
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chapter 10: Are you Loyal?

In front of Fu Qihai was a cruel scene: collapsed ruined walls, twisted steel corridor bridges, and broken corpses everywhere.

A giant in dirty white power armour sat slumped in front of the ruined walls. Dried blood scabs and half-dried fresh plasma spread a dark red carpet in front of him.

His entire lower limbs were suppressed by a huge metal pipe.

But he didn't seem to feel any pain at all. This man with a swollen face had a ponytail tail style-haircut. If Fu Qihai was familiar with Chogoris culture, he would know that this hairstyle is called a bun.

The injured giant looked suspiciously at Fu Qihai, who was holding a stun gun, like watching an ant lift a toothpick.

"So...you have been preparing for a long time, and you plan to use this thing to deal with me?" He finally spoke, his voice hoarse and rough.

"It's for self-protection, Sir." Fu Qihai responded calmly, instead of continuing to move forward, he began to observe.

Although his power armour was covered with scorched laser marks and various cutting scratches, and the legion emblem was already blurred, Fu Qihai could still recognize it from the bone-white background, the blood-red trim dotted with light gold lines, and the decorative hemp rope on the shoulder armor.

White Scars, 5th Legion.

"Are you from Chogoris?" The giant frowned and looked at Fu Qihai's rather oriental appearance.

"No, I'm from the Hive Capital of the Levante." Fu Qihai responded while observing the space marine's hands.

His hands were empty, with neither a bolter nor a power sword.

"I came from the same place as them." Fu Qihai raised his chin and pointed to the broken corpse on the ground.

He had already identified those torn corpses as belonging to Cedric and others.

The space marine followed Fu Qihai's gaze and looked down at his feet, and smiled: "Hahaha, so, like them, are you going rob me, an unarmed soldier whose feet are trapped? "

"No, I just want to chat with you."

Of course, Fu Qihai was not stupid. An unarmed space marine was still a space marine, with his bare hands, he could tear someone like Cedric into two pieces.

Ah…Literally tore him into two pieces.

And Fu Qihai also judged that this space marine was very cunning. His legs were trapped, and he lacked the ability to move.

In theory, as long as Cedric and others didn't get close to him, they would not be in danger.

But they were wiped out by him, it was very likely that he pretended to be weak and lured Cedric and others to him, and then tore them to pieces with bare hand.

This was also the reason why Lazur was able to escape back to the stronghold when faced with a space marine before dying.

"You are white scars Astarte?" Fu Qihai asked while looking at the legs of the space marine that was crushed by the metal pipe.

Faced with such an injury, a normal person would have already died of excessive blood loss from the aorta in the leg.

Fu Qihai had no choice but to lament the tenacious vitality of the space marine . Of course, this was also the result of repairing part of the power armour life support system.

The hemostatic gel solidified at the crack, but it still couldn't stop part of the blood and tissue fluid from flowing to the floor, mixing with the half-dried plasma in front of him.

"You know a lot." The space marine looked at Fu Qihai with great interest.

"What should I call you?" Fu Qihai lowered the tip of the gun slightly, relaxed a little, and took a small step forward, but still did not dare to lose vigilance.

" Wo Kuotai, if you were a soldier in our army, you could call me Wo Kuotai Noyan-Khan."

The burly man replied, still relaxed. The expression, and the corners of the mouth even evoked a slight arc.

Yo, an officer, a company commander.

The Empire's Space Marine Legion naturally had a fixed combat organization, with squad-level combat squads and company-level combat companies, but each legion had different divisions and names according to the tactical habits and cultural customs of its Primarch himself. For example, the battle company of the White Scars Legion was called the Brotherhood or Minghan, and the lord commander was called "Noyan Khan."

These names came from the native cultural customs of Chogoris, the home planet of the White Scars Legion and its main conscription planet.

Even though Fu Qihai knew that the White Scars had been loyal to the Emperor during the entire Horus Rebellion, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

Because he also knew that in the early days of the Horus Rebellion, nearly half of the white-scarred space marines quietly chose to side with the Warmaster, intending to play a game of war while the Primarch Jaghatai Khan landed on Prospero and tried to take actual control of the Legion's fleet while on the surface.

Although it did not succeed in the end, it also showed that the White Scars were not united internally, and there were quite a few brotherhoods who refused to accept the command of the Primarch.

Who knows if the White Scars fighter in front of him was a rebel.

Fu Qihai took another step forward and said, "Uh... respected Wo Kuotai Noyan Khan, as I said before, I am an ordinary legal citizen of the Empire's Cheslatan planetary colony base. There is no malice; I have noticed your current situation and hope to help you out of this predicament."

However, before Wo Kuotai could speak, Fu Qihai continued, "Before that, I have one last question."

Taking a breath, looking straight into Wo Kuotai's eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Are you loyal?"

Hearing this sentence, the White Scar Astarte disapproving face suddenly changed, his brows furrowed instantly, and he looked directly into Fu Qihai's eyes.

With a deep voice squeezed out from his throat and between his teeth, he said word by word, "Boy, I have fought for the empire and the Khan for two hundred years. I won't let you, a ridiculous mortal, question my loyalty!"

Speaking the last sentence, he was almost roaring.

This sentence seemed to touch his reverse scale, and he continued to roar: "We fought from Ulano to Prospero, we hunted down every ship and everyone who betrayed the Emperor, and the corpses of my brothers are still floating in space above your head! You! You are a humble and pitiful mortal with a lighter, and you dare to doubt me? Come to judge me?"

"I..." Before Wo Kuotai could finish cursing, Fu Qihai slammed the tip of the electric shock gun into the half-dried plasma in front of him.

"Crack!" The powerful voltage from the battleship energy instantly penetrated the blood plasma, directly connecting to Wo Kuotai's lower body soaked with blood, tissue fluid, and gel.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed in pain.

Of course, he saw the electric shock gun held by Fu Qihai, but the slender barrel of the gun made the white scars marine judge that the power of this thing would at most make his body tremble, and it was impossible to cause any damage.

That thing was really just a civilian animal trap, not even a weapon in theory.

He was careless.

"Chi~" A puff of white smoke rose from the end of the gun barrel, and after one shot, the electric shock gun burned out as promised.

Wo Kuotai also stopped trembling, and sat on the ground blankly, his eyes little absent.

The severed arm that he had raised fell down with a "click".

"Huh..." Fu Qihai breathed a sigh of relief. From Wo Kuotai's tone, he probably judged that this space marine should belong to the loyal camp, but his small body can't withstand the anger of a space marine, so he can only let him calm down first.

A few seconds later, Wo Kuotai blinked his eyes and finally recovered.

When he came back to his senses, he glared at Fu Qihai: "You boy..."

"Don't, don't, calm down, Khan, I just want you to calm down!"

Fu Qihai quickly raised his hands and threw the stun gun on the ground, indicating that he had no weapons.

"I am a loyal citizen of the empire. I am on your side. I also hate Horus. I love the Emperor just like I love my father!" Fu Qihai said quickly.

"Please calm down. You are in a very bad state now. To prove my sincerity, I will find a way to rescue you." Fu Qihai backed up while talking.

"You..." Wo Kuotai was a little stunned, watching Fu Qihai turn around and run out of the gate.

After a while, he heard the roar of a jet motorcycle engine.

Wo Kuotai saw Fu Qihai returning, dragging a long iron chain. Fu Qihai went to one end of the metal pipe and squatted down, trying to tie the chain to the heavy pipe.

Wo Kuotai understood what he wanted to do.

At this time, a young girl appeared by the gate with her head protruding.

She glanced at the corpse, broken arms, and plasma inside, covered her mouth and quickly retracted.

After tying it up, Fu Qihai pulled hard, and after making sure it was secure, he walked up to Wo Kuotai and said, "Hold on."

"Hmph," Wo Kuotai sneered disdainfully, "I am an Astarte and I'm not afraid of pain."

You probably forgot how miserable you were screaming just now... Fu Qihai slandered inwardly, turned around, and walked out of the gate without further words.

The roar of the engine sounded again, and the iron chain was instantly stretched straight.

The straight iron chain turned at the corner of the gate, and with the pull of the jet motorcycle outside, the iron ring was pulled out of the gate one by one "click, click."

The metal pipe also began to move slowly, and the heavy pipe moved outward like a millstone against the Space Marine's legs.

"Hiss..." Even though the flesh and blood of his legs had already died, facing such torture, which affected the nerves at the base of his thighs, Wo Kuotai still hissed in pain.

The metal pipe was finally pulled away.

Wo Kuotai's forehead was covered with cold sweat. The tranquillizers and analgesics built into the power armour had already been exhausted in previous battles. He was now fighting the pain with perseverance.

"Ha..." Wo Kuotai gasped, looked at his legs that had been crushed to pieces, and thought to himself: "I might be sent to the Dreadnought mech..."

Fu Qihai walked in again.

[You saved the life of the white-scar Space marine Wo Kuotai, and reached the milestone event of the stage!]

That familiar cold voice appeared again.

[Start calculating assimilation points... 209 points]

Noice!! Fu Qihai, who successfully earned assimilation points, gave secret praise in his heart.

Wo Kuotai, who was slightly relieved from the endless pain, joked, "You can go apply for the pharmacist of the Legion."

Of course, it was just a joke; not to mention the medical level of the legion pharmacist, just one point: a space marine pharmacist is also a space marine.

"Then, I'm the only one left." Wo Kuotai activated the cracking force field of the power sword as he spoke, and looked down at his broken legs.

Holy crap, you don't mean to... Fu Qihai was shocked when he saw this scene.

Wo Kuotai gestured at his legs with the power sword, then swung it down suddenly.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the faint blue cracking force field cut Wo Kuotai's legs, which were attached to the broken leg armour, into two halves without stagnation.

Wo Kuotai snorted, blood spurted out, and the wound was immediately covered by the hemostatic gel of the armour's life support system.

The blood coagulated into blood clots at the root of Wo Kuotai's thigh at a speed visible to the naked eye and further scabbed.

It is the Lamanri cells secreted by the Lamanri organs in the space marine's chest cavity and scattered in the blood vessels that are acting rapidly.

Do amputation surgery for yourself, are all space marines this kind of ruthless people? Fu Qihai thought to himself.

At this time, Fu Qihai suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that the corpses of Cedric and others were scattered on the ground, and there seemed to be strange marks on the arms of one corpse.

Fu Qihai couldn't restrain his curiosity and squatted down to observe.

It is the trace of gnawing.

Fu Qihai's eyes widened, and he raised his head to look at Wo Kuotai, stepping back quietly.

"You cannibal?" Fu Qihai asked in a deep voice.

Wo Kuotai raised his head, looked straight into Fu Qihai's eyes calmly, and said, "The nutrient solution in the life support device was only enough for me to survive for three days, and my stomach can digest many kinds of organic matter to provide my body with the necessary energy, including the enemy's corpse."

The enemy's corpse... Wo Kuotai's magnanimity made Fu Qihai momentarily at a loss as to how to respond.

The morality of the Warhammer 40K universe is very different from that of Earth in his previous life. The body of a living person is transformed into a mechanical servant, but it is common for people here.

Fu Qihai could only nod his head and said,


Indeed, a mature space marine can't let himself starve to death; that would be too useless.

In the following time, Fu Qihai began to pick and choose the area where he could move safely in the wreckage of the warship, found suitable materials, and made a trailer to hang behind the jet motorcycle.

As a space marine, Wo Kuotai's size was still far beyond ordinary people, and he couldn't sit on a jet motorcycle.

This trailer had no wheels; it was simply a steel plate with a certain curvature placed on the ground.

In the process of making this drag bucket, Fu Qihai had to say that the indestructible power sword was really a very useful cutting tool.

Even if it is not used to cut people, it is also very efficient as a manufacturing tool.

After finding some usable weapons and supplies in the ruins, the three of them prepared to set off to return to the colonial stronghold.

Wo Kuotai dragged himself onto the trailer made by Fu Qihai, clasped both sides of the trailer tightly with both hands and looked at Fu Qihai with suspicion.

Fu Qihai said lightly, "Don't worry, I will let Fei Yi drive more slowly."

Boom... The girl twisted her hand, and the jet motorcycle started.

Sitting in the trailer without his legs, Wo Kuotai felt a little nervous at the moment.

For some reason, he remembered the first time he participated in the orbital airborne battle...


NOTE- My synopsis is trash .. how to write a good one .. any tips ?😅