
Infinity (Harry Potter x Twilight)

Waking up in the middle of being sorted, Theo is f*ckin' confused! How the hell did he get there, and what's the reason he was granted a cheat like ability? The more he delves into the world, the more he realises it's not exactly as it seems. Witches, wizards and vampires.. is there more? Theo just wants to find some love, mess around and enjoy life. (AU Twilight x AU Harry Potter) *********** MC x 1 - 3 FML (This won't go any higher.) Story begins in HP, but eventually MC will find some oddities in the world, his heritage, and that the other supernatural's seem to gravitate to him. I've built a background for the MC, and it will involve some canon information, but a lot more of my own creative writing. (Posting this whilst my PC is being repaired, an additional novel I've written whilst bored.)

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14 Chs

Women Are Confusion!

A night spent trying to sleep with Alice was the most difficult thing I had to deal with since waking up in this world.

When she was a cat, the transformation had changed her in that state to be able to sleep, but once I broke the curse, things had changed.

So why is this an issue?

Alice kept some of her cat-like tendencies—not the bad ones, though they were pretty dangerous for a hormonal teenager.

When she was a cat, she slept right next to me most nights, either on my chest or next to my head. As a vampire? She did the same thing, though this time it was much more sensual. Legs locked around my waist, head nestled into the crook of my neck, she'd sometimes move around, unintentionally grinding against my body.

I wasn't complaining, not even slightly. But it was some of the most torturous shit when I tried my best to not get handsy with her.


Morning had come, and Alice stayed in my room today. Now that she could move about freely, she wished to read some books and get a general understanding of the magical society.

Maybe she could help me get a better grasp on my situation.

I had left the bedroom, giving her a soft hug as I exited, which elicited a happy and warm smile from the pixie. Leaving the common room, I was bound for the first class of the day, Transfiguration.

The classroom itself was much more normal in design, though the competition wasn't hard to beat. Four rows of desks, with four on the left and right side. There was the teacher's desk at the center end of the room, but the teacher was missing.

In place of a human, there was a cat perched on the desk. I couldn't help but smile at it once before taking a seat.

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall. Truly incredible to see such magic this morning."

I had said the words in a slightly hushed voice, as I knew some students were about to enter the class. The 'cat' looked directly at me, its eyes shimmering for a moment in response.

Minutes passed as everyone sat down. Gryffindor would share the class this morning, and Hermione had bounded her way to a seat next to me, her chipper attitude a welcome sight.

The doors slammed open as Ron and Harry ran into the classroom, both huffing and puffing as their eyes scanned the room.

"Whew! Made it! Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron said as he keeled over in exhaustion.

At those words, the cat leapt from the table, shifting mid-air and turning into the formidable McGonagall as she stood in front of the two.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron screamed out.

Scowling, McGonagall looked at the two.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time."

Harry seemed to be offended by the words before uttering, "We got lost."

Though he didn't seem to show any remorse or accountability.

Turning her body, McGonagall left for the front of the class. Standing in front of everyone, she pulled her wand. "Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

I couldn't help but start chuckling in my seat. Sure, there were differences in this world, but some things were still the same.

The entire class watched the event unfold and couldn't help but enjoy it.

McGonagall waved her wand, and multiple matchsticks floated from her desk, landing in front of each of us. She then showed how to transfigure the match into a needle. It was a very hands-on and practical class, but due to how strict she was, everyone was trying to be as cautious as possible.

Picking up my wand, I waved it slightly at the match, watching it turn from wood to a steel needle. I added some flair to the transfiguration, turning the steel purple—a bit more eye-catching for my entertainment.

"Marvelous, Mr. Ambrosius. A flawless transfiguration, along with a unique twist. Ten points to Ravenclaw," McGonagall's voice sounded out beside me, though I did not know when she had appeared.

Nodding, I waved my wand once more, turning it back into a match. Since I had easily achieved the class aim, she left me alone and wandered around the class.

I had been using the wand, in a sense. The application of the magic flowed through it, but I ignored the transfiguration process and used my magic.

I realized it was much smoother, stronger, and faster.

The process of using my style had complete freedom. Unlike the rules and structures wizards and witches required, as long as I could understand the fundamentals to an extent, I could execute any type of magic via my imagination.

'This shit is broken.'

Hermione had a scowl on her face as her magic had failed twice, unable to complete the transformation smoothly, either being stuck at the shape or the transition to steel.

"How did you do it?" she questioned. Though I knew she hated not figuring it out for herself, I was happy to help.

"You're lacking the vision," I said, pulling my wand out, flicking it in the air, and the match slowly changed.

"You are skipping the process. Instead of just mentally commanding the transfiguration, you need to envision it happening slowly. From the wood turning to steel, and the shape bending from a stick to a needle. The entire process must be executed mentally."

It appeared a lightbulb moment happened in her mind as she slapped her forehead gently. "Of course, how simple!" she said, before trying it once again.

This time the process was smoother, and she had reached a passable transfiguration.

McGonagall had been watching us from her desk. As she saw Hermione finally figure it out, she smiled at me kindly before nodding once.

Boredom struck me once again, as Hermione was spending her time trying to perfect her spell.

I had placed multiple matches in front of me, changing their shapes and structures simultaneously. Some were wood, some plastic, metal, or even stone. It was more of a test of how much multitasking I could do, and it seemed I hadn't found a limit with this simple process.

The class proceeded with no hiccups. For the rest of the time, McGonagall ran around helping people, either granting them some points, scolding them, or even asking them to stop using magic.

She was a savage with her words.


"Hey, Hermione. You think we could spend some time on the weekend having a chat? I'm interested in the muggle world and want to know about its current situation," I said. We were both packing up our books as class had just ended.

Turning to me, she blushed slightly before nodding her head. "Sure. I'd love that. Where did you want to meet?"

We had agreed to meet on the little island I had spent my free day on previously. Though I hadn't intended it to come across as a date, the way she reacted seemed to allude to the misunderstanding. Something I wouldn't correct.

Maybe we could get a little... closer?

A double class of potions followed the rest of the day, something I loathed to be in.

Not to say that Potions wasn't important, but I truly disliked the act of spending hours huddled over a cauldron, dealing with temperamental ingredients and hoping it would all turn out alright.

Snape seemed to be in an extra prima donna mood today, as he found faults in everyone's potions, even berating people about breathing too loudly in his class. Thankfully, I kept to myself in the corner, completing the potion with enough ease that he only complained about minuscule issues.


Entering my room, I was about to say hello to Alice as she blurred in front of me, pulling me into a hug, her head nestled on my neck as she purred into me.

"I missed you," she squeaked out in her tiny voice.

Concern spread across my face as I snaked my hands around her slim waist, pulling her deeper into my embrace. "What's wrong?" I questioned.

Shaking her head, she looked up into my eyes. "Nothing. But ever since last night, my emotions have been a mess. I feel like they dulled when I was stuck in the form... but now, they're chaotic in my mind."

'Seems like she's been struggling to contain herself now that she can feel more. Leaving her alone is difficult, but she can't really wander around the school unless...'

"Hey, you know, I could transfigure you into something I wear, and you could come along with me as I go to classes, so you're not alone?" I asked.

Now, this was possible, as I remembered multiple instances of people being turned into objects.

Horace Slughorn turned himself into a couch when Dumbledore and Harry first visited him, even the idiot Ron turned Scabbers into a messed up cup once, and he was Peter Pettigrew.

Listening to my words, Alice jumped up, her legs wrapping around my waist as she clung to my body. She placed her hands on my cheeks as she looked deep into my eyes.


"Sure, I can do it." I smiled, though my face was warming up at the closeness we had.

She was beautiful, and I would be a liar if I denied the attraction I had towards her. Even in my previous life, when I first saw the movies, though I was forced, I was also stunned by her beauty then.

I was fortunate enough, and by some cosmic lottery, she was with me instead of her family. I would make sure that she received proper care, and if she stayed with me, I would continue to look out for her.

Almost like she could see the cogs in my mind turning, she sheepishly smiled before pushing her face towards mine.

Her soft lips touched mine, their pillowy texture so warm and welcoming. My mind froze for a moment before I kissed her back. Though we didn't lose ourselves at the moment, the kiss was innocent and conveyed the vulnerability we gave to one another.

Seconds later, we pulled back, smiling at one another.

"You'll have to be content with that for now, though I really want to do more... I'm a bit of a mess mentally and I need some time," Alice said, her voice cheerful, but I could hear the sadness still mixed deep inside.

Smiling, I nodded at her, holding her body in my arms as I walked to the bed. Laying down, she rested her body atop of mine as she sighed in contentment.


We spent the rest of the night laying together in silence, or I explained the day and what happened in class.

Alice seemed to really enjoy my explanation of magic, and she knew well that I had power hidden in my body. I had explained my 'discoveries' to her and shown the difference between standard magic and my variation.

I had also transfigured multiple sets of my clothing into her own. The ones I struggled the most with were the raunchy lingerie she asked for.

Not that it was difficult to make, but every time I used my magic, I thought about her wearing it and the blood needed for my brain went to another head of mine.

After finishing her tasks, I took a warm shower, needing some time to calm down my lower body and integrate all the new things that had happened today.

'Oh, shit! I completely forgot about checking myself out.'

Instead of looking for a mirror, I essentially created a body-length mirror in the bathroom, adding the essence of infinity to it, so it wouldn't disappear.

"Motherfucker, I knew I was good-looking, but this?!"

My body stood at 6'2", lined with compact muscles, resembling more of a climber or swimmer rather than a bodybuilder.

My hair was black but had shades of purple present, if light was hitting it in the right direction. Along with that, my eyes were a deep purple, and if you didn't focus, it looked almost black. A sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, and a strong nose.

"Now I get it," I said out loud, but I swear I could hear Alice giggling from the bedroom, her hearing picking up my revelation.

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