
Infallible Oathbreaker

Every day for six years straight, from the time he was twelve, Darius Omen hit an anvil with a hammer ten thousand times a day without stopping. He did not know the reason why he needed to, all he knew was that he had to. Little did he know that hit by hit, strike by strike, his originally meek body was being refined into something that had never been seen before in the history of mankind. In the war against spirits, mankind had little to be proud of. Yet one day a young man entered the battlefield. He dazzled millions and killed even more, all with merely a rusty old hammer than no one could hold or fathom.

theonionjunktion · War
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75 Chs

7 knocks

The old man could not help but be impressed. This was supposed to be a stiff test due to the Black Spot's power and advantage in the environment, but the duo used the snake's habits against it, and marvellously at that. Not to mention…

"Jumping off a hammer and landing on target at high speeds, this Lara has more than meets the eye. Truly a prodigy trained by the royal family." Said Lady Katya as she stood next to the old man. Darius was terrific, but he already belonged to the old man who was no doubt a powerhouse in both power and authority—having the ability to turn a time-honoured tradition into his playground.

"Excuse me young ones I have to attend to something."

The wily old fox left the room, and his destination was obvious. He found the door he was looking for and phased through it like he was a ghost. Within the space, Darius was on his bed, rocking back and forth.

"You won't die Darius."

"You won't die Darius."