
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chapter 2: The World of Reincarnation

Rewind the time to a month ago.

Fu Qihai is not from Qihai, but his grandfather once went to the countryside in Qihai.

It may be that the experience of educated youth made him have a special affection for the plateau land, so he named his grandson Fu Qihai.

As an ordinary private enterprise and a social animal, Fu Qihai, who was busy working all day to study how to paddle water and fish more efficiently, never imagined that such a thing as sudden death would happen to him.

But he just crossed over.

It should have passed through; anyway, this boundless space full of white light is beyond Fu Qihai's comprehension.

He didn't think in the direction of reality shows and pranks because when he lowered his head and found that he couldn't see his feet or even his body, he was convinced that he had crossed over.

"Floating" in this boundless space filled with soft white light, Fu Qihai asked with his thoughts: "Where am I? Who kidnapped me?"

No one answered.

Suddenly, a piece of information appeared in Fu Qihai's mind.

[Name: Fu Qihai (real name)

Reincarnation Number: 60731920

Race: Human (Earth Human Race)

Height: 183cm

Weight: 70kg

Ability: None

Reincarnation Equipment: None

Assimilation Points: 0

World Anchor: X1

Reincarnation Life: X3]

Fu Qihai stopped asking questions and carefully absorbed this information.

Although many terms were not clear, looking at this familiar style of painting, it seemed to be an infinite flow world. "Have I travelled to the world of infinite flow?"

[Reincarnation begins!]

The information reappeared in Fu Qihai's mind. Before he could figure it out, a burst of suction dragged his thoughts into a vortex that appeared out of thin air.


"Kang Dang...Kang Dang...Kang Dang..."

The impact of the rails outside the window woke Fu Qinghai from his lethargy.

"Hmm..." He sat up on the bed, rubbing his head and frowning.

He saw a light rail passing by outside the window, and then he looked at the furnishings in the room.

It seemed to be a shabby, dirty little hotel room.

An old newspaper, a few cigarette butts, and an empty wine bottle lay on the bedside table, along with a Social Security ID card.

Fu Qihai picked up the Social Security ID card with a blue and white pattern, which read:

Albert Fu, 078-XX-XXXX.

So, my name is "Albert Fu," a Chinese-American, and the last string is probably a social security number, similar to an ID card number, Fu Chenghai thought silently.

[Welcome to the main world of reincarnation, Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth 199999-616 universe) - SSS level]

That familiar message appeared out of thin air in his mind again.

[You have obtained a new identity, automatically loaded skills: English proficiency]

[Before starting your adventure in the reincarnation world, you have obtained an exclusive gift package for reincarnation newcomers - one chance to freely choose the main line camp]

[Please choose]

[A. Avengers camp plot line, B. Loki camp plot line, C. Dark Elves camp plot line, D. Don't choose]

From this prompt and the date on the newspaper on the bedside table, it can be inferred that it is now the MCU's year in 2013. Half a year away from the timeline of the movie "Thor 2: The Dark World."

Fu Qihai sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his chin, thinking about it.

In his previous life, he had read a lot of Infinity Stream novels when he was paddling and fishing at work.

Although he hadn't figured out which one it was now, it didn't stop him from thinking about his current situation.

The main plot of "Thor 2: The Dark World" takes place in the mythical world, the home of the Nordic gods - Asgard. The secondary plot takes place in England, and New York is not where the plot takes place.

And now Fu Qihai is in New York.

As a reincarnation, shouldn't I participate in the main plot? Fu Qihai thought to himself.

But the more important question facing Fu Qihai now is not how to participate in the main plot of Thor 2, but how can he, an ordinary Earth human, be mixed into the mythical aliens of Thor and the dark elves in the war?

On the other hand, let alone an astronomer, Fu Qihai is not even an astronomy enthusiast.

Nor can he get into the small circle of Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster.

It is estimated that he is just a passerby cannon fodder. "Just like garlic... an outsider," Fu Qihai sighed.

[Please choose as soon as possible]

The voice in my head reminded me again.

"I choose A. The plot line of the Avengers camp."

Undoubtedly, after confirming that he is just an ordinary Earthling with no ability to rewrite the plot, Fu Qihai, of course, chose the winning side in the original plot.

Maybe I can lie down and win, right?

Choose Loki? for what? He is often in a state where he can't protect himself in the MCU.

Choose Dark Elf? Why should we, pure-blooded Earthlings, become an alien? And above all dark elves are all open and aboveboard in racial discrimination.

As for the last option: D. If you don't choose, it probably won't be a good option.

[The choice of camp has been confirmed. After the reincarnated person makes a move to promote the expected outcome of his camp and succeeds, he will get assimilation points]

Got it, I'm trying to help good people defeat the villains now! Fu Qihai understood in seconds.

But this goes back to the original question - how can such a weak Fu Qihai participate in the battle of superheroes?

Overcome the villains by working hard and aggressively paying state and federal taxes to the motherland?


[Good luck on your reincarnation adventure]

slowly step by step, find a place to go online first.

Fu Qihai got up and packed the few luggage, banknotes, credit cards, etc., and left the room.


In a small dark Internet cafe in Queens, New York, the faint fluorescent light from the screen shone on Fu Qihai's face.

A method that many time travellers can think of : making waves in the MCU's US stock market.

Such as shorting Stark Industries before Tony Stark is kidnapped by the Ten Rings, and then going long on Stark Industries before Tony Stark returns and declares himself Iron Man.

Although the timeline has already reached 2012, and the Battle of New York is over, if you think about it carefully, you may still find a similar opportunity.

The crux of the problem is that the money in Fu Qihai's hands is not enough to invest in stocks, and he needs to survive until next month. It's all very tight.

"I, Fu Qihai... I, Fu Qihai, now don't even have money for next month's burger. "

Considering this, Fu Qihai decided to find a job first. Retail investors can also play US stocks, but the poor cannot.

Fu Qihai squinted his eyes while browsing through an advertisement for a certain project team under Stark Industries that was recruiting interns.

Um? Here's an opportunity! As the most popular MCU character (the most popular man in the comic universe is Spider-Man),

Tony Stark's company is naturally the birthplace of countless Marvel technologies.

If he can get involved in Stark Industries, maybe he can find an opportunity to participate in Iron Man's storyline and earn assimilation points.

Even without considering the plot line, Stark Industries is an endless treasure.

What's in it?

There is the first-generation Arc Reactor, a powerful and clean energy source for the Iron Man suit;

there are advanced micro-missile technologies;

there are turbofans and rocket propulsion engines; and there's the Rubik's Cube, an isotopic element that serves as the energy source for later iterations of the Iron Man suit, providing nearly endless power.

Just thinking about it makes Fu Qihai's mouth water, and he imagines himself as the CEO of Stark Industries and marrying a New York socialite.

The skyscrapers rise from the ground, and the brilliance can only be achieved by oneself.

It all starts with being an intern at Stark Industries. Decided! After carefully browsing the specific requirements in the job advertisement, Fu Qihai typed a series of familiar URLs in the URL box to download a configurator.

Then he delved into the deep web.

His first task was to find a document dealer who could forge certificates and documents.

He needed someone who could accept offline cash transactions since he didn't have electronic money.

Fu Qihai, who had just arrived, lacked channel information in these grey areas, so he turned to the deep web for help.

This was the deep web, and it was still a step away from the dark web.

It wasn't considered a crime, so he didn't have to worry about hearing "FBI open the door" just yet.

The recruitment only required undergraduates from the top ten universities according to USnews, but Fu Qihai decided to go all out and claim to hold a doctoral degree to increase his chances of success.

Plan to pass! After tinkering for a month, Fu Qihai finally obtained what he needed, but it also depleted almost all of his savings.

In the taxi, Fu Qihai adjusted the collar of his new suit and thought that if he messed up this time, he might end up begging for food on the streets or washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant.

"I won't be the first reincarnation to starve to death, right?"

With such apprehension, Fu Qihai got out of the taxi.