
Incubus's Curse: Path To Incubism

To have your heart broken is one thing, but to be cursed by a witch and fed to a succubus is another. Hiro is just an ordinary teenager, well except for the fact he was born into a family of sorcerer's. But that's besides the point and don't worry about the secret imperial academy he's attending after normal school haha. Hiro Natsu just wanted a peacful life, forgetting about his family's legacy and just having fun, but the fates told him he could go fuck himself as his girlfriend which he loved more than anyone broke his heart and then he was captured and his body was messed with. The witch which captured him used him as a toy, just a plaything for her pet succubus in hopes of evolving her and getting her stronger since she could sense he was busting with strong magical energy. But at the same time he thought the fates abandoned him, he ate the forbidden fruit and was cursed. He didn't know if it was by the gods, Satan, the fates, but that day he died and was born anew, Hiro the cursed incubus, He who was once human but is no more and now must travel the path of incubism and to survive he must gain power througnt the erotic arts. -basic Characteristic- [ Willpower: ? ] [ Promiscuity: ?] [ Deviancy: ? ] [ Seduction: ?] ------------------ The cover isn't mine, if the owner wants, find any way to contact me and I'll remove it if this what thou desire. -Oh and- *Edit: I'm not editing this novels, anymore* • I'm currently battling monarch6319, we're kinda having a author vs author war, so show some support and vote using power stones. • They help me to beat Monarch6319 • They give me the ability to write and add more chapters, so show some love and this author-san out

TurtleMaster6319 · Thành thị
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106 Chs

"For f***'s sake! Kill her!"

[Branch House: section_4: the center courtyard]

Having returned to the branch house many hours after leaving Kathie's, he was alone and in the darkness sitting on a small bolder.

While outside sitting down, he was meditating and this wasn't because he wanted to find inner peace, no, fuck inner peace, he was training.

In the morning when the sun rose, that's when it was the best time to train his sword proficiency while also mixing in his phyric energy to cultivate both.

This was a method he developed on his own for mixing the sorcerer's natural affinity of having innate magic with martial arts to train both body and mind.

But at night when it was dark and cloudy, that's when he sat on a small Boulder in the pitch-black darkness and trained his shadow power in its natural environment, the dark.

Despite being exhausted and cold he had never once stopped training in these 7 days and it was going to really fuck him over as he wasn't physically capable of doing all this, he was pushing himself past the limit without care for consequences, and he was just striving off self-determination and will.

Also he had passed out every time he got close to running out of mana, the stress on his body plus mana fatigue ment instant rest.




Usually, the Natsu's servants who lived and worked in this branch would tend to the glow-stones to keep the place decently-lit up at night when there were official Natsu sorcerer's around, but Hiro had requested that they took a break and leave it to him this week seeing as he needed it to be dark.

He didn't know whether or not being in absolute darkness was the best or not, but he decided to play it safe and stay in the pitch black.

But thanks to his [Darkvision] he could see everything 30ft around him as clear as day, so for him, it wasn't actually dark, well at least in the 30ft radius.

Anyways, at this time, he was training his shadow, he hadn't learned much about it, but he knew he could manipulate it, move it around and make it wiggle, but even then it had seemed useless?

But he believed that it could be useful, maybe it was just weak? Maybe it was like an lv.1 shadow control, he just needed to play around with it and sacrifice some of his mana to level it up.

And so that's what he did when he hadn't been cultivating his energy and or sword, he was playing with his shadow.

This had gone on for a week and as Monday came rolling in and he was still on that small boulder as he was doing his nightly cultivation, he opened his eyes to see the sun rising and by then, he knew his power had gotten stronger over this week...He could feel it.

[<Weekly Update>]

[Sword Proficiency Increased --> 18 Points ]

(Lv.5 Sword Proficiency: 81SP )

[Magic Capacity Increased --> 17 Points]

(Max MP: 1,017MP)

[Shadow Witchry Increased --> 19 Points]

(Lv.1 Shadow Witchry: 23 Points]

[Strength Increased --> 0.02 Points]

(Strength: 0.12S)

[Agility Increased --> 0.03 Points]

(Agility: 0.13A)

[Endurance oddly increased through not propper means aka Sword Training --> 0.007]

(Endurance: 0.017E)

[Lust decreased --> -0.07]

(Lust: 0.43L)


Having looked at the sun as it was rising he yawned, he had been only getting about 2 hours or less of rest a day, and that was only when he passed out and was woken up by a servent, and it was the same servant too.

Uncrossing his legs Hiro got up, today was the day he was finally able to leave the branch house and return to daily life.

But more importantly, it's time to return to that hellhole called the school, because today's Monday and he needs to attend his classes and then head to the academy in the afternoon, which he wasn't too excited for.

None of this was exciting, there was a magazine called busty Asian beauties, now that's something exciting~ But not this...The school was just ass.

But then again... Nope, nothing at all, he couldn't think of anything making that place any less shit than it already was, he didn't have a problem with anyone in there to make him feel like this, he was just in general an anarchist towards all schools, he just didn't like them.

"Well, whatever, time to head off"



Just gonna tell you now, he never left, he layed on the grass and fell asleep, my guy didn't wake up until midnight that same day, in which he felt too sore to get up or even get food and so he continued sleeping.

And let me just tell you, that same servant came back to check on him, this was like the 7-8-9 day in a row he had to come to check on Hiro, and now he was just sitting down keeping Hiro company as he rested because he was just that good of a man.

Not, Hiro, I'm talking about the servent, he's good people★♡★.

***2 days later***

[Wednesday, the 27th of October]

Walking into class, Remi had caught wind of a new student joining her homeroom class, this was exciting for her since she was a very social person.

It made her wonder what they were like? Were they also social? Did they like going out and having? Were they a boy or girl or + and were they just an over the charm to be around.

She could from all the commotion going around that whoever it was, was quite the charmer because they had both boys and girls swarming all over them, even her closest friends Peter, Tina, and Zarifall had been spotted in that crowd.

If they were all there it must have been someone awesome, especially if Zarifall was there since she was more of a fuck all of you this year type of mood this year, but it seems like someone caught her interest.

But besides them, there were a lot more people that she had known of and or associated within this class,

Like Derek, Jose, Albert, Martin, Karl, Richard, iclit, Chelsea, Taylor, Jessica, Kathie, and even Emily had been in the same class.

This was really a great year, everything had been going so well, that she had completely forgotten about all the chaos going on last year.

Anyways, onto that new kid, she wanted to see so bad and from the looks of it, they checked out to be sociable, but now she needed a plan, one large enough to where it could close the gaps of her tight hole and hope over them.


Meanwhile, looking to see who had just walked in, she saw Remi curiously joining the crowd to see that new boy who joined their class and she didn't really pay much mind to it as it was nothing important.

To be honest, she hadn't forwarded anywhere in her mission for in a whole year now and she just felt like they had really wanted her to just go back to school, and she hated it, no she despised it! Just there mere thought of being in school made her want to be thrown into the 9th layer of hell.

But here she was, Emily Kaze a slayer who should be out hunting undead and doing her damn job-killing shit, was now a scholar at Ross imperial University... 'fuck my life!' she hates it here.


Hearing someone enter the room she didn't even bother with them as she was going to just head to sleep, she didn't even know why she bothered to show up.

But as she was going to lay her head down, she heard whoever walked income over to her 2 seated table/desk and they sat next to her,

"Just because I'm a rabbit girl doesn't mean I'm a toy, so piss off if you don't want your teeth bashed in"

Not even needing to look she already knew why they sat next to her. Sexual harassment wasn't a new thing especially amongst small and weak races like hers. Plus it had ready happened twice to her today and her first class hadn't even started yet, the fuck is wrong with everyone?

"And here I thought you never had a sense of humor?"

Just as she was going to say something back in response to this boy who dared mock her, she was about to choose violence when she-

-When she had recognized that voice.


On the other side of the room, 4 mysterious silhouettes dressed in traveler's clothing had just walked in the room and closed the sliding door behind them.

With hoods to hide their faces, the only thing telling them apart was their height and the fact that 3 of them stumbled a bit.

One of them held a staff, they were the shortest as they were like 4ft, so small, and the other 3 were lanky and huge.


*Rattle Rattle*


The 3 large silhouettes had walked up to the front row and the small silhouette had walked up to the board, and they had mumbled something to themselves before throwing some white power around the area and then suddenly hitting the floor with their staff.


Hitting their staff, they had gotten the class's attention as its sound moved in a Shockwave, unlike a normal hit to the ground, this seemed to be purposely trying to gather attention.

They lowered their hood and as it was a very young girl, she had a grin and she had hit her staff once more on the ground to get their full attention, but that was only because there was a litteral Shockwave that had been produced thanks to the use of Mana.

"Hello everyone~ . . . So tell me? How'd you like to die?"

She threw her staff up and then proceeded to slam it on the ground once more, releasing a pulsation of mana and the 3 large silhouettes grabbed the front tables and shouted,


Loud as thunder I swear those 3 could have been dragon-born's, but as they used their Thum, their hoods flicked back revealing they were all skeletons with necrotic glowing eyes deep in their blackened eye sockets.

Hitting everyone with the power of their voices, the author had rolled a d8, and fuck she rolled an 8, this Evocation Spell called Roar had immediately paralyzed everyone in that class.

Some had never seen undead before, more or less the remains of someone who used to be alive, some had never seen one up close, and others had believed this was their last day alive, but other than that, the ones who had accepted reality had been taken back as the skeletons voices had paralyzed them in shock.

With an evil smile on her face, she had looked at each one of them and that girls smile had got wider and wider.

"Oh lucky me, there's a lot of valuable test subjects for me to play with~?"

But as she said that she heard something from the back, not hearing who it was from, but she definitely heard it, and it was mousy...

"Evoke electricity, blackout"

The lights suddenly cut out, the blinds had been closed so it was pitch black in there and no one could see, the only thing they could see was those deep blue glowing balls of energy from the skeletons and it was hella scary.

But then-


Suddenly 3 balls of blue that flown through the air from the back and had headed towards her,

"Abjurate an aura! Mana shield!"

[Mana shield]

As the three blue shots had come at her, several more had followed, and as they all reached her, they had collided with a bubble made from the same blue stuff.

But hers was stronger and dense, so as they accurately hit, they simply collided, but unlike theirs, her mana shield stayed.

7 mana blasts had hit her mana shield, and not even one had cracked it, and as she knew where it came from, from observing, and the lights flickered.

Looking at the back she saw a boy with mixed black/brown hair and as he was standing in his chair he had his foot on the desk/table. And from her point of view and prediction, that boy was the one who shot Mana Blasts at her.

"Ah, a mage huh! How fun! I guess I'll play with you before seeing what nifty creature you make to be~!"


[Classroom = Lecture Hall]

[Measurements: 30x20x20 = L x W x H]

Looking down at the girl with disgust, he fully got on the desk and with Emily behind him she jumped onto the desk next to him and had pulled out a hidden dagger from under her skirt/weapon belt on her thigh.

"Derek! Richard! Taylor! Kathie! Zarifall! SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT!"

Shouting, it was like a click in their mind had gone off, because they had stopped tensing up and they all looked behind them to see-

"For fuck's sakes! We have a Necromancer in front of us! Fuck your identitys!"

Jumping off of the desk and onto another as he had broken out into a leap dash, he continued to shouting,

"This is a direct order from your superior! Kill her no matter the cost!"

With Emily at his side, leap dashing at the enemy, the 4 of them had their eyes wide open as. . .As they saw Hiro Natsu.

[Wing Blade!]

Leaping 12ft unto the air, Emily focused her mana and as she did she threw her leg back and then kicked, slashing the air and shooting a wind blade at the Necromancer.

Shoot it she had a few seconds before she landed in front of the left skeleton, so she yelled something he needed to know about them,

"Natsu! Undead such as skeletons are weak against fire! Burn them alive!"

Unarmed and leap dashing at the center skeleton, he had heard her loud and clear, so he manifested what little phyric energy he had left in his body, he didn't have much energy left so he might have needed to do a replacement technique, aka using his mana as fuel for his flames, which he only had about 274MP left in his reserves.

His eyes burned orange and as he was 17ft away from the center skeleton, his tail had moved from out of his pants less restricting his speed so he could move faster, despite the stiffness of his body body still needed time to recover.

[Hiro's fatigueness: 78%]

. . . . .

Unlike Derek, or even the others who had been called out, Taylor had moved as he yelled those orders, going around the crowd and even her fellow slayers as she charged at the right skeleton. But it was only her as the others... They were "thinking".

"Sir! YES SIR!"

Her voice was trembling and she had clenched her fist so hard that it had hurt her palms, breaking out into a full on sprint and running at the undead monster.

Yes she was scared, but unlike those fuckers who idly stood by, she had friends in this class, one best friend that she was willing to put her life on the line for, Jessica, so she hadn't thought of her identity, that the monster could kill her, or anything. . .She had just acted as she was set free from the paralysis.

There were lives on the line and if otherz were throwing theirs away to save everyone in this class, hell, may I go down in a blazing glory protecting all i hold dear, she had uttered to herself in the deepest of her spirit.

'I knew I should have brought a bo-staff with me!'

But as her mind raced and she thought if that she heard the steps of another running and it came close to next to her.

"It's pretty stupid of you to go in empty-handed comrade, take this!"

Looking to her left it was Richard, he had a stapler in his hand and he had passed it to her as he charged at the skeleton with her, seeing someone she barly knew do this and call her such, made her not think of that guy as a slayer, but brother in arms helping for a common goal.

So with a thickness of a book in his hand and a stapler in hers, she accepted the help and continued forward.

"Now let's kick some undead ass!"

Reaching their target they had no mercy for this undead sack of bones, with a swing to the skull he booked the skeleton to Taylor where she hit it with her stapler back to Richard and then he proceeded to jump up and pulled a minecraft as he Crit'ed it with a bash to the tip top of the skull.

But as their blunt method had seemed to have worked on the shaky skeleton, it reacted while being knocked off balance and grabbed both Richard and Taylor.

Without thinking they both felt how strong the skelly was, and they knew right than and there that they were dead for sure.

*Violent cracking"

Bone suddenly came down from the air and the skeleton had letter go, but as it did, it's boney body had jumped forward and collided with the desks?

"I couldn't let you all have all the fun, now could I?"

Kathie said as she was the one who had killed it and kicked it forward,

Without needing to say a word, she knew they had thanked her by gestureing their heads with a bob,

but then the 3 of them looked to the other 2 slayers and they had saw that Emily another wind rabbit of the Kaze tribe had broke the bones of her skelly with her wind attacks so it couldn't come back,

And over to Hiro he had purified the hell out of it as his flames had did a bit of radiant damage killing the skeleton as he filled its skull with violent spreads of fire.

seeing as they were fine, Kathie looked to the main enemy and saw that they were excitedly grinning before shifting their experience to look surprised.

"Slayers! On me!" Hiro yelled with a strong authority.

Hearing him they had joined sides with Hiro, moving forward past the 1st row and to the large teacher area/lecture area and they had surrounded the Necromancers without getting too close incase she had an ace up her sleeve.

Stopping infront of her and circling around so she couldn't escape, she bit her lip holding back the excitement she felt.

"Ha, whatever are you going to do with me little boy~?" she said teasing them all with an uncontrolled smirk.

And then looking to the leader of this assault, Hiro, she looked him dead in his eyes without a sign of anything, mocking him and saying with her eyes that they were powerless and fools for believing that they could beat her, even with their teamwork.

But then,

"Oh... I thought I made it quite clear baby girl~"

Putting his hand out Emily handed him her dagger and he had mocking smiled as he looked down at her.

[Demon eyes](Scarlet Demon eyes)

Walking forward and gesturing them all to hang back incase she did something. The orange in his eyes had began burning in blood fire, no it began RAGING in blood fire!

Because as she had came in here threatening everyone he had ever cared about all in this room, there was no way he wasn't going to take this personally.

"We're going to kill you" she gulped as she looked at them surrounding her, and it wasn't that she was scared, something was throwing her off. . .And it was an odd taste in her mouth as something of hers had been warning her.

Looking back up at this guy with the dagger who was aproching her, she readied a bone attack, but then she heard him whisper,

"Oh but don't worry my dear, for you...For you I'll make it quick and painful... Very painful"

She had let down her guard as she was battling them, she hadn't believed that they could win and she was underestimating them, but she was unprepared for one thing, it was simply the matter she wasn't strong enough to resist it on her own.

Fear had evoked her evil heart, she hadn't cought on to the full picture, but as [Demonic Fear] had seeped into her, slithering in like a parasite, it had got into her heart of mind,

And just like that she felt an irrational feeling like something was hunting her, no, something was after her and she had knew what ever it was, was dark, and it was darker than a Necromancer, and she knew she couldn't let it reach her no matter what.

And it was coming from the area around the 5 of them,

Looking at then as one aproced she then clicked to him and as she saw thin spiked tail scary around from the guy aproching, his had a almost scary look in his eyes as he saw her as what she could tell... Was food.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. . ." she shreaked.

yooo this is the start to our adventure, if you wanna help out and support me list down some [magic spells] and [weapons] for me to work with incase I end up with the brain of a goblin.

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts