

Najiba's wedding is really pulling in

crowd but unfortunately, it is strictly

by invitation. The wedding is really

trending online and many people

and media houses are already trying

to pitch people against each other

as they are saying, that through this

wedding, we will know those who

are important in the entertainment

industry and the ones who are not.

The wedding is today and it's going

to be done according to their religion.

Many people were not looking forward

to attending the reception instead of

the joining of the couple as that is

where everyone is free to dress as

they like.

 Najiba's mother walked into the

bride's dressing room and smiled

as she looked at her daughter. "Look

at my baby. You look like a princess

on this special day of yours and I am

so proud of you." She went closer to

her daughter and began to pray for

her. She held her daughter's hands

and said "your children will bring you

honor and joy just as you have

brought me today. Whoever thinks

that they can kick you out of your

husband's house will be disgraced."

As her mother kept going on and on,

Najiba was forced to stop her mother.

"Mum, can you stop with the drama?

It's not funny. Think about what will

happen if someone else hears you

praying this kind of prayer? We are

already one step ahead of the

enemy so let's just enjoy this

moment of Victory and not think

about anything for now, please. It's

my special day and I wouldn't want

to ruin it with thoughts of evil."

 Chris who has been bugged with

work lately was forced to attend the

wedding with Doja as his date. She

has been avoiding him lately as she

spends more time with her friend

Jay. Chris and Jay seem to be more

closer than ever this period.

People were not tripping to this

wedding because of Najiba because

she is not really known. The only

reason everybody wants to attend

this wedding is her groom Zahid.

Many people want to go there and

make sure they make their presence

known because of the favors they

need from him while some want to

go there for future purposes. Many

of the ladies know that wealthy men

will be attending this wedding so

their motive for going there is to get

a new lover and sponsor. Everyone

attending this wedding has their

own agenda.

Zahid's first and second wives have

flown in from Saudi Arabia already for

the wedding. When Najiba saw his

first and second wives she was very

respectful to them. His first wife was

almost the center of attention

because she is very beautiful and a

lso a princess. Many began to wonder

why she has always shied away from

the media.

 A producer was speaking to his friend

while looking at Zahid's wives. "Jack,

did you see why I always capitalize

on us making money? Just look at

these women and see what money

can do. If this guy decides to marry

a hundred women today, trust me

they will all be willing and happy to

marry him because of the money.

But this guy is really addicted to

women and it wouldn't surprise me

if he gets married again in the next

six months because he loves them

as they come." Zahid's other wives

had a very good impression of Najiba

as they saw her as a better person

than Na'ima. If only they know that

Najiba is worse than Na'ima but only

trying to be respectful because of

her plans of making Na'ima look bad

in front of everyone.

The other wives have arrived except

Na'ima and everyone was beginning

to question her absence. Her father

was present but his wife was not with

him also. Many began to speculate

that Na'ima was not happy with the

marriage that's the reason she and

her mother are not present.

Ima was also present at the wedding

because Najiba did not fail to send

her an invite so that she can gloat in

her face. Shulamite was only

pretending to be happy for her friend

but within her, she was bitter. She

wondered why Najiba had to be this

lucky and she hated her own life. She

hated the fact that she had to please

one old man just to get what she

wants but her friend made no effort

and landed a very good deal. Within

her, she said "Najiba, just wait and

see how I scheme my way into your

house and kick you out. It might be

your turn today but tomorrow, it will

be mine and all this will be all thanks

to your husband who can't keep his

cock and his pants."

Many models were envious of

Najiba as even royalties attended

the wedding. Najiba's mother was all

smiles on that as she moved around.

She was grinning from ear to ear as

she was greeting some guests.

She came in contact with her ex-lover

and they both greeted each other

awkwardly. Seeing him, killed all the

happiness that she had in her a while

ago. She sneered as she saw him and

his wife and said within her heart "what

nerve two of you have showing up at my

daughter's wedding." She just smiled at

them for the sake of the public and

walked away.

Later Na'ima's mother walked up to

her and said "you think you have won?

You just wait and see what I will do to

your daughter in that house she's

coming into. I will do to her what I did

many years ago and you will know that

I am always and will always be your

master." Najiba's mother looked around

first, before replying "Hajar, do you

think that I am still playing childish

games? I have upgraded the level at

which I play at. Just look around you,

everything has changed. It is no longer

like the time when I was naive and let

you get away with all the evils you did.

It took me twenty-three years to come

back from the defeat I suffered at

your hands and twenty-three years

to plan my revenge. Do you think

that you can win against that? I will

just advise you to stay away else you

use your daughter's life to pay because

I am not here to joke. " 

As she turned around to leave Hajar

held onto her shoulder and said in a

whisper "I will make sure that your

daughter is kicked out within two

months." Aurelia laughed and said,

be careful of the kind of words you

utter around here because your

daughter is still bearing the brunt

of the one she uttered yesterday.

Hajar, it is no longer an eye for an

eye it is now an hour for two eyes.

Can you let go of my shoulders now?

I have guests to attend to for the

latest wife of Zahid.

As she turned around and left,

Na'ima's mother began to ground her

teeth in anger as she started to blame

her daughter for her own stupidity.

She said within her "if only Na'ima

was half as intelligent as Najiba, all

of this wouldn't have happened. Such

a foolish girl." She turned around and

walked back into the venue.

Zahid felt very happy as he was looking

into his wife's face. He feels the way

he has always felt for every new wife

he marries. Every time that Zahid

marries a new life, he feels he's more

in love with her than the others. Of

course whoever knows him, also

knows that this love will only last for

two months before he moves on to

the next woman that he sets his eyes

on. Many ladies dressed to kill for this

occasion as some were busy looking

for well the guys some were hoping

does that he'll notice them. Many of

them do not wish to get married to him

or they just want is to become his lovers

because they know that it doesn't matter

which one you are to him all that matters

is that you get your money and

connections. Najiba was very angry

where she was sitting as she feels like

she will explode from anger any minute.

She hated the way Shulamite was

staring at her husband. Shulamite was

obviously gawking and if left alone,

she will swallow the man in whole. "You

bitch if I see you anywhere near my

husband, I swear I will kill you. If you

think that I am Ima who let you ruin

her relationship with Doja, then you

are mistaken because I am worse than

Ima." she signaled to her mum and

when her mum came over, she told her

mum "you see that lady standing over

there, that is my friend I don't like the

way she's staring at Zahid right now.

It's almost like she can't wait to take

him to bed. I want you to get her away

from where she is. And I don't need any

lectures because I know that I gave her

that seat but please take her out of

there politely.

Najiba's mother smiled as her own

ideas came into her head. She did not

immediately go to Shulamite. she

waited until five minutes later before

she sent someone to the young lady.

The woman walked close and said,

hello, you are the bride's best friend

right? "Yes, I am." Well, there is a

special place that we prepared for

her friends so I would like you to come

with me now if you don't mind."

Shulamite was very happy to follow

the woman as she felt that she will

use this to show off and get other

models was jealous. It's not easy to

be the friend of the bride you know,

especially the one married to a

wealthy guy.

 What surprised Shulamite was the

fact that she was taken to a place

where she couldn't see anything. She

looked at the woman and said "what

kind of joke is this? Are you trying to

play a prank on me? Do you even know

who I am?" The woman looked at

Shulamite and said I don't know who

you are and I don't care to know who

you are. I was given strict instructions

by the groom's father to get you out

of that seat because the way you were

staring at his son is not comfortable.

I wonder why you are this Shameless.

Everyone saw you staring at him like

you wanted to swallow him up alive.

I don't want to know if you are the bride's

friend or the bride's sister, this attitude of

yours is not allowed in our society, so it

will be better if you respect yourself and

sit here or you get out. If I see you within

the groom's sight or anywhere close to

the couple, I will forget that you are the

bride's friend and kick you out of this

place disgracefully." The lady turned

around and left and Shulamite began

to shake in anger. She started to wonder

if it was Najiba who wants to embarrass

her on purpose or if the grandfather

really sent that lady. " Was it that

obvious? I can't believe I stared at him

to the point that others noticed." She

sat down and she began to think of all

the plots and also promised the lady

who kicked her out of her seat in her

mind that she will get married to Zahid

and that lady will hear from her.

Shulamite has never been one to care

about relationships. If she wants

something from you, it doesn't matter

if you are her mother, she will get it

through any means that she can.

That is a part of her that Ima and

Najiba never knew.

Na'ima was in her hotel biting her nails

and crying as she kept reading horrible

comments about her. Many people

claimed that she was jealous of Najiba

and that's the reason she did not attend

the wedding. Many began to slam her

and call her a two-faced bitch. She was

reading the terrible comments.

 1. I used to have respect for her before

because I thought she was a good

person but right now, I am unfollowing

her because I don't want anything to

do with her again.

2. She has always been my idol and

role model but I never knew that

she could be this ridden with jealousy

when even she married as a third

wife. Such a two-faced bitch.

3. I need to sue her for making me

believe in her goodness all these years.

4. She is such a child. Even if she is

not happy with the wedding, for the

sake of her reputation she is

supposed to attend the wedding.

The kind of things that jealousy

makes people do sometimes is

very surprising.

5. I heard that Zahid is getting

married to another woman because

she is barren. I don't blame her for

not attending the wedding because

barren women are always jealous.

6. Guys, did I hear that Na'ima is

jealous? When she got married to

him didn't she know how his other

wives felt? This is the reason why it

is good to always taste the kind of

food you want to feed to others and

know if it's the type that you can eat.

7. Najiba all the way. She is the newest

wife of Zahid and the goddess of the

house, unlike Medusa who is jealous

and refused to attend the wedding.

8. Oh my god! Did someone just call

Na'ima Medusa? I am glad she didn't

go to the wedding before she turned

all my favorite artists into stones. This

is a very nice one, let's create a meme

using Na'ima as Medusa.

9. I heard she cheated on Zahid that's

the reason he's marrying another wife

and has been avoiding her all this

while. Some women can be very

greedy. What does she want that

Zahid did not provide that made her

cheat on him? 

10. Did I hear cheating? She is such

a whore and should be stoned to

death for that. Why did she get

married to him when she knows that

she will cheat? She and her kind are

the reason people call actresses

and models prostitutes.

Reading all these comments made

Na'ima want to run mad. She was

very angry at everyone and even her

mother. Her mother promised her that

she will not attend the wedding but

she wondered what made her mother

attend the wedding at the last minute.

She felt lonely and also felt like

everyone has abandoned her as her

fake friends trooped to the wedding.

There were many actresses, musicians,

and models on the red carpet. Jay

came in alone without a date and many

ladies almost fainted at the sight of

that as they all wished that they could

be his date. Chris and Doja were posing

for the cameras on the red carpet when

suddenly Chris fell and fainted.