
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Phim ảnh
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23 Chs

Ch.2 I am the power!

Godamm those beds sucked seriously anyway I had like 8 hours of sleep before I was asked to go get debriefed on our targets so I got dressed and walked towards the headquarters on the way I saw people running around and the boats arriving on the beaches then I arrived.

The old man was our commander he was the general of the 1st division his name was Walter short the major general who ordered us to destroy the major railways in Paris and it's surrounding stations which lead to every defensive station on the coast which meant if it was destroyed then the Germans wouldn't be able to get any supplies which meant the allied forces could destroy them easier.

Which meant the Germans would get absolutely owned continuing on we quickly got our stuff well supplies for our super secret commando mission I thought it was kinda stupid cause sending all the mages in the 1st division was kinda over um how do I say it uhh over preparing yeah over preparing cause we where going on a commando mission.

A commando mission not a basic attack mission we where going to be sneaky we weren't going to walk into Paris with our American 1st division patches on and just start killing people we where going to get to the tracks and sabotage them and after explaining this to the super fuck off old general of the 1st division he finally relented.

And instead of a full squad of mages I would be the only mage and I would have two actually trained commandos with me they didn't tell me there names cause if we got captured they couldn't make up a fake name for themselves but they called themselves "Mike" and "Ike". (if anyone gets this reference I tip my hat to you)

Anyway we then planned our way to Paris they thankfully spoke German and french and so did I since I had a lot of time in my two months in Britain which meant we wouldn't be caught since one of us couldn't speak German.

Now we planned to take our newly given civilian vehicle from one of the french towns nearby they gave it to us with out any fight since we killed their German overlords who unsurprisingly weren't very nice to them anyway we quickly hid our gear while I pulled out my newly made Thompson machine gun while we were driving I made some adjustments which gave it a lower kickback when firing and a lot of other adjustments that would be very boring.

So after I finished doing my adjustments I dissembled it and put it under our vehicles floor while Mike and ike kept a eye on the road I looked at the map we had and noticed we where still probably a long way away from Paris not surprising but still because of that I went to sleep.

And 4 hours later I was woken up by Mike who said in German "get up Alex we are..." he then looked at the map and finished his sentence with "Versailles and we will stock up on food and raw chemicals just in case and you will get the food so here" he then gave me some German marks and in seconds we stopped and they left the car and walked up to some french citizens.

So I got up smoothed my clothes and hair then left the car and walked up to a french man who was walking past me and asked in french "sir do you know where the local food store is" the man looked at me then replied in french "yes sir it's down there and then you go to the left and you'll find it" he pointed down a street and i said "thanks" and then walked down the street.

Straight to the food store where i bought some jerky and some bananas plus a apple or two and some alcohol for molotov's just in case so I quickly handed the store man some German marks and walked back to the car and then waited until a couple minutes later when Ike and Mike came down the street with some chemicals in a bag and both of them had one which was kinda weird cause we had explosives we didn't really need more.

But they got in and we drove off and a hour later we where right outside Paris we quickly grabbed our backpacks full of bombs and gun parts plus the stuff we bought at Versailles we then got our map of Parises railways and quickly but quietly moved towards them and minutes later we could see our first target which was surrounded by German soldiers.

So I quickly pulled the, back with my air magic and made sure they couldn't breath so they couldn't say anything or shout for help them Mike or Ike killed them and took there gear and walked in and then discreetly planted some bombs on the multiple railways and then walked back to me and then we went to the next and the next and the next.

And a hour later we had planted everything and since the bombs were on a timer and where combined with some nice explosive chemicals the first one we had planted went boom then the next and then the next we could hear the screaming of the french citizens and the German soldiers where running around like headless chickens.

So we quickly discarded the German gear and ran back to our car and then drove off back to Versailles where we blew up their railways then the next town and then the next every town we passed on our way back to Omaha there railways and logistical lines where blown up and destroyed.

And 7 hours later we arrived back to Omaha and the base was way bigger tanks and jeeps were rolling around all around the base then we rode back to the HQ which was currently being reinforced with defensive positions and earth wall we're being used as corridors for defence anyway we quickly went to the old man general and explained how we did our mission with out debrief over we went back to our rooms.

Yeah rooms since I was a very cool and important mage I now had a nice room for myself and the bed wasn't a piece of shit so I quickly explored the base and saw that a makeshift airbase was being set up on the plains plus people were starting to build defensive towers and logistical lines and officers where being sent to Omaha to set up proper logistical lines and offices plus the newly arrived officers and generals where talking to the big top generals and were creating a battle plan.

Now while this was happening the soldiers that had survived the assault on Omaha beach where retaking the surrounding french villages now they welcomed us with open arms and some partisans started giving us German positions and secret German bunkers which where filled with supplies plus the big German base positions were also given to us plus there force numbers which were extremely low since they had sent them to reinforce the Germans at the Atlantic wall in the Netherlands.

This meant we could quickly take the, and use there supply of vehicles and ammunition to attack even further into German controlled France plus they had nice artillery guns we could use on the approaching German forces which where going to try and retake Omaha which would probably fail.

Now onto the other allied attacks on Normandy all of them went really well they had taken the surrounding areas and they had set up there bases and with the destruction of the German railways and logistical lines the attacking Germans couldn't retake the beaches and took thousands of casualties they had even killed some German mages which was a bonus.

Now they weren't doing as well as us but they where still doing well now I started to experiment with my powers especially water which I had been using to grow my muscles and body weird I know but it worked I was now 6,4 and I was at peak human form I think but I was doing well.

But after I cleaned up my room and added some things to make it more homely after that I started to make personal grenades and I was making metal armour which I would move with my metal magic it would be impossible to pierce with regular bullets but tanks and rocket launchers would do lots of damage.

But after that I was tired as fuck so I quickly warmed my bed and my clothes to a comfy level and then went to my bed but I only went to sleep after reading a nice book I stole from one of the generals he wouldn't be happy but what ever so I quickly went to sleep and in the morning I would be surprised by what would come.