
In One Piece with Hidan's Abilities

Our character Alex has been subjected to torture and left to die by his supposed family from a young age, leading to significant psychological issues and the emergence of troubled personality traits. However, years of living on the streets have given him experience in shady dealings. After a long life, he decides to leave his criminal past behind due to illness and fatigue, settling down to lead a sedentary life, leaving his years of wandering behind. His senses have dulled, and he has lost his cautiousness, becoming an ordinary man who watches anime and reads manga. But everything changes when a mysterious package arrives. After his death, Alex migrates to another world with the abilities granted to him, but that's not the end of it. The gods take pity on him, granting him a system, and he sets out to destroy the world of One Piece with the powers he gains. !!!! Attention: The protagonist of this story has a negative personality. (Although they may appear normal at the beginning of the series, you'll understand as the story progresses.) The series contains R18 content. (I will indicate it at the beginning of each chapter; you can skip it if you want.)!!!!

Leiartx · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 06 -Practice

"Ugh... That was easy!"


[World Power Standards Detected! You can view them from the panel!]

~ Hmm... System!

[System Alice

Name: Hidan

Surname: (No surname yet)

Attribute: Transmigration

Age: 17

Location: Wheat Ear Island (New!)

Average Power (OP Standards): Vice Admiral / Shichibukai (New!)

Current Chakra Amount: 900 cvu

• Inventory (3 New!!)

• Rewards

• Abilities]

~ Hmm... Vice Admiral, huh? Even though I'm immortal, there's no chance of survival if Akainu melts me. Besides, I need to quickly address my lack of Haki!

~ Alice, Inventory!


Slot 1 - Character Change Card (D+)

Slot 2 - 149.990.000 Belly

Slot 3 - (C) Level Sword (2)

Slot 4 - Log Pose (2)

Slot 5 - Kirigakure no Jutsu Scroll (D)

Slot 6 - Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu Scroll (C)

Slot 7 - Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu Scroll (C)

Slot 8

Slot 9

Slot 10]

~ I need to quickly learn my techniques!

As Hidan pondered these thoughts, he noticed the bartender's daughter carrying her injured father and watching him.

Hidan felt uneasy under her gaze and turned to the girl.

Hidan: What's the matter?

Girl: Ugh, well, it's nothing, there's no problem... um... thank you.

The girl felt both grateful and afraid; this man had taken care of those bandits who had haunted her nightmares for months. Judging by the peculiar pyramid he used, he was a Devil Fruit user. Although they were in the Grand Line, it was unusual to encounter such individuals in this remote area.

Hidan: Gratitude? Hah... I did it only for a price. Wake up this man, so I can claim my reward. You are not my only concern!

The girl swallowed nervously and looked at her father, who was struggling to speak.

Girl: Um, well, if you wish, I can accommodate you as our guest today. My father...

Hidan sighed.

Hidan: Fine, understood. A one-day permission then. Show me my room and leave me alone.

Girl: Y-Yes, sir!

After showing Hidan to his room, the girl quickly left, visibly frightened. After all, on the same day, she had experienced harassment, witnessed her first murder, and even saw a massacre. It shouldn't be easy for anyone, especially for someone considered normal.

Hidan, on the other hand, entered the room with a sigh.

~Alice, how are the combat powers ranked in the OP standards?

[Harf-based classification is used for shinobis in this world, while the standards in this world are ranked by Marine levels and Yonko positions:

C- Lieutenant Junior Grade

C Lieutenant

C+ Lieutenant Commander

B- Commander

B Captain

B+ Commodore

A- Rear Admiral

A Vice Admiral / Shichibukai

A+ Yonko Commander

S- Admiral

S Yonko / Fleet Admiral

S+ Above Yonko]

~Hmm... The biggest difference between me and a Yonko Commander, or most of them, is Haki. If I encounter someone who can use Haki, Tsubaku Mandara won't work, and using Cursed Damage Transfer consumes too much chakra. Even if I manage to kill them, which is unlikely, I might get caught and killed by their companions. After all, direct cuts may not kill me, but melting or exploding my body certainly will!

[It's difficult to be at this level without using Haki! The host should have confidence! But engaging in combat with people at this level without knowing Haki is not recommended!]

~You're right, Alice. But now, getting stronger will be much harder! We still have five years before the story starts; we need to become stronger and establish certain relationships. That way, we'll have a foundation!


[Class Quest Detected!]


[Preparing Catalog!]

[Class Catalog:

1 - Pirate

2 - Marine

3 - Bounty Hunter

4 - Mafia

5 - King

6 - Mercenary

7 - Shichibukai

8 - Assassin

9 - Normal People

A quest related to the chosen class will be initiated!]

~Hmm... I'm not suited for Pirate or Marine. Bounty Hunter and King are unnecessary and not worth being a class. That leaves Mercenary, Assassin, and Normal People. Well, considering that Hidan was a shinobi, I choose Assassin!


[Class Selected!]


[Creating a Quest!]

["Path of the Assassin" Quest Initiated!]

Quest for the Assassin:

Assassins are individuals who take on tasks such as assassinations, information theft, and intelligence gathering for a fee. They emphasize secrecy and operate with stealthy attack tactics on the battlefield!

Assassins are always affiliated with an organization or group through which they receive missions.

Task 1 - Join or create an organization!

Task 2 - Take your first assignment!

Task 3 - Complete your first assignment!

Reward: "Three Basic Shinobi Techniques"]

~This is great; I'll gain recognition, connections, and grow stronger this way!

~But now, I need to decide which organization to join or create! Actually, I can create one myself!

Suddenly, an idea struck Hidan!

~Right, this island is close to Arabasta; I need to go there and meet Crocodile!

While Hidan pondered, he eventually fell asleep.

Approximately 10 hours later, as the sun was rising, Hidan woke up fully when he heard a knock at the door.

(Knock on the Door)

Hidan stood up after getting dressed and opened the door.

Girl: Um... Good morning, sir...

Hidan: What do you want?

Girl: Breakfast is ready...

Hidan: Is the bartender awake?

Girl: Yes... thankfully, my father is in good condition!

The girl tried to be happy, but whenever she looked into the man's eyes, she couldn't help but tremble!

Hidan: I'm coming!

Hidan walked towards the back salon of the bar, which was combined with a classic-style house, while the front part had an authentic bar ambiance. The two sections were separated by a large door, and since Hidan was a guest, he stayed in the house section.

As he entered the back salon, he saw the bartender with bandaged arm and leg, smiling at him.

Bartender: Hey, friend, come and have breakfast!

~Huh?! If this were my original world, someone with injuries like his would stay in the hospital for 2 months. Strange physics...

Hidan approached the table step by step and pulled a chair to sit.

Hidan: Have you recovered?

Bartender: No need to be so cold, friend. My name is Lucas; my family has been running this bar for generations. And you? Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you so powerful?

Lucas: These bandits have been plaguing us for months, and you just sliced through them like tofu!?

Hidan emitted a small amount of chakra.

Hidan: Don't worry about everything, old man! People encounter trouble either out of curiosity or love, whatever comes, comes!

Lucas: Sorry, friend, I have a big mouth, but at least you can tell me your name?

Hidan: Hidan.

During their conversation, the girl brought the food to the table and sat across from Hidan.

Lucas: This is my daughter, Dianne, the last gift from her mother to me...

Both Lucas and his daughter's eyes became teary, but Hidan didn't pay any attention.

Lucas suddenly stood up and bent down in front of Hidan.

Lucas: I am grateful for your help, sir; thank you very much for keeping me and my daughter alive!

Hidan: Your gratitude doesn't matter, Lucas; the reward is what's important.

Lucas frowned, and...

Lucas: You're right; I'll get it right away!

Lucas lifted the rug from the back area, revealing a door on the ground, and entered it. After 10 minutes, he returned with a crate in his hands.

Lucas placed the crate on the table, and...

Lucas: Sir, this is a metal passed down in my family for hundreds of years. It's so powerful that my family believed it was cursed with a Devil Fruit! If you give it to a blacksmith, you can obtain an amazing weapon!

Hidan: Metal? Just a metal? Did you bother me for this crappy metal?!

Hidan started getting angry, but...


[An artifact nearby detected!]



[Congratulations! You have obtained Adamantium (A+) Ore!]

Lucas: Uhh... sir... well...

Hidan: Yes, my friend Lucas, what is the problem with these bandits?

Seeing that Hidan was pleased, Lucas relaxed.

Lucas: As I said, after the civil war and the fall of the royal family, these bandits made this place their den and set up a base.

Lucas: Their leader is an ex-pirate named Captain Jack Rackam. He had a bounty of 35,000,000 Belly. He is accompanied by Sly Seth and Executioner Ronnie, with bounties of 15,000,000 and 17,500,000 respectively, totaling 22,500,000.

~This is the entrance to the Paradise, so the rewards should be in the middle. On paper, I can defeat them with my strength, but all my techniques consume too much chakra. If my chakra runs out during the battle, the other two can easily overpower me. I should plan this and learn the scrolls first. Since they are C and D level, I should be able to handle them within a week or two, and by then, the bandits will realize that their friends are dead and come after me.

Hidan: Alright, Lucas. We'll take care of this within two weeks, but I have some business to attend to on this island. Is there a place where I can train undisturbed?

Lucas: There's a waterfall towards the west coast of the island. If you want, Dianne can take you there.

Hidan: Alright, show me the way.

Dianne ~Ugh... My father left me with this guy, but do I really have to go with him? He might snap my neck if I annoy him.

Dianne looked at Hidan and became scared just by looking at him.

Dianne ~But if I don't take him, I might die sooner, right?

Dianne: Umm... let's go?

Hidan: Show the way and hurry up!

Dianne: Umm... okay!

Dianne timidly led the way, while Hidan observed and analyzed the surroundings.

After about an hour, they arrived at the waterfall.

Dianne: I'm leaving; there's nothing for me here.

Hidan didn't say anything and instead examined the surroundings. The waterfall had a wide plain on both sides, making it a perfect training ground.

~Looking around, it seems that the Royal used this place for their legions.

There were cut marks and holes on the trees, torn uniforms in the bushes, and scattered spears and swords.

"Well, it doesn't bother me!"

~ System, "Kirigakure no Jutsu Scroll"!

["Kirigakure no Jutsu Scroll" (D) Extracted!]

Hidan took out the scroll and tried to read and understand it. After a while, he realized that it was not as simple as he thought. Then, he remembered that the system had mentioned creating a learning path for jutsus!

[Request Detected! Creating Learning Path!]

[Learning Path Created!]

[Learning Path:

Technique: Kirigakure no Jutsu (D)

Description: This technique is a specialty of Kirigakure ninja. Users fill the air with mist and control its thickness with their chakra. Once the mists are thick enough that opponents cannot see, they cannot manage much defense against the user.

Required Chakra Amount: 500 cvu + 10 cvu/min

Estimated Total Time Required: 4 Days 4 Hours!

Learning System:

1 - Adapt yourself to Nature Transformation!

Estimated Time Required: 1 Day

2 - Adapt yourself to Shape Transformation!

Estimated Time Required: 1 Day

3 - Slowly inject your chakra into the water and try to change its form!

Estimated Time Required: 7 Hours

4 - Make the changing water form spread by releasing your chakra and gradually adapt yourself to the technique!

Estimated Time Required: 7 Hours

5 - Practice the technique continuously!

Estimated Time Required: 1 Day

6 - Use hand signs to perform the technique as a whole!

Estimated Time Required: 12 Hours

7 - Try the technique consecutively without straining your chakra and specialize by changing dimensions!

Estimated Time Required:

2 Hours

8 - Master the technique in battles or regular use!

Estimated Time Required: 1 Month * (This Level is Not Mandatory!)

Reward: "Kirigakure no Jutsu" (D) Proficiency!!]

~Hmm, it's longer than I expected, but it's alright. I guess I'll stay here for a week; I have two weeks, and I should be able to learn three techniques in two weeks. Let's see if I can do it!

Hidan started from the 1st step, and it seemed that he was struggling with Nature Transformation. After all, that was the crucial part of the process.

After continuous training for about 10 hours, he had grasped the basics, but there were still deficiencies. He could almost complete the transformation to nature, but at the last moment, he would lose control completely. It wasn't a problem with chakra control, but once he turned his chakra into water nature, it seemed as if his chakra presence was vanishing within the water. His chakra was either bursting immediately, or it would flicker and fade away when he tried to turn it into water repeatedly for a long time. Hours of training had exhausted him, but it seemed like he wouldn't give up until he solved this issue.

Hidan continued training until midnight when the moonlight illuminated the entire waterfall.

Lying under a tree, he gazed at the waterfall. The water flowed down with perfect symmetry, with no droplet moving independently. And then, he had a revelation, he understood. Yes, he understood. Whenever he performed the nature transformation, he felt that a certain amount of chakra was enough and didn't continue further. On the other hand, the waterfall flowed straight down, yet it never stopped trying to exceed itself. A bit more and a bit more...

Hidan started turning his chakra into water nature again. Slowly, the surroundings became more humid, and he could feel it. He added more chakra when he sensed it, and eventually, he broke through the threshold and completed the 1st step!


[1st Step Completed!]


[Nature Transformation (Basic) Learned!]

With the taste of success, Hidan fell asleep...


"Thank you for reading, I appreciate your support and feedback."