
Infinite Flavor: A DC Adventure

"In 'Infinite Flavor: A DC Adventure,' follow Lucas Evans, a charismatic man transported to the DC universe with newfound abilities. Endowed with infinite potential and high comprehension, Lucas navigates this world of heroes and villains alongside Wonder Woman. As he attracts the attention of various heroines and femme fatales, Lucas finds himself at the center of a growing harem. Join Lucas and his eclectic group of admirers as they embark on an adventure filled with humor, action, and unexpected romance. In a world where every decision can change the course of fate, Lucas must balance his growing harem with the challenges of this new reality." "Disclaimer: 'Infinite Flavor: A DC Adventure' is a work of fiction and is not 100% canon to the DC Comics universe. While it draws inspiration from the movies and shows within the DC universe, certain elements, characters, and events have been altered or created for the purpose of the story. This work should be regarded as a creative reinterpretation and should not be considered an official part of DC Comics canon." NOTICE: I do not own DC or any of it's elements only the MC and my fanfic elements Novel will always be free here on webnovel with daily updates you can support me on patreon.com/ChrisNoir if you want advance chapter (5 for Ethans and 5 for Lucas)

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16 Chs

Wishes and Whims

As Lucas and ROB bantered back and forth in the void, Lucas couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of having his wishes granted. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he turned to ROB, ready to make his first wish.


"I've got it!" Lucas exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "For my first wish, I wish for infinite potential with high comprehension. That way, I can learn and master anything I set my mind to!"


ROB nodded approvingly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, an excellent choice," he declared. "Consider it done!"


With a flourish of his hand, ROB unleashed a surge of cosmic energy, enveloping Lucas in a shimmering aura of light. Lucas felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, his mind expanding with newfound knowledge and understanding.


"Whoa," Lucas breathed, his eyes widening in awe. "I can feel it! The world's knowledge at my fingertips!"


ROB chuckled, his voice echoing through the void. "That's the power of your first wish," he explained. "But remember, with great potential comes great responsibility."


Lucas nodded solemnly, his mind already racing with possibilities. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a grin. "Now, onto wish number two!"


For his second wish, Lucas paused to consider his options. After a moment of contemplation, he turned to ROB with a twinkle in his eye.


"For my second wish," Lucas began, his voice tinged with excitement, "I wish for a spark of divinity. Give me the ability to manifest any power, depending on my understanding of the law!"


ROB raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the request. "A bold choice," he remarked. "But I like where you're going with this. Consider it done!"


Once again, ROB unleashed a burst of cosmic energy, infusing Lucas with the spark of divinity. Lucas felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, his body tingling with the potential to wield unimaginable abilities.


"Wow," Lucas exclaimed, his voice tinged with wonder. "This is incredible! I can't wait to see what I can do with this power!"


ROB nodded in approval, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Indeed," he replied. "But remember, the true measure of a hero lies not in the powers they possess, but in how they choose to use them."


Lucas nodded solemnly, his mind already racing with plans for the future. "I'll do my best to use this power wisely," he vowed. "Now, onto wish number three!"


With a sense of purpose and determination, Lucas turned to ROB once more, ready to make his final wish and shape his destiny in the DC universe.


"And for my third wish," Lucas declared, a mischievous grin spreading across his face, "I wish for a realm or world that exists on my body. As it grows bigger, it will provide feedback on my physique!"


ROB's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected request. "An intriguing choice," he remarked. "Consider it done!"


With a wave of his hand, ROB unleashed a wave of cosmic energy, creating a realm that existed within Lucas's very being. Lucas felt a strange sensation wash over him, his body tingling with the presence of the new realm.


"Whoa," Lucas breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "I can feel it! This is amazing!"


ROB nodded in satisfaction, his gaze fixed on Lucas with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Indeed," he replied. "But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound abilities wisely, and you will shape the destiny of the DC universe."


Lucas nodded solemnly, his mind already buzzing with plans and possibilities. "I won't let you down," he vowed. "Now, let's see what kind of mischief I can get up to in this brave new world!"


ROB chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "An adventurous spirit, I see," he remarked. "I like it. Embracing the uncertainty of the journey is half the fun, after all."


Lucas nodded in agreement, his excitement building as he contemplated the adventures that lay ahead. "Absolutely," he replied. "Now, about my mind..."


He paused, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he considered his next words. "Is there any way to ensure that my mind stays sharp and focused? I wouldn't want to be caught off guard by any devious villains or mind-altering tricks."


ROB's expression turned thoughtful as he considered Lucas's question. "Ah, the sharpness of the mind is a tricky thing," he mused. "While I cannot grant you the ability to peak your mind, I can offer guidance and support to help you stay on your toes."


Lucas nodded, his grin widening as he listened to ROB's response. "Sounds like a plan," he replied. "I'll just have to rely on good old-fashioned wit and charm to keep me out of trouble, then."


ROB chuckled, his laughter echoing through the void. "Indeed," he agreed. "But remember, even the sharpest mind can be tested by the unexpected twists and turns of fate. Stay vigilant, and you will emerge victorious."


"Hey, ROB," Lucas began, his voice tinged with curiosity, "is it possible for me to, uh, jump back in time? Like, say, to a year before Steve Trevor crash-lands on Paradise Island?"


ROB's brows furrowed in contemplation at Lucas's request. "Time travel is a tricky business," he explained, his tone tinged with caution. "But with my powers, I can indeed bend the fabric of time to your will, within reason."


Lucas's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect. "That's amazing!" he exclaimed. "Imagine the possibilities! I could witness historical events firsthand, maybe even lend a helping hand here and there."


ROB nodded, his expression serious. "Indeed," he replied. "But altering the course of history can have unintended consequences. Are you sure this is what you want?"


Lucas hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks against the rewards. But then, with a grin, he nodded decisively. "Absolutely," he declared. "I'm ready for whatever the past may throw at me."


With a wave of his hand, ROB unleashed a surge of cosmic energy, enveloping Lucas in a shimmering aura of light. Lucas felt a strange sensation wash over him as the fabric of time began to warp and twist around him.


And then, in the blink of an eye, Lucas found himself standing on the shores of Paradise Island, a year before Steve Trevor's fateful crash. The air was crisp and salty, the sound of waves crashing against the shore filling the air.


"Wow," Lucas breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. "This is incredible! I'm actually here!"