

Chris is already in the sixth month of her pregnancy and is no longer appearing in the public because she doesn't want people to know about her pregnancy. She being pregnant is only an unconfirmed rumour which is been spread by certain people but nobody was really sure if she was pregnant or not as the only thing that people know is that she's no longer appearing in public. She and Doja still live together as he never allowed her to go back to her apartment after the day she came so stay with him during the time that Ima was displaying her madness.

Najiba has recovered and gone back to work as she now also have some movie roles just like her husband's third wife. The two wives of Zahid who are in the entertainment industry are constantly fighting for resources as one feels superior to the other and wishes that no other brands should deal with the other wife because they also deal with her. On many occasions that his attention has been called to the fact that his wives are always having verbal arguments which ends up disrupting the work for the day, Zahid never did anything about it. On most occasions Najiba has been told to respect Na'ima because she met her in the industry and she is also her senior but Najiba has always refused to respect Na'ima as it made her feel like she will be respecting her enemy and bowing to her. So far, nobody has been able to cast them both in a movie because they end up having verbal fights and delaying production. The first and last movie which they were both among the cast never came to existence because at a point, they both walked away with each person saying that they're no longer interested in acting the movie.

Najiba called her mother on phone because she left a voice message for her, telling her to call her back. Immediately the call got connected, the first question her mother asked her is the same question that she always ask which has made Najiba to tell her that very soon she won't be calling her anymore on phone since that's the only thing she has to say. Even though her mother has apologized many times, it's still obvious that she is non repentant as that's the first thing she always ask every time her daughter calls her.

"Hello Mum, you left a voice message telling me to call you that it was urgent. I hope all is well?" 

Najiba's mother's voice came in from the other side of the call "so if I don't call you and tell you that what I want to talk about is urgent you won't call me right? Well it is really very urgent because I can see the power tussle between you and your fellow wife and mind you, if she gets pregnant before you do, you will be oppressed in that marriage for the rest of your life. I am thinking that maybe you and I should find a solution to your childlessness and we will do it secretly so that nobody will know about it. What do you think about my suggestion?" 

After Najiba heard what her mother has just said, she wondered if she was truly the daughter of the man who her mother claims. Because she could not imagine why her mother will be suggesting that she gets pregnant for another man while married to another, so that she can deceive her husband and seal her place in the house. "Mum, I will pretend that I never heard this word from you. As my mother, aren't you supposed to advise me against such if I told you I wanted to do it? I am surprised that you are the one suggesting this to me when even my bad friends have not suggested it. How long ago did I get married that I want to start running faster than my shadow to have a child? I met other wives in this house and they are not also pregnant which leads me to the conclusion that Zahid is the one with the problem. I just want you to imagine that Zahid is the one with fertility issues and he knows about it, then I show up pregnant. What do you think will happen to me? But do not worry because I will answer that question for you. Zahid will kick me out without thinking twice and I will be disgraced before the whole world. Is this what you want for your daughter who you claim to love so much? Mum I will appreciate it if you never speak of pregnancy to me again. I know that I have been very busy with my work these days that I don't even bother about trying to get pregnant because I have tried and the last few months of our marriage and the doctors have made me to understand that I am medically fit to be pregnant which leaves Zahid in question. "The divorced mother took a deep sigh after listening to what her daughter told her because sometimes it seems her daughter has more reasoning power than she does. She began to reason what her daughter really told her because that he has four wives and none of them have ever missed her period by mistake let alone dreaming of pregnancy.

Najiba and her mother decided to change their course of action and right now they are trying to spy on Zahid and know his password so that they can have access to some of his informations.

"After our investigation, if we discover that he cannot have children I will be very crossed with him because it is a waste of time. You not being able to give a woman what she wants and you know that, yet you keep quiet and watch her go to and fro thinking that the problem is herself when it is actually yours."

Jamil has been carrying out his investigations on Sarah and the things that he is discovering about her are quite disturbing. A few years ago before he got married to Samantha, there was this young man who was very interested in Sarah and was always coming after her. Sarah never liked this young man and it was no news to anyone who was close to their family but suddenly the young man stopped coming to visit her and Sarah told everyone that he traveled out after he realized that she is never going to give him a chance.

 In Jamil's investigations, he came to know that the young man disappeared mysteriously and was never found till today. Knowing a little about Sarah made him know that her hands are involved in the disappearance of the young man because she saw the young man as the person who was coming to ruin her chances with him. The more Jamil discovered about Sarah, the more scarier she appeared to him because with what he has noticed about her, she is no longer just mean but she is a psycho. Jamil became very worried for his mother because she is not safe around Sarah but she will never see that as true because to her, Sarah is the daughter that she never had.

Jamil brought out his cell phone and decided to speak to his mother-in-law but then he remembered that she has cut off ties with almost everybody so she never speaks with them. He decided to call his father-in-law as the man is a very understanding individual and does not have time for trouble which is the reason why he bought his house in a very peaceful neighborhood because he's a lover of peace. When the phone got connected, the old man sounded very happy on phone as he spoke to Jamil. The older man and Jamil had a little chit chat as men before Jamil asked him if he could speak to his mother-in-law and the man said yes before passing on the phone to her. Jamil never believed that she will want to talk to him let alone see him but he summoned the courage and told her about certain things which he has found out about Sarah and that he is still investigating and promised her that Sarah will not escape it because, before she will go to jail, he will make sure that he deals with her terribly.

His mother-in-law was very happy that at least someone also believes her now and it's not only her accusing Sarah. She told her son-in-law that she will be waiting to hear more from him because she wanted updates to know how his investigations are going as she also has a private investigator giving her informations about Sarah about both her past and present. She advised Jamil to be very careful with Sarah and stay away from her as Sarah is very cunning and dangerous.

Despite being informed about Sarah's deeds, Jamil still set up a picnic for him and his former lover but he is also inviting Sarah to the picnic. He promised himself that he will not act any different from how he has been acting towards her because the moment she notices that there's a shift in character, she will like to know if her cover has been blown and he doesn't know what Sarah can do when she feels cornered.

 Jamil and Itohan came up with an impromptu picnic which will allow them and their mates to relate once again and see each other after over twenty years since they left secondary school. Jamil is only doing this to get more information on Sarah and know what they have been overlooking all this years by saying that Sarah is a little girl and she will outgrow her bad attitude one of these days. To him, Sarah is no little girl anymore and she will own up for her mistakes.

When the ladies and gentlemen arrived at the spot for the picnic, Jamil went behind Sarah's back and begin to interview a few people who knew Sarah back then or were in the same class with her and there was no good testimony from any one of them about Sarah. The lady has always been mean right from childhood but they loved her too much and didn't say it because when you see Sarah and how she looks, you can never imagine that she can be that evil and even if someone tells you, you will deny it because Sarah looks like a damsel in distress.

When Sarah walked in and saw everyone there, her hate for her classmates increased because those people are like the last people that she wants to set her eyes on because she could remember back then when they were all in secondary school and it seemed like almost everybody could understand what the teacher was teaching except her. She could remember that whenever a teacher brings her in front of the class and ask her questions, all these people sitting here will be the ones laughing at her failure so she doesn't see the reason that they have the mind to come because they are not friends with her and she did not invite them so she decided that she will walk up to them and embarrass them.

Sarah walked to where a group of ladies were seated as she smiled at them and said "hello are you guys here because of the free food? At first, the ladies got angry at what she said until one of them now said "have you forgotten her name back in secondary school so soon? We always called her redneck Sarah" The other ladies all burst into laughter as they began to laugh at her and she promised herself that these ladies taunted her as a child and she will not let them do that to her as an adult because she must fight back.

 The Picnic was just a camouflage because it will bring young men and women who they all went to the same school with together so Jamil can do more investigations by asking questions as he will get more people to ask questions. While Jamil was asking people more questions, Sarah and the group of ladies who she walked up to taunt and throw out, were already fighting.

Sarah threw herself into the fight but still got beaten because it was one against four. As they were fighting, Sarah saw a broken chair somewhere and threw herself to the broken part so that it will look like the ladies attacked her first and injured her. Unfortunately for her, gone were the days when Jamil cared about her so much that he could fight anyone on her behalf. As she threw herself towards the chair, the ladies followed her, removed the chair, and continued beating her.

Richard was wearing a face mask and a cap standing not very far away from the place where his daughter is playing but he knows that he cannot approach her else his cover will be blown and he will be arrested almost immediately. He was looking at his little daughter and was wishing that he had taken her along with them and not listened to Mica and the others. He heard that Candace has changed the girl's name but he doesn't blame her for anything because anyone in her position will do the same also. Looking back at everything that has happened so far, Richard really regrets because it seems that at a point he was falling in love with Candace or maybe he still loves her.

Richard and Mica got separated after she insisted on doing the job which he has told her is not safe so he told the other members of the group who are backing her that if anything ever happens there will be the consequences and when they finally landed themselves into trouble, they should never mention his name because he has people in jail who he will contract to deal with them when they get there. With mica's recent attitude, he couldn't believe that he betrayed his family for her as she is still holding certain mistakes over his head and he has told her already that she is free to fight with every other person but she should not try it with him because he has tried for everyone in the group as he is the one who brought the most money.

 Richard kept watching his daughter play as her mother was sitting somewhere and after a while, he turned around and left. He decided to get water at a store in the park. As he got to the store waiting for his turn to get his water, a little girl was there begging the store owner for fluffy candies because she has finished hers and has no money to buy more. Richard laughed to himself when he saw the very cute face of the little girl as that reminded him of his own daughter who is just playing outside.