
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Waking Up

Rudys POV*

Slowly, I blinked my eyes open as a soft, radiant light touched my face...

With half opened eyes I saw that the curtain was on both side of the window and the window was opened wide .....

"I probably forget to close the window yesterday." Even after realizing how it would have been dangerous for me if someone climbed the window in the middle of the night, I didn't felt anything.

Because my brain and heart is occupied with other things....

Last night's dream had been more than just a fleeting illusion – it played out like a vivid movie, and the emotions of its main character coursed through me. It was as if an intangible thread connected our souls, allowing me to experience every heartache and joy.


"Its quite depressing" I muttered unconsciously.

I don't know who was the author of the novel but he did a great job with Vals past, even though there was no back story of 'Vaelen Hart'

It was a perfect story for someone to go rogue.


Suddenly a drop of water fell on the blanket I used last night to cover myself.

My hand automatically went to my right cheek and I felt something wet.



Ahh... tears were flowing, and I hadn't even realized it.

These emotions were hitting me harder today, and it wasn't exactly a comforting revelation.

If I continue to get overwhelmed like this, I dread how I'll manage when I eventually meet Liza or any other familiar face from my dreams.

Running away seems tempting – a way to avoid any awkward encounters – but where would I even go?

It's strange, the more I try to recall the details from that novel, the blurrier they become.

I let out a heavy sigh, feeling utterly lost.

What's happening to me? These inexplicable occurrences, the bizarre sensations that defy every scientific explanation I know from Earth – it's all just a bewildering joke, and I'm struggling to make any sense of it.

Every single adjustment is taking its toll on me, and I can't help but feel hopelessly adrift.

Sure, it is cool to transport to a new world and play with magic..... but the danger lurking in the shadows is what is making me worried..

Some might say why I am worrying with things that didn't even happened......

In my previous life, I trudged through tough times, often all by my lonesome. No friends to share laughs with, no one to lean on. Gradually, the excitement of youth slipped away, leaving a void that wouldn't fade.

Sure, if someone my age landed in this amazing new world, they'd be thrilled. They'd chase strength, dream of epic adventures, and maybe even imagine a harem of attractive companions. But me? I'm missing out on that surge of excitement. Instead, I'm grappling with an unexpected fear of what's to come.

It's not some magical thrill that occupies my thoughts; it's fear. The kind that feels like a heavy fog, clouding my every step. As I step into this new world, it's not just the monsters and magic I'm worried about. There's something deeper, something darker – a gnawing uncertainty that's harder to shake than any physical challenge.

All those excitement I felt yesterday about magic is slowly sipping away...


Yes... Call me the king of cowards, for daring to feel fear when I should be crafting a master plan for my oh-so-bright future.




Pushing all of that though in the back of my head I stood up and went downstairs...

The same garbage filled sight welcomed me.....

I am sure some garbage bag just told me 'Welcome!!!'

Hahhahha....its impossible right?....

While thinking those stupid things I arrived in front of the bathroom and went inside.....




I stared into the bathroom mirror, water cascading over my entire face like I'm auditioning for a dramatic movie scene.

And you won't believe what happened next. My eyes, those lovely shades of violet and purple, started glowing. Not the "I'm about to cast a spell" kind of glow, mind you. Nope, it's more like I'm auditioning for a "Glamorous Eyes in the Dark" commercial.

"Seriously?!" I muttered. Now, don't get me wrong – cool is cool, but when your own eyes start showing off like they're in a beauty pageant, it's a bit much. I mean, come on, I'm a guy! The last thing I need is to be called "beautiful" just because my eyes decided to throw a disco party.

I don't know why this happened, but I thing this occurred because of last night dream.....



It stopped....

"Fuuu..." I signed..

I don't want people to call me superman who is ready to showoff his laser beam...

Putting humor aside for a moment, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing my thoughts. This was a crucial juncture – an attempt to tap into the latent reservoir of mana within me.

As the soul book revealed, I possessed an inherent affinity for Fire magic.

Guided by fragments of the former inhabitant's memories, I honed my concentration, trying to sense the subtle currents of mana flowing through my being.

The educational structure of this world diverged from the norm. Children's learning journeys took a different trajectory here. At the tender age of seven, they entered specialized centers, where the rudiments of knowledge were imparted. By the time they reached fourteen, this foundational phase concluded, leaving individuals to shape their own destinies.

The majority opted for further education at an academy, delving into the intricacies of magic and arcane wisdom. Yet, a minority chose a path of independence, where they chose other path like adventurer or other things.

As I concentrated for a few minutes, I started sensing something new near my heart, a sensation I'd never felt before.

They call it the 'Soul Core,' a place where your inner mana gathers. When your soul awakens, this small sphere forms next to your heart, about the size of a heart itself. People refer to it as the soul core because it emerges right after your soul comes to life, like a core of your being taking shape.

After that, I funneled the mana through my right side, down to the tip of my palm, and conjured up an image of a fiery ball in my mind.

With anticipation bubbling, I cautiously opened my eyes, ready for what I imagined would be a magical spectacle unfolding before me...





But instead, what I witnessed was nothing short of comical – there I stood, looking like a complete goofball, one hand held up to my head in a dramatic pose, frozen like a statue.