
In The Multiverse With Essence of Ideal Growth

I never really liked Hiei in the anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. my sentiment is proven even more so, when I realize my perfectly normal second life was interrupted by being turned into a thrall for Hiei's stupid spirit sword that showed up in the beginning of the anime! I thought this was a normal world! Why was I reincarnated into Yu Yu Hakusho just to die like a bitch in the very beginning of the story! [Would You like to try again?] Is the last thing I hear as my vision goes dark and I die, my body being puppeted by a demon! "YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE I WANT TO TRY AGAIN!"

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

a conversation with Yusuke, the monkey's paw ass mirror.

Yusuke stood up slowly, I noticed that the piece of wood that was inbetween gouki's jaws is still keeping his mouth open awaiting the spirit gun that would never blast his head off.

"should we finish this bastard off? I noticed all those souls fly out of his gullet, and I'm kinda pissed off that he's not dead."

Yusuke picks up the orb of baast, and says, "screw this guy. Allow me. picking up a piece of wood from a nearby logging plaque, he uses it as a crutch and limps towards gouki's unconscious body.

"You're really tired, bro, you sure you don't want me to do it?" I ask, conscerned.

"Naw, Kimihara, I want to do it myself, I think I might have a little vendetta against this shit."

He points his pointer finger at the bastard, right towards his open mouth, and fires off a final spirit gun. the blue light enters through his mouth, and out the other side, in a large blast, leaving a hole in the ground where his head was.

Yusuke falls to one knee, gasping for air. "Fuck, can't even stand after that."

"Well, atleast you got some good training out of this. the more you use the energy the stronger you'll be. I get the feeling we need to be as strong as possible, that gouki fellow seemed rather weak, but i'm sure that we'll be facing stronger assholes soon." I grimace.

Yusuke falls flat on his face, and says. "...fucking shit, that guy was weak? what the fuck am I even doing?"

"Buck up, Yusuke, I'm sure we can get through this." I grin at his prone form.

"that's all well and good, but how are we going to move Yusuke to his home? he's a sack of potatoes right now!" Botan asks, I shove him over my shoulder, and he grumbles,

"Bro, atleast carry me in a way that won't hurt me further."

"No homo, princess carry is reserved for the ladies." I say, and he starts shouting. "Hey! I aint gay, and how the fuck did carry me comfortably become a princess carry request?! i'll fucking beat your ass Kimihara!"

"It was a joke."

"Screw you, Kimihara."

No homo."

He just rages incoherently.


We quickly exit the to the city streets outside of the forested lot.

as I run through the streets, it only takes 10 minutes for something to happen. I slow down when Yusuke's watch starts beeping like crazy and I sense some strong energy.

"I can walk now, put me down! the spirit detector is going haywire!"

I put him down, and he seems a bit more rested, But I don't think he'll be able to throw out any spirit guns. A redhead begins walking towards us.

He stops in front of us and begins to telepathically speak to us. "I have no intention of fighting you, nor do I intend to flee, in fact, I've come to ask you a favor." he says, directly into our minds.

"Give me one day, and I'll gladly return the forlorn hope to you."

He then runs off at a speed Yusuke can't track. I find that I can track him slightly, however.

[Appraise skill has been gained by sensing a targets power Appraise(basic)1/50.]

-Shuichi Minamino(Kurama The Yoko/Kurama the 9 tailed death/Kurama Fox of the end./Kurama the phantom thief.)-

spiritual power 15.5(-92571-)(sealed, reduced, soul flayed, human form, weakened, drained. Slowly healing.)

Holy shit, this guy has a power level that would be huge if he didn't have so many debuffs!


I'm standing in Yusuke's house, leaning against a wall as Botan in her human form, wearing a red turtle neck sweater and blue jeans, her hair in her signature voluminous pony tail.

"OW! any more alcohol in these wounds and you'll need to be my designated driver! damn that hurts!" Yusuke, complains. As I grin. "And what are you laughing at?!"

"Sorry," I say, "that was a great joke."

He flips me off and Botan begins to speak.

"Doesn't this sound like a trap?" Botan asks. "He asked for a whole day, which is when the forlorn hope mirror will be at its strongest during the full moon. He will be able to wish for literally anything, even if it costs him his life in the process!"

I frown. "So that mirror is like the ultimate monkey's paw?" I ask, a shiver running down my spine. "Doesn't seem worth it if your wish doesn't get to be seen by you. You could be the ruler of earth, but only for the instant it takes you to keel over. Seems a bit dumb." I say.

"He could also wish for all his power back, negating the down-side of the mirror, as it would only take the amount of life-force to a maximmum of 200 fully grown men, or 7 of yusuke, or 3 of you, Zachary Kimihara."

She points at me.

I look at Yusuke, and grin.

he starts shouting "Hey, you can't be telling me that Kimihara is stronger than me by more than twice!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" she admonishes, "If you trained half as hard as I saw him doing, you'd be just as strong too!"

My grin drops. "You were spying on me while working out? Creepy. Don't get me wrong, you're very cute, but I don't think we're that close."

Her face goes nuclear, "Hey! I had to make sure you were spirit detective material!"

"And it has nothing to do with these nice abs?" I grin at her lifting my shirt slightly,


"Hey! Yusuke, I've made 4 plates of dinner, bring down your friends!"

"Mom, we're in the middle of an important conversation!" she bursts down the door.

"If your friend wasn't here I'd be very suspicious about you bringing another girl besides Keiko into your room." She gives Botan the side-eye.

to this, and to remain undercover, botan comes up to me and puts her arm around mine and shoves her breasts into my side.

I don't react. "There's nothing to worry about, ms. Yurimeshi," I pull her closer, "She's definitely mine." I grin, and botan's face goes atomic as she glares at me.

edited to fit the timeline better, 1 day instead of 3. I know its canon that the full moon happened 3 days after the meeting with Kurama, but the timeline of keiko's kidnapping by Hiei doesn't make sense. so i modified it.

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