, he was super kind, and their idea was in line with each other. sadly, Kara was dating him. why most all the good guys be taken?

"I will cook, take it as my apologies," Sora said softly, after he calmed down below, the Amazonian woman of course would not say no to this and nodded. they rushed off to the kitchen, by now, Peter and the others were back from school.

"More people for us to cook for?" Erina asked with a frown seeing so many new faces, just one day, 3 new people had joined. Saline, the Cheetah girl, and the Amazonian woman. at this rate, would they not need more than 3 people a day? but today Sora was eating at the table and seemed to be eating.

normally when Sora is eating at the table, he would give them some tips, so it was great. their cooking skills had improved somewhat ever since they came here. so, it was a bit worth it.

"... who took my seat." Mei's cold voice sounded upon coming out of her anime room only to find that all the seats were filled up, Sora looked at her slightly and saw her eyes, she had dark circles as if she has not been sleeping.

"Shut down the anime, from now, Mei is only allowed to be there for 24 hours a week," Sora said calmly, making Mei who was looking at the Cheetah girl with cold eyes free. she was enraged seeing a cat on her seat, who gave that thing the balls. but Sora's words made her soul almost leave her body.

"No, I'm about to finish Two Piece find the Twp Piece, and become the Marine King," Mei said with pleading eyes. Two Piece needed one to stay within it at all times. she had to ride the speaks and train her way up the ranks, the lack of sleep was just a small price to pay to become the Marine King,

Two peace was too good of an anime. with the Marine King Dying at the hands of a pirate, he announced his treasure, the two-piece, making everyone want to become a Marine to get the treasure. of course, pirates wanted to cheat and get the treasure in their way.

the MC Sakazuki begins his journey to find the Two Piece and become the Marine King. the story follows him, as he collects many powerful people to join his fleet, as he grows in power to become one of the strongest people in the world.

he faces many troubles, with his beloved brother Kuzan dying at the hands o the evil pirate Monkey D Luffy. it was a heartbreaking moment, as Sakazuki a strong, cheerful guy cried and almost broke down.

the anime would have you in tears, like crying for Sakazuki's first gun which had to be replaced, but the crew had a fight over it, and almost broke apart. truly, it was anime she loved deeply.

"I don't care. you have been in there for days on end," Sora said coldly, Mei angrily looked at Sora. a black fog slowly came off her body, making everyone's heart drop.

"If you destroy my food, you're eating normal food for a month," Sora said with narrowed eyes, Mei's black fog quickly disappeared, and as the thoughts of two peace disappeared, what was more important? Sora cooking or the two-piece? of course, it was to act like Sora's cooking was more important and fight him after.

"Cough, why are there so many new people here?" Kara asked with a frown, not liking the fact so many females were here, with Only Peter being the only male here. even Peter was getting awkward around so many females without his girlfriend around, but his eyes were currently on Saline, they had a past together and it was a bit awkward

"Oh, Saline here broke into my place. Lex hired her for a job, but took her, tomorrow, Risa, Poison Ivy, her and Cheetah girl would start training their teamwork, after all, you all done a lot of bad stuff, so it would take some time to clean things up." Sora said stunning Kara who looked at Saline, who lowered her head in embarrassment

"The Amazonian woman will be staying here to look after Cheetah. meanwhile, I will be working on a cure for Cheetah... and also be my personal martial art teacher." Sora said making Kara sigh softly, why must her boyfriend be so kind, she couldn't be angry at him. as it seemed like females had the most trouble... why can't males have a similar type of trouble... but they did, spider man villains had it, and a few others.

"On that note, I should capture the lizard and bring him here, along with the others... I will be back." Peter said finding a reason to leave, but he quickly came and grabbed his food and left.

the next moment, everyone turned their attention away from him as they heard something hitting the door. looking over, they saw Mei had slammed the Cheetah girl to the ground, Cheetah girl flashed, appearing before Sora and fearfully using him as a shield.

"What is it?" Sora asked with a frown, cheetah girl fearfully pointed at Mei, she had a sharp instinct, and she just froze while looking at Mei, it was like she was looking at death. everything within her was telling her to run.

"It's alright, now she would only have 12 hours a week to remain in the anime room," Sora said with a gentle smile as she stretched her head, making her relax. meanwhile, Mei almost cried,

"But she took my seat," Mei said feeling wronged, but Sora sighed as she shook his head, was he looking after little kids?

"as you human, you need to learn that sometimes you need to ask before doing something. I understand as death you did as you want when you want, but you can't do that now, how would she have known that was your seat?" Sora asked calmly, Mei bit her lips slightly before looking at the Cheetah girl, but in the end, she took a deep breath a said sorry,

"Good, now you have 20 hours a week, use it smartly," Sora said making Mei sigh softly as she sat down to eat, the group talked slightly. after the meal, many began getting ready for bed, while Sora stayed back to give some tips, before heading off to spend the night with Kara,

Although kara was not in the mood, who would resist Sora's smooth words? so, a night of enjoyment began, Ashly, knowing what they were doing joined, and the two ladies had to admit, Sora's skills seemed to have improved. it was weird, but he seemed to have more knowledge on how to treat a woman even better than before... which of course was thanks to the Amazonian woman, which came with many things.

and so, the first-time skip began. the next day a similar day like today went by, Sora went to school, and left with Peter teaching, while he went back home to do many things. from studying Bioresearch, and training with the Amazonian woman,

the Amazonian woman didn't just Sora, she also trained Poison Ivy, Risa, Salina, and Cheetah girl, normally Cheetah girl would not join them, but thanks to Sora she became like a pet.

Sora also began sleeping with a different person, last night it was Kara and Ashly, and today in the morning it was Aunt May, and at night was Fire Empress

the next day, Sora saw some ads targeting him and supporting Lex, he of course didn't care much about this. the only reason he wanted to be president was that he wanted to be president, that was all to it if he doesn't then so bite it... but since the heroes were going against him, would it not be fun to go all out against them in this mini-war?

but Sora was speechless to see Obama's Wife stepping forward to become president, while Justice Man and a few others supported her to the fullest. this was not expected and was going to be troublesome. Sora knew if he wanted to win, he should start putting out some ads, but he was too lazy for such bs.

Friday soon came, and Sora stood in an underground training room, with all his students who had their equipment ready to be used. although some of them couldn't finish in time, some of them did manage to finish it, as they stayed long hours at school, or worked together with others two create similar weapons for each other.

it's not like Sora said no one could work together, so they saw this loophole and used it, to which Sora nodded.

"I always hate how schools say stuff like no calculator and other stuff like that during a test. like do they believe that in the era we live a phone would be out of our reach? or how they limit others from working together at times, let's face it. in the real world, you always have a phone on you. you can't do anything without it. Do you need help? you call a friend for help, the same thing for heroes." Sora said while looking at all of them.

"no one can finish a huge task by themselves... unless you're me, or one of those few one-kind people... like me. you're young and still growing, only in your 20s, with the youngest here being 18, pushing yourself foolishly to fight something which you're not good at is foolish. even Iron bat will call in backup when needed. so, for this, everyone who struggled on this project and did not ask a teammate or someone for help, you have a Z. for those who had an easier time but saw someone struggling and did nothing, you have a Z." Sora said stunning the whole class

"I could honestly care less if you defeat him, this whole test was to see if some of you were stupid enough to step into an element you were bad in and head in headstrong or take a step back and realize maybe I should get some help. if you're like this, it means you will avoid some enemies in the future, or you would waste a huge amount of your time on the wrong thing. when asking for help could save many lives and save you the trouble." Sora said calmly before he clapped his hands as a girl man suddenly appeared behind him, releasing a powerful heat wave.

"Now, let's see how you all did," Sora said calmly as he went to step aside, to watch the students who were looking at each other.

'IQ seems to improve slightly within the last week, but not by a noticeable amount yet, I copied a few of them twice already, and with Emma I copied 5 times because of Frost. this is a bit interesting, I wonder how my pushing them like this could improve them all.' Sora thought with a smile, looking at James being the first one to step forward.

Next chapter