
Infinite Survival: I Can Plunder Passive Skills

The Infinite Survival System suddenly appeared on Planet Blue. Those who are chosen are forced to survive in dungeons. The Survivors can continue to grow stronger if they survive the dungeon missions. However, just one failure and it would be their deaths. Every Survivor gets a talent. Some talents can boost the Survivor's agility, and some enhances their luck, while Zhou Chen’s talent was Passive Plunderer. It allows him to plunder the passive skills of the monsters he hunts. With that talent, Zhou Chen slowly gathers a powerful list of passive skills.

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Supreme-Grade Cultivation Technique

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

After an unknown period of time, Zhou Chen gradually recovered his consciousness.

"So painful, I'm actually not dead. Looks like the Undying passive skill has taken effect."

He felt intense pain all over his body, his head was ringing, and his vision was blurry. He did not remember much before passing out. He only remembered that he had activated the Undying passive skill.

The name Undying passive skill sounded like a cheat, but in fact, it was not really Undying. It could make Zhou Chen be like a vampire, losing all kinds of vital parts of the ordinary person. He could gradually recover from fatal injuries. At the same time, the weakness of vampires that were afraid of holy light and silverware was also inherited.