
Infinite Survival: I Can Plunder Passive Skills

The Infinite Survival System suddenly appeared on Planet Blue. Those who are chosen are forced to survive in dungeons. The Survivors can continue to grow stronger if they survive the dungeon missions. However, just one failure and it would be their deaths. Every Survivor gets a talent. Some talents can boost the Survivor's agility, and some enhances their luck, while Zhou Chen’s talent was Passive Plunderer. It allows him to plunder the passive skills of the monsters he hunts. With that talent, Zhou Chen slowly gathers a powerful list of passive skills.

8k Dollar · Sci-fi
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239 Chs

Hidden Door, True Dragon

Editor: Atlas Studios

"There's a hidden door here, it should be the place mentioned in the information."

After walking around the Technique Library, Zhou Chen saw an inconspicuous white jade door behind a tall bookshelf. When Zhou Chen looked at it, he could see a faint red light emitting from the door.

"The information says that this door is a trap. Many natives who entered this door disappeared forever. However, there is also information that says there are techniques beyond high-grade inside," Zhou Chen recalled the information he had collected in Sword Furnace City.

"Should I choose a cultivation technique here and go through the test, or should I enter this door with unknown meaning?"

Zhou Chen had originally planned to just choose a suitable cultivation technique here, but he did not expect his journey to be so smooth. Not only was he in good condition, but he had also discovered the rumored secret door. This made him feel a little inflated and eager.