

Everywhere went abuzz with the news of Chris fainting on the red carpet. Doja was very quick to react while Jay who was standing at the other side quickly dashed to her side with the speed of light. People surrounded her as doja quickly carried her away from the eyes of the public and Jay followed behind him. When Najiba heard of the incident, she shook her head and said, "what is wrong with these people? If they want to make a scene, must they do it at my wedding? I just knew that something like this will happen. I have been expecting it." She felt no pity rather, she was angry because she felt everything on the news today should be about her and Zahid. Chris woke up before they got to the hospital and asked them to turn the car around. "Doja please listen to me. I'm not sick, but tired. I told you I didn't want to attend this wedding because I was tired but you refused to listen to me. So for once in your life, can you just listen and turn this car around? I want to leave this place. On this day alone, I have had enough embarrassment to last me a lifetime." Doja still refused to listen to her and said you must go to the hospital because nobody just faints because they are tired. I brought you here and I should be responsible for you and do not also forget that you work for me.

 Doja decided not to take her to any hospital around that area but instead, contacted his hospital and they went from where they were on the road to the airport. They flew back in his private jet down to his hospital. Jay was livid with anger when Doja refused to allow him to come with them because he wanted to know what was wrong with his friend. He has known Chris for many years, and he knows that Chris is not one who easily falls sick.

While they were in the air, Chris felt Sicker and even thought she will die before they arrive. by the time they arrived at the hospital she was so sad that she couldn't walk and Doja had to carry her inside.

For many years this hospital has been his family's hospital and Chris is the first and only woman he has ever brought to this place no matter how sick the person feels. He waited in the doctor's office while they attended to her and about half an hour later the doctor walked back into his office and dude I looked at him with so much anxiousness.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong with her and save me this whole tension that I'm going through right now?" The doctor had a grim look on his face as he looked at Doja intensely and asked, "Is she your girlfriend or she just works for you? And please, I want the truth." That question made Doja feel like he was sitting in an examination hall as he really didn't know how to describe his relationship with Chris. He thought for a few minutes before answering the question. "It's complicated between us right now. We are neither together nor apart. We are just in the middle." The doctor looked at him and said, you young people of these days, sometimes I wonder how you think. I asked you a simple question and you gave me a whole epistle of rubbish. With everything that you have just said, there is no yes or no in your answer. I wonder where this generation is headed." Doja looked at the doctor and within him, all he could say was, "just tell me what is happening and spare me the lecture of where we are headed." The doctor looked at him again and said, "since you are complicated like you said, have that complication ever lead to sex?" Doja flashed back to the first time they had sex and also those romantic times they spent in Dubai. He nodded and said, "multiple times". Dr. Timothy, looked at Doja and said, I thought you were more sensible than this? Those multiple times that you had sex with her, did you ever use a condom? Do you know if she has any sexually transmitted infections and do you even love that lady?" Doja felt like a little stupid boy in presence of

the doctor and his questions. Although

he appeared to look confident, deep

down, he was quaking and praying that

Chris does not have any STIs that

have no cure because the way the

doctor is questioning him right now is

sounding like his life is on the line.

I am sorry for acting like a stupid little

boy by having sex with a woman

without any protection but when it

comes to the question of me loving

her, I love her with all my heart. Dr.

Timothy smiled and said, to this

generation, love comes easily but

when you encounter a little problem,

that's when you discover that you don't

love that person. You were only in love

with the idea of loving the person. Doja

looked at Dr. Timothy and said, "can

you please just tell me what I need to

know now? I am tensed or is it until I

fall and die of tension here before you

will tell my ghost what has happened?

The older man laughed and said, "well,

that was the idea. I want to make you

pass out from tension that's the

reason I'm withholding the information

that you need from you. Well,

congratulations because your

complication is pregnant. Isn't that

what you told me, you said It's

complicated. You didn't call her your

girlfriend." While the older man was

talking, Doja went into shock and was

just looking into space with his mouth

opened. The older man noticed his

reaction and shook his shoulder. The

only words that could come out of

Doja's mouth after he regained his

consciousness, were "she is sure

going to kill me when she finds out

about this." 

The older doctor laughed and said, I

never thought that I will see the day

that the almighty Doja, son of Laddan

will be afraid of a woman. How is it

possible that you are having sex with

a woman that you are afraid of? You

millennials are really something else.

"Can I go in to see her?" Yes, you can,

but she might be asleep because she

is pregnant and stressed. I also

discovered that she doesn't eat well.

For the sake of her baby, she needs to

eat healthily and also eat more food.

 Doja walked into the ward and felt very

hurt seeing Chris laying on that bed.

He couldn't believe that this woman

whose ego is as high as a mountain is

carrying his baby. If he knows Chris as

well as it does, when she wakes up, she

will rather claim that her baby is for a

mad man than admit that he is the

father of her baby. He was very happy

for one thing, which is, that at least

Jay will stay away now. Because he

has marked this territory as his. He

left the ward and came outside. He

took out his phone to call his father

and let his father know that they will

not be the only two people In the family

anymore as a new member will be

joining them soon.

 Immediately his father picked up the

call the first question his father asks

was, "you only remember to call me

when you are in trouble so which

trouble have you gotten yourself into

this time?" Doja laughed and said you

are right. I have gotten myself into

some trouble but it's a trouble that I

can handle. Chris is pregnant but she

is not yet aware of it and I'm sure

when she finds out, I will be in real

trouble. I need you to help me convince

her to keep the child because I know

she wouldn't want to keep it because

of her career, plus, she hates me.

Laddan laughed and said if she hates

you so much how did he end up having

sex with you to the point that she gets

knocked up? I don't think she hates

you because if she does, she wouldn't

have had sex with you to the point

that she's knocked up. Unless you

want to tell me that you raped her

which I don't believe you will do. And

one more thing son, you have to

handle this problem on your own

because if she hates you, she hates

me more. You know that she and I

don't see eye to eye, especially with

what almost happened between us

some months ago. I believe that she

will terminate the pregnancy

immediately if she sees my face. So,

son, I wish you good luck. And make

me proud by not letting her have her way.

 While Chris was in the hospital stories

about her became a hot search on the

internet. Pictures of her fainting and

Doja carrying her became a hot topic.

Some people speculated that she was

pregnant while some were guessing

that she might be struggling with a

terminal illness as she looks unhealthy

thin these days.

Some netizens even blamed her for

attending the wedding and almost

ruining poor Najiba's happiest day.

Some of them said that why didn't she

just stay behind at home when she

knows that she wasn't feeling well.

Ima who is still gathering information

on Chris, Shulamite, and Najiba wasn't

happy that Chris fainted. When she

saw what was happening, she prayed

that nothing happens to Chris because

she does not have the right to die

without Ima's assistance. Ima said in

her heart, "Chris how dare you become

sick when I have not made you sick

yet? Don't you know that you don't even

have the right to die without my

assistance?" She got even angrier when

she saw the man that she loves carrying

Chris like she was a precious egg that

shouldn't fall else it will crack. The look

that Ima saw in Doja's eyes as he carried

Chris, she has never seen such looks

in his eyes before for her. It pained her,

even more, to see that Doja has always

used her as a pawn in his chess game.

She gave a sinister smile that can send

chills down a person's bone as she said

"Chris just hang on for me because I

must be the one to assist you to your

early grave. And Doja, do not be sad yet

because I will be the one to make you

sad for the rest of your life as I take

away everything that you have ever

treasured." She turned around and

walked away as she saw Shulamite


Shulamite was also very happy when

she saw that Chris fainted as she

almost shouted "this is karma Doja."

Every time she sees pictures of those

two together, it really annoys her. She

always feels like Doja toyed with all

of them and chose Chris because he

felt that she was better than the rest of

them. "Chris I hope that whatever made

you faint, kills you." She hissed internally

as she took her mind back to plotting

how she will snatch Zahid away from


 Zahid felt very uncomfortable after

hearing about the model who fainted.

He has always been interested in Chris

but fate had never let them meet in

person. He has always admired her

long legs and has daydreamed many

times about putting those legs on his

shoulders as he makes crazy love to

her. Every time he hears her talk during

interviews, he always fantasizes about

her moaning out his name when he

makes love to her with that voice of


Najiba noticed the looks on her

husband's face when he heard that

Chris fainted and she cursed Chris as

she wished her to die a thousand

deaths. "Zahid, what's the matter and

why is your face looking that way? Do

you know Chris before?" No, I've never

met her in person but I've always seen

her in magazines and she's quite a

beautiful model. I just feel bad that she

had to be embarrassed that way while

attending our wedding.

Najiba did not believe one word that

came out of Zahid's mouth because

while she was looking at his face, all

she could see was concern and pure

lust. If not for the money that he has,

she would have never looked at him

let alone, considered him for a husband

because when it comes to the matters

of women, Zahid can be called a dog's

brother. He chases anything that has

boobs and ass. It doesn't matter if the

boobs and ass are big or small, if the

lady is dark or fair, or, even tall or short.

All he cares about is if the lady has a

hole that he can stick his cock into.

Although, she can't deny the fact that

he knows how to please a woman and

he has a very big cock to do that.

 Na'ima's mother approached them as

they were sitting quietly. She smiled at

Najiba and congratulated her on the

wedding. "Welcome into the family our

new wife. We are very pleased to have

you and I wish you happiness, harmony

amongst you and the other wives, and

also many children that will bring you

joy in your old age." Najiba smiled like a

happy bride and said, "aunty, what

happened to my senior wife? I saw other

wives at the ceremony except her. Is

she not happy with me because I am

marrying Zahid? I have always heard

that when a senior wife is not happy

about her husband's marriage, she

doesn't attend the wedding. I am really

sorry if I have offended her in one way

or the other by marrying the man that

she is in love with but our religion

accepts it and I am always happy to

share. Do you know that I was very

happy when I discovered that she is

also a model like me? I was really

looking forward to meeting her so

that we can discuss things about our

career. I also want to join the movie

industry and I wanted her to be my

coach and role model but it's a shame

that I didn't meet her today. I met the

other wives and I love them because

they were very cool and I also hope to

meet her soon." Na'ima's mother cursed

at Najiba and her mother in her mind as

wished them the worst luck in this life.

She smiled and said, actually my daughter

has not been feeling well for the past

few days that's the reason why she's

not here, but she was really looking

forward to this wedding. I can see that

you look just like your mother.

 Najiba smiled and said but your

daughter doesn't really look like you.

They both stared daggers at each other

while pretending to smile before

Na'ima's mother walked away.