
Inner Beast

Somethings happening in the province,something.Mateo went to watch his friend fight to support him,many minutes later the two fighters are tired after the punches they threw,they both looked angry.Suddenly out of nowhere,a lion just spawned beside the two fighters,wait,the lion,when did it get there?theres no lion existed around this area.

TheLegend · Võ hiệp
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62 Chs

Chapter 33: Tournament Second Fight 2

Wait let me search for the foxes abilities,

Foxes have a strong keen of smell, excellent night vision and the ability to run at high speed,

Seriously speed again, Perry is already fast but gained more speed. Now for the cougar.

Cougars have strength, agility, and an ability to jump high,

Seriously again, is this a coincidence?, Josh is already strong, and gained more strength from his animal. I looked at the two, they are already clashing.

Perry's fists danced across Josh's body like a rainstorm, but the behemoth remained unyielding, absorbing the blows like a sponge. In retaliation, Josh's fists thundered through the air, each impact rippling out in a shockwave of brute force.


They recharged their arm at the speed of light, As the battle raged, they discovered that their powers were equally matched. Perry's speed allowed him to evade Josh's crushing blows, while Josh's strength proved an impenetrable barrier against Perry's rapid strikes. The stalemate threatened to become an endless dance of attrition.

Suddenly, a flicker of desperation ignited in Perry's eyes. He gathered his remaining energy into his legs and activated a burst of unimaginable velocity. Time seemed to slow down as he streaked past Josh, his body a blur full of yellow aura.

In a matter of moments, Perry had completed a full lap around the field,he charged his arm while making laps. His path is marked by a trail of afterimages. As he returned to Josh's front, he unleashed a furious barrage of punches that finally breached Josh's defenses.


Josh staggered backward, dazed by the onslaught. Seizing the opportunity, Perry recharged his arm, he delivered a final lightning-fast blow.


Wait a minute, Josh punched Perry's arm before it reached him, Josh landed another strike downwards.


Perry is face-planted on the ground.

"Holy Sh*t" I heard Elyzer behind me,

I didn't realize he was present, Josh turned Perry upwards and went on top of him.


He kept on punching Perry's head, as he was about to land a punch, Perry twitched his head and Josh's arm hit the ground. Perry with his speed made a punch of barrage on Josh who's on top of him.

Josh stood up and retreated, Perry stood up with a bruised face. We all know Clyde is more faster than him since we can't see image of him when he ran, or maybe he went somewhere to hide and wait for the right time to hit just like he did to Mark. Perry is a little bit slower than him since we can see some images of him when he run and giving advantage of Josh to see when he will strike.

Perry again made laps around the field waiting for his advantage to hit Josh, suddenly out of nowhere, he spawned behind Josh with his arm already charged, he was about to hit. Huh?, Josh unexpectedly dodged that, Josh grabbed Perry's clothes and smacked him to the ground.

Josh just looked at him on the ground like a weakling, Perry looked very very tired. He's gasping for air. Josh turned him upwards. He's recharging his right arm. Perry now can't move, Josh raised his arm.


He landed a strike on Perry's face, Perry is unconscious, the referee rushed over and pushed Josh away,


The Elite squads cheered as Josh approached them.

"Holy sh*t, I hope Perry is okay after that, that was terrifying" I said to my squad,

"He may be our enemy but he's still a human for us to worry" one of my team replied,

"Congratulations for The Elite squad for winning the second round, we will soon start the third round in ten minutes!" The referee shouted,

"Who's next to fight?" Elyzer asked someone from the team,

"It will be....hmmmmm, they said it will be Carl from the Avengers and Benjo from our team" he replied,

We all know what Benjo's animal is but we don't know what Carl have.

*Note from Author*

Thanks for reading my novel, I really really appreciated it. I finished Chapter 31 to 33 this evening, I wrote in paper and finished chapter 31 to 32 in my school this morning while they are introducing the runner up officers for the next school year since we grade 10 are moving up to seniors(or I will not move up if I failed) . I copied the chapter 31 to 32 from the paper word by word and put it in my note app of my phone so I finished chapter 33 in the forest since I lived in the province.

Yeah I skipped school this afternoon, don't worry because this afternoon what they just do is voting officers, yeah I'll soon get punished tomorrow because I didn't vote even if our president said and announced that there will be punishment if you don't vote or skip school, I could even hear their gongs(like the metal steel instrument) over yonder.

Aside from school sorry for my wrong grammars in some of the chapters and using some words too much since English is not my original language that I can't think other words of it. I'm really sorry for making some of my chapters short and not long because I'm always running out of ideas mostly in chapter 29 that I ran out of ideas and hate using the same scenes all over again.

I sometimes use AI text generator to give me some ideas for an example "Janly Fought with Zike fist to fist blah blah blah" the AI sometimes help but sometimes it gave bland ideas, as again thank you so much for reading my novel(I'm 100 percent sure there's a lot of wrong grammars in this note that I didn't notice)



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