
Infinity Fantasy: System, Extra's and romance.

This novel is the English translated version. If you want to read the original version, go to my profile. The chapters came out faster in the original work. ***English is not my official language!!!! Sorry for any mistakes!!!** *1 release per day, except weekends.* While going shopping, Zeth ends up dying in a mysterious explosion. With his consciousness wandering through the void, Zeth finds himself in some strange situations until he is finally reborn as Alvis Dolorac Poten. In the wonderful world of Arcanum, Alvis embarks on an epic odyssey, discovering the mysteries of magic, discovering the reason for his reincarnation, encountering comical situations, making friends and growing up. While enchanted by this wonderful world, Zeth will discover that not everything is as it seems and that things are not so simple. *** What to expect from this novel? Adventure? YES; Magic? YES; Realism? YES; Romance? YES; Harem? NO; Cliche? Used but in the most creative way possible. My goal with this Novel is to create a story that is interesting, not another cheap copy of several other novels out there. There will be cliché situations but I will use these clichés in a creative, interesting way. There will be a well-founded explanation of the magic and principles of this world. I will try to mix reality with fantasy. I hope you like it and if you do, send me some encouragement. The more incentives, the faster the chapters will come out!!!

Wizz08 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

c14- The Garden part.3

C14 - The Garden part.3


In the 8th month of the twins' lives, Alvis began to awaken, that is, attract mana. Which left them completely worried since their body was not in tune with mana and absorbing mana in these conditions could cause serious damage to the body. But as the amount was small, they decided to wait and see if the absorbed mana forced the assimilated mana to be in tune with the body. But not. His body stopped absorbing mana after almost 2 months. The mana from the environment and the assimilated mana did not mix. This prevented them from circulating through Alvis' body.

Charlotte also started absorbing mana about 2 weeks ago. Having already had experience with Alvis, they decided that the best solution would be to give the mancuja to them. After all, they were already going to eat.

And so this family outing was organized. Alvis and Charlotte would be able to go for a walk, and Mary and Julius could give them the fruit and make sure no problems occurred.


Walking towards the tree, Julius, out of nowhere, took out a silk sheet and placed it on the ground, then, just like the sheet, several foods full of mana suddenly appeared, of course, in preparation for the mancuja's digestion process.

"Okay, let's all eat. Rejoice, because I prepared these fufufu foods myself. You may not know but the foods I cook are coveted by many hahaha"

Looking at him were Charlotte and Alvis with their eyes shining. In fact, if you looked closely, they were drooling. Both for different reasons: Charlotte for the food and Alvis for witnessing magic. Meanwhile, Mary was just smiling and happy as she took in the entire scene.

'I should have brought Edward and Philippes um...well, they need to study so that's next time. Although we're going to visit your grandparents in 3 months...*sigh*...so I think it'll be fine.' She thought as she walked towards the sheet on the floor and sat down as she prepared food for the twins.


As he sat waiting for his mother to prepare his food, the scene of things suddenly appearing kept flashing through Alvis' head, clearly and with every detail. In fact, even Alvis isn't aware of how good his senses are. Memory, hearing, vision, perception. These and your other senses are super developed.

Too bad he isn't aware...

'What kind of Magic did he use? No, was that really Magic? Or maybe it's the classic storage ring? Or did he just use magic to shrink things? Aaaaaahhhhh SO MANY QUESTIONS!!! WHEN AM I GOING TO LEARN THIS DAMN MAGIC????'


As he sighed, Alvis couldn't help but be irritated that he couldn't learn magic. Despite asking your mother about it, her answer is always the same: you're not ready yet. Of course, even if we don't know what "being ready" means, it makes sense that a baby can't practice magic so there's nothing he can do other than wait for time to pass.

"Here, you can eat. You can only eat the fruit after finishing your entire meal!" Breaking Alvis out of his thoughts was the voice of his mother handing him a plate FULL of food. Fruits, salad, shredded meat, juice, and several other foods that he didn't even recognize. The fact is: there is a lot of food for a baby!

Looking at the smile on Mary's face, Alvis knew he couldn't refuse. And then, resigning himself to his fate, Alvis began to eat.




Full. Have you ever eaten so much that you feel like you're going to explode?

It's been more than an hour and the twins still haven't managed to finish eating. How could they? Every time his plates were almost empty, his mother would add more.

"And that's it! You ate everything. You are truly my warriors!!"

Listening to his mother, Alvis could only give a forced smile.

"Come on Alvis, I'm going to burp you my baby" when his father's voice trailed off, Alvis felt two hands wrap around him and later, being lined up by his father on his shoulder, he felt pats on his back.

Processing the information, Alvis couldn't help but sigh. After all, there is nothing he can do about the situation.


"There. Now you can eat the mancuja. Here, one for you and one for Char." Leaving Alvis on the ground, Julius handed him a colorful fruit and then handed another to his sister, Charlotte.

"Dad..no need, I can eat later. I'm full." Said Alvis while looking at Charlotte who was looking at the so-called manjuca without any expression.

"No, you must eat my love."

Seeing his parents' smiling expressions, Alvis knew that his parents were behaving strangely. But despite this, he can only eat the fruit. And then...




The moment I ate the fruit, that was the only thing I thought about. That I was in paradise. The fruit simply has a transcendental flavor. I felt like I was floating. And so, I continued to eat. Like a barbarian or a beggar who hasn't eaten in days. No matter how full he was before, the moment I ate that fruit, the only thing on my mind was to finish it. The flavor my tongue conveyed to my brain was simply too much. The pleasure, the excitement was intoxicating. And when she finished...I was confused.

'What happened with me?' I questioned myself and then, before I could think of anything else, my eyelids felt heavy and my body felt soft. As my senses fade, I just feel two hands wrapping around me

"Shii, calm down my love. It's going to be okay. Just sleep" and with these words from my father, I lost consciousness.