

Two months later, the case was over and Ima's mother was not sent to jail. Ima was also proven to be mentally unstable and therefore confined to a psychiatric hospital. Ima's mother was very grateful as she kept thanking Amelia for helping her and her daughter and she told Amelia that she will never forget this act of kindness. Amelia told the woman that she was only doing her job and the person that she should thank is Rainbow because he was the one who made all these possible.

Immediately she stepped out of the court, she saw Rainbow standing not far away from the entrance so she walked up to him to thank him for his kindness because even though she was very mean to him and the past, he still extended a helping hand to her when she needed it the most. She was in tears when she was speaking to Rainbow. "I really don't know where to start from because I am consumed with shame and gratitude. Rainbow please forgive me for how I treated you in the past. I do not want to say that I was under the influence of something or anybody because I have no excuses for how I treated you back then. When Amelia came and told me that you sent her, the first thing I remembered was how I treated you and what I told you about never helping me when you see me in any problem. You are a better person than I am or will ever be because if I were the one who was treated that way by you, I don't think I would have helped you out if you were the one in my place rather, I guessed I would have laughed and said it was karma." 

Rainbow smiled at her and told her that the past is gone so let them forget about the past and only look towards the future. "Jacqueline it is true that I was mad at you for a while but your words really inspired me to do better. Probably if you have not told me those words that you told me back then, I'm sure that I will still be a local champion living in the village because after you embarrassed me that day, I promised myself that I will not rest until I become successful. Although you like you have offended me but I see it in a different way and me sending Amelia to defend you in court is my way of saying thank you for the inspiration."

He asked her what she will do now that the case is over and she said she wants to go home and move her things out of her husband's house but she has nowhere to go because she never kept any friends over the years.

Rainbow handed her a key and told her that his driver will take her home to get her bags. He told her that his driver will take her to a house where she can stay for the meantime pending when she decides what to do with her life. She turned down the offer but he insisted and told her that she should remember that before her husband came along, they were very close and were not hiding things from each other. She thanked him, collected the key, and left with his driver.

When Ima's mother got home, the security guard at the gate refused to allow her into the property as they told her that her husband told them not to allow her into the house as she is no longer a member of the family. She refused to turn around as she forced her way into the house by telling the guards that if they lay their hands on her, she will file a case of harassment against them.

When she entered the building, she saw her husband sitting in the rest area sipping a glass of wine and reading a magazine. "Why did the guards let you in? I thought I left specific instructions that you should not be allowed into my house? Do you know that I can charge you with breaking?"

She just looked at her husband and could not believe that she lived with this man for over twenty years. " I am here to get my clothes because I don't I also wish to spend another minute with you." Her husband stood and told her that she is not allowed to pick anything from the house because those clothes she wants to take do not belong to her as he bought them with his money.

She could not believe that her husband is saying this to her. She turned around and told him "okay, I have heard you. You can keep the clothes and wear them every day to work." She turned around and began to leave when her husband suddenly called her attention and said "my lawyer will send the divorce papers to you and if you know what is right for you, sign them peacefully because I am not giving you a dime of what I own. I worked hard and alone for my money and I will not let a lazy ass like you to come and share from it."

She said nothing and kept walking till she left the building. When she got to the car, the driver did not ask any questions as he just entered inside and drove her away. She was surprised when she saw the location of the house that she was given to stay. The house is in one of the wealthy neighborhoods in the town and when she entered the house, the whole place was furnished and there was a maid in the house.

The maid welcomed her and told her that her bath water is ready but the food is still cooking. The maid asked her if she would like to wait and have dinner before having a bath or she will want to have a bath before eating dinner. She told the maid that she would prefer to have a bath first before eating.

The bathroom was warm with candles and scented relaxing oils in the bathtub. she soaked herself inside for a while and almost fell asleep inside. By the time she was done with her bath, all she wanted to do was sleep so she went into her room and went to sleep because she has had a very stressful day.

The maid noticed that she has gone to bed so she did not bother serving her food. She felt bad looking at the woman who was lying on the bed because she has heard the woman's story from her boss when he was discussing it with a friend but she also learned a lesson from the story.

Rachel is already enjoying her time with her parents. Shulamite works in her father's company and she has made it known to Max that she is not ready to marry him because they have a daughter together. Even though she and Max relate as co-parents, Max still has hope that they will be together again someday.

 Shulamite has a colleague in her father's company who is very interested in her and his name is Felix. From the first day that Felix saw Shulamite, he has been after her the same way that bees are after their honey. Shulamite likes him because he is a very funny and lively person.

"Dad, do you know that mummy is going on a date with that man called Felix? Don't you like Mummy anymore? Because I feel that if you still like Mummy you shouldn't let her go on a date with other men else one day, someone might just take her away from you. If you are interested in going to ruin their date, I will give you the address of the restaurant that they are going to but you have to take me along." Max laughed as he kept wondering where his daughter got this cocky attitude from. As little as she is she's already making a trade with him by telling him that she will give him the address of where her mum will be taken to for a date on the condition that he will take her along.

"Wow Rachel, nice one. I can see that you also want to go into business because you are already a terrific negotiator. I will take you along. So can I have the address now?" She shook her head and told her father that she will not give the address until they are both in the car and about to drive out. Max paused and looked at his daughter before saying "okay, as your Highness pleases." 

 Felix and Shulamite walked into the restaurant where he made a reservation for them. She was smiling when they walked in because he was telling her a joke. Sometimes she feels like she could listen to Felix's jokes all day because there is never a dull moment with him.

As they started having their meal, they were basically discussing work because Shulamite is trying to be cautious as she has promised herself that she will focus on her life instead of focusing on men. She feels that she has done that for many years while she was still a model and this time is the time to take up her life in her hands so that she can provide her daughter with a better future as she does not want to rely on Max, her family, and his to bring up her daughter. She has promised Rachel that she will do everything in her power to make sure that Rachel was happy and has everything that she needs and that is exactly what she's doing right now so getting married is not a part of the deal that she has made with herself. After Rachel recovered from Ima's attack, she told Max that he can go ahead and get married to whoever he wants to marry because she is not interested in marriage right now and even if she is,  she does not really know him neither is she interested in having any relationship him apart from co-parenting their daughter. She feels that she has settled whatever issues that might come up with Max because she has made it clear to him that he should stay away from her as the only person he has business with is Rachel who is their daughter.

Shulamite has promised herself that she will not deprive Rachel of fatherly love because of her own selfish desires. She believes that she can get married to whoever she wants to when she is ready and Max can also do the same but Rachel will always remain their daughter. She also called Rachel and tried explaining to her that adults live their lives differently from children. She made Rachel understand that she will end up marrying someone else the same way her father will marry someone else but whoever she or her father gets married to, she has to respect those people and see them as her second mother and father. Even when her parents spoke to her about considering getting married to Max, she told them that she was not ready to get married to any man right now as she has wasted too much time in the modeling industry chasing after different men.

As they were eating and discussing, she saw two people walk into the restaurant and sat at the table next to theirs. The moment that she saw them she knew that they were here on a mission. One was a man and he is tall while the other is a girl and she is little. She turned towards them but they pretended not to see her as they were both discussing and laughing while the waitress was taking their orders. she smiled and told herself that her daughter is a betrayer who is supporting the man that she has just met a few months ago instead of supporting her mother.

Felix looked at Shulamite and noticed that she was uncomfortable so he used his looks to follow the path where her eyes were on and he saw her daughter sitting with her man who he easily guessed to be her father. He smiled as he told himself that this father and daughter have come to distract the woman sitting in front of him. He called out Shulamite's name and told her that if she doesn't feel comfortable here anymore they can leave and go somewhere else but she smiled falsely and said that she was okay.

Rachel turned her face towards her mother and spoke excitedly "wow Mum, I can't believe that you are also here. dad and I came to have dinner here." As Rachel was talking to her mother, she turned towards her father and said "Dad, what a coincidence, mum is also here. Max turned towards Shulamite and said "hello what a coincidence just as Rachel just said. I can't believe that we meet again in a restaurant. I can see that it seems you and I have the same taste when it comes to food." when Rachel heard what her father said, she tapped her forehead and said to herself "oh my God, I can't believe that my father is this young but have old punch lines. His lines are lame. How does he expect to get a lady with such lame words."

Shulamite smiled at Max and said, "well, I did not reserve the restaurant because Felix here did so I think that you and Felix have almost the same taste so it wouldn't surprise me if the two of you become a couple tomorrow." After Max heard Shulamite, he turned and wanted to reply to her before Rachel chipped in and said "dad meant to say that you and I have the same taste because you are my mother."

Shulamite saw how defensive her daughter was towards her father and said to herself that Rachel is really her daughter because even as young as she is, she already knows how to scheme. Rachel immediately moved her chair to her mom's table and also invited her dad to join them.

After Rachel invited her father, Shulamite expected him to decline as an adult but surprisingly, he also moved his chair to the table and started discussing with Felix. She was looking from Rachel to Max as she didn't know who to berate. Right under her watch, Rachel and her father have turned her and Felix's date into a family dinner. Max was faking a friendship with Felix by asking him what he does for the company. The two men soon began to discuss business and left Shulamite by the side. She focused on her food and soon, Rachel fell asleep. Shulamite stood and told the men that she will like to take her daughter home because her daughter has fallen asleep.