
In TVD/TO as Kol Mikaelson

so I am writing this fanfic to improve my craft as well as understanding complex characters so i hope u guys enjoy ------------------------------------------------------------------ Transmigrating as Kol Mikaelson is not something i expected not when I am expected to die by next season I need to live and enjoy this life. I should be unpredictable gotta live up to the legend as THE WILY ONE. ------------------------------------------------------------------ the vampire diaries the originals and the legacies belong to their respective owners i only own my own spin of the story.

ItachiWeasel · Ti vi
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36 Chs

Chapter 22: Shattered Resilience

Sorry Gus for not being abe to post for the past week i have been either busy or down with a fever 

here are the chapters i will be updating till chapter 24

till chapter 27 is available on my p treon for everyone who is willing to pledge not only my patrons 

as for patrons thank you for your support i will be posting the edited chapters after i revised them i will be releasing a new fic also tomorrow along with an update of chapters on pa treon

Wish you a Great New Year Guys!!!!!!!

Word count : 600


The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm embrace over Caroline's room, its serenity a stark contrast to the storm brewing within her. She sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. The recent revelations about Damon's actions had left her grappling with a tempest of conflicting feelings.

As Caroline traced the rim of her teacup with delicate fingers, the doorbell chimed, interrupting the solitude she had sought. With an inward sigh, she rose to answer it. To her surprise, Bonnie stood at the threshold, a hesitant expression masking her face.

Bonnie: "Hey, Caroline. Elena kind of dragged me here."

Caroline managed to manage a small, forced smile. She appreciated Bonnie's concern but wished for solitude in that fragile moment.

Caroline: "Hey, Bonnie. Come in, I guess."

Bonnie stepped inside, the unease in the air palpable. Caroline's gaze flickered to Elena, who lingered in the doorway. The sight of Elena stirred a swell of anger within her, but years of practiced control kept it from surfacing.

Elena: "Caroline, we need to talk. About Damon."

Caroline's jaw clenched, her grip on composure tested. She nodded, gesturing for them to sit. As Bonnie took a seat, Elena remained standing, an urgency in her eyes.

Caroline: "Sit, Elena. We can talk."

Elena seemed oblivious to Caroline's internal turmoil; her focus was fixated on Damon's predicament.

Elena: "We can't just let him stay like this. We have to find a way to bring him back."

Caroline's patience waned, and the weight of her own distress became unbearable.

Caroline: "Elena, I need a moment. Can we talk about this later?"

Elena, wrapped up in her own concerns, seemed not to notice Caroline's thinly veiled distress.

Elena: "We need to act now, Caroline. Damon is—"

Caroline: "Elena, please! Just give me some space. I need time to process all of this."

With a reluctant nod, Elena finally took a seat. Bonnie shot Caroline an apologetic look, understanding the complexity of the situation.

Yet, as the conversation continued, Elena's focus remained unwaveringly on Damon, disregarding Caroline's evident discomfort. The room felt smaller and suffocating as Caroline tried to navigate the tumult of emotions and Elena's relentless pursuit of a solution.

After a point, Caroline couldn't bear it any longer. The need for solitude—a moment to confront her own inner turmoil—overwhelmed her.

Caroline: "I'm tired. Both of you, just leave."

Elena and Bonnie exchanged glances, and reluctantly, they stood to leave. Caroline walked them to the door, her voice firm but strained.

Caroline: "I'll figure things out. Just go."

With it, the door closed and the urgent worries of the outer world were sealed off. Caroline was alone again, and the floodgates of emotion broke wide. She started crying again, the emotions she had repressed in front of others.

After suppressing her vulnerability in the quiet seclusion of her home, Caroline finally gave in. Her sobs resonated in the void, giving the relentless internal tempest a poignant melody.