
Bonus Chapter - II

~Timeline : birth of the twins.~ 

Giving birth, let alone to twins, was a very difficult and painful experience. So much so, she had not gotten up from the bed after one week of dilvery and since she had the luxury of resting, she did exactly that.Salvatore was nursing from her breast and she patted his back very lightly for him to go to sleep. She had even covered him up whilst feeding so that he would fall asleep more comfortably.

Agatha very quietly drew the curtains and the room fell into a hushed environment. Perfect for the children to sleep in.

"Little baby," she cooed at the suckling baby. His eyes were heavy with sleep.

Angelo was laying on the foot of bed, sleeping on his stomach as he was not getting much of the space because she and the twins are occupied most of it. Yet his eyes were half close as he watched them. 

"He sleepy?"