
Chapter Three hundred and one.

"I am joking when I say a shiver went up to my spine." Alexis cracked a joke to lighten up the atmosphere which had thickened up due to the last thing Rachel had said.

"Forgive me," she blinked her eyes repeatedly, "It's just . . . There is this overwhelming urge to give them a taste of what they have done and then there is . . I don't know something inside me that wants to move on and-nd become a better person." Rachel, at the end of a ramble, looked at Alexis with a highly confused expression like she had no idea what she was doing. "Am I sounding right? To me, it is I don't even know what I want anymore."

"What is it you don't want? Let's start there." Now, she felt like her therapist Bailey Peterson.

Rachel sighed and leaned back in her chair. She nodded as she thought over, "I don't want . . . To ever see that man again or have my children ever come near him. I don't want to ever come close to a man because now I am not sure."