
I Like It


The day of the fifth test began with a bright sunny sky. Ethereal Forge Academy was entering the final stage of this exam. The school year was starting in a few months, there was much to do. The old man was in a VIP room with another woman. She was aged yet beautiful. Her white hair flowed down her shoulders like water down a waterfall. Her curves were voluptuous and full. She was dressed in a simple gown that had the academy's name on it.

She was facing the test grounds while the old man we have come to love so much sat next to her.

"Didier, do you have any idea the kind of favour you called in just to have fun?" said the angry but charismatic old lady.

"Shut up, witch! You do not understand my eye for talent. Brace yourself for the boy hasn't shown his true abilities, hahaha."