
A visit from some demons, meeting Botan, beating Gouki with Yusuke.

As I stood up, there was a knock on my door. I frowned.

Nobody visited me on this day last time. Even though the butterfly effect exists, I don't think I changed anything except studying extra-hard during the day. that and my spiritual energy being much higher due to my body mind and soul ratio being higher. I might have a demon hunting me already. I went towards the door, and opened it, to see three delinquent looking people with smoky looking horns on their heads. glaring at them I ask, "what do you demon ass-lickers want?"

"Nothing much," the one in front says, "just all of your spiritual energy! and your soul while you-"

Before he continue speaking, I flare my newly gained spiritual energy and punch him in the gut. he goes flying, and a tiny demon pops out of his mouth, the horns go poof.

[Trait discovered: Delicious smelling soul. due to consuming a powerful essence, your soul smells wonderful to demons, low level demons will always want to eat you. the higher the level of the demon, the less likely they will act on this smell though.]

I grimace at that trait, but I quickly form my spiritual energy into a barrier and surround the escaped demon in a floating orb of electricity.

[New skill gained lesser kekkai barrier arts(basic)1/1000]

I step forward in a blur and gut-punch the big looking guy who also has a pair of horns, as the 2nd demon is ejected at a high velocity. into another barrier.


Twirling around, I use my leg to depress the other thugs stomach in a violent manner using a heel kick. the third one enters another barrier after being ejected from the poor sap who I nailed in the gut.

I take a deep breath, and sit down to meditate on my porch.

I hear a smooth female voice say, "You wouldn't happen to need a job would you?"

I look up to see a woman in a hot-pink kimono, with blue embroidery, along with a blue sash. her sky-blue hair, waves behind her head in a pony tail as she sits on an oar that is floating in the air with her sitting on top of it sideways. I recognise her as Botan, the spirit detective: Yusuke Yurimeshi's Partner for the early arcs. "What kind of job ms. hallucination?" I ask, after all I'm not supposed to know her at all, or be able to see or interact with her if I was normal.

"well, we have one spirit detective, but we could always use a backup."

I look back up and frown. "Okay, what the heck is a spirit detective and why the hell can you fly?"

she floated down on her oar and smiled at me. "oh good, you can both hear and see me!" she opens her book and starts reading "Your destiny changed about 4 hours ago. You were honestly supposed to die to those three. I was supposed to pick you up before they could eat you and take you to spirit world. I suppose your soul's strange scent caused it to change. When did you start being able to make those?" she pointed at my electric barriers.

I frowned, and lied, putting my acting classes from my previous life to good use "4 hours ago I could make a spark of electricity come out of my hand. It was a pure accident, It only started happening after my latest workout. I pushed myself really hard, and now," I lift my hand up and start electrifying my hand. with the energy from the kekkai barrier.

[skill unlocked, Electrokenisis. (Basic)1/1000]

"I can do this. Honestly I'm pretty sure I'm in some kind of fever dream."

She got real close to my face and pinched my side really hard.

"OW! what was that for?!" I shout indignantly.

She grins, "proof you aren't dreaming."

I frown, and look at the demons with my acting on full display. "damn. well, what am I supposed to say to that?"

"Say you'll be the a spirit detective alongside another someone you already know!" she shouts excitedly, hopping on one leg excitedly with one arm shooting towards the sky, her pointer finger extended.

"What's the pay?" I ask, not wanting to seem too eager.

"She grins at me." You can be paid 10 gold coins 1 ounces each for every case solved! along with a 1 gold coin a week salary!" My eyes cant help but widen.

A grin splits my face. "You've got yourself a deal!"

"You don't want to haggle at all? I don't think that's a lot of money is it?"

oh my god, spirit world has no idea how much gold is worth now does it?

"It's not a lot, but it'll be a good amount to start me towards a college education where I can get alot more when I graduate." I lie as well as I breathe.

"Well, if you say so."

she grabs my hand and drags me behind her as her oar starts moving, my keys float into my pocket by Botans will, my door shuts behind me, and then locks without the key ever going inside the lock and I am dragged into the sky, we move at a very fast speed towards a forest. where I see Yusuke being beaten the shit out of by another demon that looks big and bulky, I notice the three barriers with the demons floating inside them behind us.

we reach yusuke's location, and botan makes the mistake of calling out to him. "Yusuke! I've brought a partner for you! spirit detective partner: Zachary Kimihara!"

the spirit gun meant to finish off Gouki goes wide, and Yusuke falls to a knee.


SHIT! this isn't how Canon went!

"Botan, Quick! drop me on top of the big muscle-demon with the stupid face!"

"on it!" just before Gouki can land a finishing blow on Yusuke, I land on top of his head, and put a lot of energy into Electrokenisis.

[Electrokenisis. (Basic)2/1000]

[Electrokenisis. (Basic)3/1000]

[Electrokenisis. (Basic)4/1000]

[Electrokenisis. (Basic)5/1000]


As Gouki is a relatively weak demon who was taken out by 2 hits of the basic spirit gun in the original series, I easily fry him with my spiritual electricity. the orb of baast falls out of his hand and all the souls he hasn't digested yet, start flooding out of his mouth and his big muscle form decreases to a normal size. he then falls flat on his ass.

[Hidden mission completed. assist Yusuke in defeating Gouki and get into the main plot! +5 to all stats.]

-Zachary Kimihara-

body: 33.2



Total Spiritual power: 6.98

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