
Bloodstone Improvement

Corwyn inspected the Bloodstone Goblet, his hands traced the worn etched runes, the scent of sanguine beauty, and the mystical sense of lifeforce that traveled to his soul via the blood resting inside its bowl.

He leaned back on a stool as his gaze roved over the dead smithy that he both lived and worked within. It was very late in the night, the moon was high, and Corwyn was using his enchanted items to stave off sleep.

He'd been working hard within the forges, it was Thothsday or Tuesday, and it'd been five days since he'd met with Rose. He'd stopped thinking about her on Setsday, having moved on. He'd moved on about a lot of things in his new life.

Dying...it was an interesting thing. A sad thing really. One might think it would be nice and easy adapting to a new world like he had, but he'd had to face the constant thoughts and memories of his past life.

One might think that dying and then living in a new world was a great experience, but reframe the picture and it felt like everyone you ever knew, ever loved, everything you grew up with, the customs, the culture, the world itself has died and you were all that was left of it.

Corwyn was the only Earthling on Genkai, the only Terran, the only American. His sister had died, his mother had died, his father, his friends, his country, his world...everything he'd ever known had died because he lived without them.

So yes, Corwyn was an...experienced soul in 'getting over' things.

He placed the Goblet of Bloodstone in his lap and took twelve of those Charges inside his burning soul, a soul of inviolable stone that had braved an Aeon, a soul infected with a cold rage, splattered with the mark of a god of blood, and engraved with the mark of a god of the forge.

He took them and pressed them deeply into the Goblet, raising its rank and feeling it grow in grand power. The Goblet didn't feel like he'd 'Upgraded' it to be exact, but in actuality felt like he'd 'repaired it' conceptually. It was an interesting feeling, and one that only bolstered his choice in using the item.

Now that the item was Exotic, it held a total Enchantment Slot count of Five Enchantments, and he had seven Charges. Using his power he scoured the potential of the object and pulled from the pool of Conceptual power several ideas and tied three of them to the Goblet.

'Exotic - Goblet of Bloodstone'

For The Blood God: When sacrificed blood, the blood inside will stay fresh and will not dry or degrade. The person who's blood was sacrificed will gain a great regeneration factor, able to shrug off fatal wounds and keep fighting. This effect is only present when near the Goblet. The more wounded and near death the sacrificed holder is, the more rage and feral thoughts will fill their mind.

Nutritional Blood: The owner of sacrificed blood will be supplied with nutrition that will keep their body healthy as long as they stay within range of the Bloodstone Goblet. Starvation is the enemy!

Superior Blood: The Blood of those Blessed by the Blood God is Superior than normal Mortals. Your genetic structure is refined, your body will develop to utmost biological perfection, and your seed will be extremely potent and resistant against genetic fallacies.

Hemomancy: Grants the blessed the ability to manipulate their own blood and the exposed blood of others. An open wound can be used to draw blood out of a foe, and constructs of blood can be used as weapons.

Endless Marrow: The marrow of the blessed is mystically enhanced to endlessly produce blood without negative side-affects or biological limiters. The blessed could bleed a thousand gallons and feel only a tad bit light-headed. Removes the need to drink, the body will self-cannibalize the water content of the blood generated.

As Corwyn placed the last Charge, he felt his body change and evolve. His veins contracted into his body, before visibly bulging as they went through a qualitative improvement. His bones burned as their marrow was enchanted, and he felt stronger all for it.

Letting out a deep breath, Corwyn opened his eyes and stashed the Goblet back into his cubby hole.

'Need to make a safe and enchant the living fuck out of it to keep all my goodies inside.' Corwyn thought as he got up from the chair and inspected his remaining four charges.

He shook his head and gave a soft sigh. 'No, I'll save those for my next project.' Corwyn thought as he looked over at the stack of papers and modern pen that he's been using to write his 'story'. It was a story that he'd base his next Grimoire on.

He went over and chopped the pages together to keep them orderly before shoving them back into the cubby.

'Nothing better to do.' Corwyn thought as he started putting on his armor and grabbed his Halberd.

He frowned up at the blade and thought about the designs for the new and improved Halberd when he reached level 2. 'This blade is too small and is built for fighting humans still, not monsters in the dungeon that are twice as large as men, and often times larger. I need something with heft, weight, and meaning.' He glanced over to the forge where a schematic for his new weapon lay. The frown left his face as he nodded to himself and left to the dungeon, content with knowing that everything was fitting in nicely. He wouldn't say everything was going to plan, he had no plan, but things were working out.


The story sitting on his pallet of blankets and bedding was hard to make out in the darkness of the cubby, but a shaft of light from a street-light shined through a window and into the cracked door of the cubby highlighting the title.

Pelinal Whitestrake, The Divine Crusader.


I changed the Polehammer to a new idea that I had in the shower. When Corwyn hits level two I'll start writing discritptions and posting art that you guys can then add onto. Sorry for people who wanted a hammer build, but I sort of realized (in the shower) that I was creating a character based on 'blood' and gave him a hammer. I kinda face palmed and realized I already have some of the best art I can get for Corwyn. :p

LordDylzcreators' thoughts