
In One Piece as a Marine [BL]

I do not own One Piece or the characters. I do not own other characters from other shows/movies/series. As a cripple shut in passed before his time, he was given a few gifts and sent off to a better world where he can be himself. Unofficially joining the marines and holding his own sense of justice. There are xxx scenes. MxM. Super depressing. No real plot. I am a monster who only made this only because I was drunk and knowing place all my issues into this. Deal or don't read.

fujoshiXsilence · Tranh châm biếm
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77 Chs


Today, Aka and I are fighting. He wants to work on balance by playing tag on the ship railings. I want to work on my stealth by playing hide and seek with each other. Everything else ends in a tie so we were left with flipping a coin but didnt have one.

Akainu found out about our fight and slammed out heads together, "Stop being childish and clean up."

"Yes sir..." we said and sulked to the broom closet.

"I'm sorry Aka, we can play tag while cleaning. I can work on my stealth later on with pirates..." I sighed and said.

"I say we sneak out tonight to work on stealth together. I'm sorry for being mean earlier and cursing you out." Aka said.

"You cursed me out?" I asked surprised.

"No but I thought about it remember?" he smiled and laughed.

"Haha oh right! I'm sorry for being mean as well." I said and hugged him.

"That's not cleaning!" Akainu yelled.

"Grouch..." We whispered.


Every now and again, Akainu would stumble into my room drunk and sleep on 3/4ths of the bed. Aka and I would have discussions about what cat to get him while I learned proper cat etiquette. It was just something funny to pass the time but it became a habit as it happened more often. I was close to 18 years old and we were called back to HQ for an incoming war. A week from HQ, Akainu once again ended up in our room drunken.

Aka and I were joking then somehow turned serious until Aka dropped a bomb in the form of a question, "So have you chosen yet?"

"Chosen what?" I said.

"Not a what, a who. Have you chosen?" he pressed on.

"No. How about you choose between lion and tiger?" I asked.

"Not fair Ken. Not fair at all." Aka said.

"But isnt it? Each is a seperate part of you but are you willing to give the other up?" I asked.

"...No I dont think I could. I'm sorry, I thought it was an easier decision..." he said quietly.

"One is calm and mellow like a lion, the other fierce like a tiger. I'm just a house cat.... I'm gonna turn in meow," I said and stood up before hopping into my spot in front of the pillow and curled up, "Aka, so far the lion appeared before the tiger and also won the battle. But the war is far from over. And that's assuming the tiger even participates."

"What...?" a voice said.

"So far the tiger has pushed the house cat away while the lion is nowhere to be seen. If the tiger had plans on battle, would it still be lounging?" I said with a sigh.

"....what?" the voice said again.

"Aka are you even listening?" I said and opened my eyes, blinked a few times and stared at the eyes looking at me, "What?"

"What is this about lions, tigers and a house cat?" Akainu whispered confused.

".....Good night." I said and closed my eyes, avoiding the conversation.

"No, tell me," Akainu said sternly.

"Sigh, stupid tiger..." I mumbled and hopped off the bed, "I'll sleep in the box tonight Aka.."

"Get back here and explain it to me," Akainu said with a frown as he sat up. I shook my head and put the coffin on the floor before opening and laying in it. Akainu seemed surprised that I did this, "Where the hell did that come from?!"

"Go to sleep... Noisy.." I said and started to close the lid.

"....I dont get why you think the 'tiger is lounging at home' when he is fighting a silent battle..." Akainu said and left the room.

"That was harsh... Why are you so mean Ken?" Aka asked.

"....How am I supposed to know?! I'm a dumb house cat!" I hissed. Putting the coffin away, I went over to his room to find him drinking, "Save some for me... House cats drink just as much as big cats do."

"Can I ask who the lion is?" He said calmly after handing me a glass.

I shook my head, "That's unfair to both the tiger and the lion. Not to mention bad on the house cat for speaking recklessly."

"I see..." he said and downed his glass. I watched him calmly and drank my own glass. He spoke quietly and refilled his cup, "The first night I came to your room by accident, I shushed you two. I listened to your conversation afterwards and wasnt sure if you made fun of me or not. However it seems you were seriously thinking about it, since every time I listened to your conversations, thats how it went. I guess after tonight's conversation, I realized something that I may have known all along."

I watched him, downed another glass, and stood up, "Come on." He looked at me curiously, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom. Once in, I started the bath and threw in mystery ball Earl Grey scented bath bomb and lit my scented candles.

"Why a bath?" Akainu seemed confused.

"Baths are relaxing. What's the surprise in this one?" I said and reached for the ball in the water. When I opened it, I found a pair of black rings with a yellow cat eye on the inside. I offered one to him, "Want one?"

He took it and put it on his middle finger, "Where do you get this stuff?"

"From stores or gifts," I tried to be vague without insulting the system, "Come on, the baths ready."

I unbuttoned my pajamas and went to scrub myself clean before getting in the bath. Akainu followed what I was doing, confused by the order I was washing myself in. After we rinsed off, he was first to step into the bath. After he got in completely, I pretty much sat on his lap and leaned on his chest.

"Baths are relaxing." I stated again as i turned my head to look as him. Funny thing was, he was looking away and the water was warming up, along with him. I smiled a little and laid there for a bit, the water now passed boiling.

I yawned a bit, "So warm... mm."

"Hey, dont fall asleep in the bath..." Akainu said quietly. I closed my eyes and snaked my arms around his neck, turning over to face him completely. My head on his chest and legs around his waist, he seemed flustered as he put an arm around my waist.

After a few more minutes, he seemed to calm down. He pulled me closer to him and carefully stood up. "You shouldn't let your guard down so easily," he whispered in my ear as he carried me to the bed and laid down.

He had pretty much dried us off by the heat coming from his body. Once he laid on the bed and turned onto his side, he moved my arms to my own side and covered us up. He moved the hair from my face and kissed my forehead, "Get some sleep."

As he moved around a bit to get comfortable, I flipped around. I moved his arm from under his pillow turning it into my body pillow. I brought his other arm around me and placed his hand under my waist as I cuddled closer to him. "Warm.. mm..," I mumbled and started to fall asleep.

Apparently my choice in cuddling was certified to wake a dragon... I felt him twist and try to slowly move his arm, so I trapped his arms and pressed against his chest more. His breath quickened a little at first before he took a few deep breaths. He whispered quietly, "Keep it together... hoo... Keep it together..." After a while, his breathing completly calmed and he fell asleep. I fell asleep not long after.

When I woke up, he was already awake but just laid there. I stretched and turned around to cuddle face to face a bit. He softly kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. "How did you sleep?" he asked.

"I slept alright, had a fantastic dream. How did you sleep?" I asked quietly.

"I... slept. Want to talk about it?" he said and moved my hair.

"Which part?" I smiled and buried my face in his neck.

"Hm.. good point.. Any of it?" he asked.

"You are a very nice cuddler in both real life and dreams." I said quietly.

"Is that so?" he said and pinched my thigh.

"Hey, what was that for?" I said quietly.

"Pay back for last night. Go get dressed and ready for the day, I'll come visit once I'm done with paperwork." he said and started to get up.

"No fun.. I'll take a rinse and get ready. Too bad a certain tiger isnt going to join me.." I pouted as I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.

"...I'll join." he sighed and followed me to the bathroom. We took a quick rinse and got dressed, him in a red suit while I put on Kakashi ninja outfit. Akainu looked at me oddly, "Why wear that?"

"Today I'm practicing be a ninja. If I get spotted, I'll know I failed and what to work on. I'll also try to steal something from your office while you're in there, so please let me know where I mess up." I said with a smile before putting on the mask and headband.

He left the room shaking his head. I dashed off in a different direction after waking Aka for hide and seek.

Simple run down of the day: I was able to upgrade my ninja skills to grandmaster when I managed to steal something without Akainu noticing. I was able to keep the tied score for hide and seek with Aka. My self created sword style was about 1/5th of the way done. Oh and the best part is that I got a birthday gift from the system.. 5 mystery tickets of ultra rare quality or higher.

Yeah... I got the bleach captains outfits (all of them with self repairing material), a cigarette pack that never empties, a pack of stuffed animals that feel like the real thing, earl grey tea trees that never wither, and earl grey gift basket. The gift basket was full of snacks, ready made tea, cakes, towels, soaps, body spray, deodorant, toothpaste, socks, and laundry soap.

As dinner was served, I kicked the chefs out of the kitchen and made earl grey cupcakes with buttercream frosting. I grabbed a handful of them and left the 200 odd cupcakes in the kitchen. The chefs were stupified but I gave the cakes away saying I had a bunch before leaving.

Aka and I went to the room and talked about the shenanigans we had gotten into. I pulled out a cigarette for the occasion and Aka lit it for me, as I talked about the coming war and what I expect to happen. Unknown to me that Akainu was listening from the door, I lit another smoke and decided to say something stupid.

"Sometimes I wonder, if I choose tea will they understand?" I said as I thought about the different drinks and cakes in the world.

"Are you crazy? Do I need to call a doctor?" Aka asked.

"Why is it crazy?! Tea is the best! Tea for me is like sushi for you. Do you get it?" I said.

"Just cant live without it..." Aka said with a gulp.

"So how is choosing tea flavored cake crazy?" I said and sighed, "Alas, my love of tea isnt understood..."

"Pfft..." a voice behind the door sounded.

"Fuck..." I quickly put out the cigarette and used body spray and mouth spray to cover my tracks.

"Are you done hiding the cigarettes?" Akainu said as he opened the door.

"Hehe you caught me. Would you like a cupcake? Made them myself." I said and offered him one.

"Its tea flavored isnt it?" he asked with a sigh as he took it and tried a little part, "Pretty good. I'm not a cake person but I could eat this."

"Right?! Earl grey is the best." I said with a smile.

"Well, now that your here captain, please take this tea crazy person and let me sleep," Aka said with a smile.

"That I can do. Night," Akainu said and dragged me out the door while I said, "Good night Aka."

Once we got into Akainu's room, he made me take a bath to get rid of the smell of cigarettes. I used my new towel and robe, entered the room and say at the table with Akainu. "I am bathed...," I said and watched him.

"I have a few papers left before I can put this up, why dont you lay down and I'll be over there soon," Akainu said and lightly smiled toward me.

"Okay." I said and went to the bathroom to change into pajamas and put my towel and robe to dry. I came back out in my cat pajamas and snaked my way into his lap and laid down. "Much warmer here," I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Sigh... Dont move around," Akainu said and put his chin on my shoulder.

I nodded and laid my head in the crook of his neck and yawned. Somehow I fell asleep like that and woke up to being placed on the bed. At least an attempt to place me on the bed. When I noticed he still had paperwork, I clung to him like my life depended on it. Eventually I was shaken off, however, I got right back up when his back was turned and as soon as he sat down, I was sitting in his lap looking at paperwork.

"Cant you finish it tomorrow," I asked while trying to get comfortable, "Isnt that suit uncomfortable to you?"

"No and no. I have to finish it tonight because we will be at HQ in a few days and there is a lot left to do. This suit is not uncomfortable most of the time, it is however when you move around like that." he said with a sigh.

"Do you just have to read and sign off on the papers?" I asked.

"Pretty much, except a few need the men to sign off as well." he said.

"I'll help. I can copy handwriting pretty well, just dont tell anyone." I smiled and pulled out a pen.

"Meh, sounds good. Just sign off, I'll read it later." he said and sighed.

"Okay!" I pulled a few papers into my lap and copied his signature on them. As we worked for nearly half an hour, I decided a nice glass of alcohol would be good. I poured one and handed it to Akainu before pouring myself one.

"Let's grab a bath before bed," he suggested and I agreed.

I entered the bathroom first and started a bath. As it filled, I added bubble bath to the water and smiled. Because I was occupied with the bubbles, I didnt notice Akainu come up behind me. "You know, your pajamas will get wet if you stay right there," he said and lifted me.

"Ah! I forgot, hehe," I said and smiled. He let me down and we both took our clothes off. I scrubbed my body and he followed suit, still questioning the order of what I wash. We rinsed and I nearly fell on my ass because the floor was wet. Akainu picked me up and carried me to the bath while I hid my face embarrassed.

He stepped into the bath and laid down, setting me down on his lap. Squirming around to get comfortable, I brushed passed his dragon and stopped moving. Akainu flinched when I had touched his dragon, he laid his head back and tried to calm his breathing. I leaned my back against his chest and put my hands in the water, searching for the lurking dragon. Once my hands barely touched his dragon, Akainu flexed his body for a split second before trying to pull my hands out of the water. I smiled and started to rub his dragons head.

His dragon twitched as it grew out of the water. I kept petting his dragon as he put his hands on my waist. His dragon was long and fat, my hands barely able to hold it. My mind was terrified of the sheer size of the dragon that I didnt realize I was being turned around. When I suddenly felt something touch my tiny hole, I looked down and saw his dragon in my hands. His hands were on my ass, a single finger rubbing my tiny hole before slowly entering it.

I leaned against his chest as he played with my hole, slowly adding another finger at a time until his dragon couldnt hold it. I pushed my body upward and moved his dragon to the right place. He slowly pulled his fingers out before his dragon found the entrance. I slowly lowered my body until I couldnt move anymore, the head of the dragon barely in.

I slowly kept lowering myself once I got used to the thick dragon but it seemed to be getting thicker. I couldnt move anymore and not even half of the dragon was in. I was panting while Akainu was taking quick deep breaths, his dragon began to heat up and throb. I leaned on his body completely and placed his hands on my ass before whispering, "Do it."

His dragon throbbed as his hands squeezed my ass, spreading it apart as he pushed his dragon farther in. I bit my lip and tried to not make a noise, but he noticed and whispered, "I dont mind being bitten."

I shuttered and bit him softly at first before he suddenly pushed in quickly. My body shuttered again as I bit harder, drawing lava and gaining a quiet groan from him. His dragon throbbing quickly, he slowly lifts me a bit and pushes farther in. Each time gaining him a muffled moan from me as my own dragon throbbed. I couldnt hold myself back much longer and released. As I did, he managed to put his entire dragon in and started filling me with hot liquid. Neither of us finished, he held me against himself as he stood up and brought me to the bed. Keeping his dragon inside me while turning me around, he bent me over the bed and started to slide his dragon back and forth. Half the dragon came out before being pushed back in quickly, while his hand found it's way to my dragon. Each thrust brought me closer to release as he quickened his pace.

As his dragon throbbed and burned my insides, I finally was able to release which caused my body to shutter and pulse around his dragon. He stopped pulling back so far and quickened the pace, burying his dragon in me. His hot liquid filling me as he kept going before his dragon passed out.

I was a panting mess, unable to move or speak. Akainu scooped me up in his arms and washed me off before placing me in the bath. "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to be so rough," he said and looked at my body.

I had bruises on my hips, ass, and thigh. Unable to catch my breath, I weakly reached out to him and tried to pull him closer. I couldnt say anything but I needed to let him know I was fine. As he leaned over to me, expecting me to whisper something, I kissed him softly and smiled. I brought out a cup of tea with a straw and sipped it slowly and regained my breath, "These marks will be gone in the morning. I'm fine now but I'm really sleepy... Cuddle me!"

"Finish your tea first so I can wash you off," he said.

I finished my tea and let Akainu wash me before being lifted up and dried off by his body. We once again laid down, this time to cuddle.


I woke up to a familiar sight, an angry old man about to blow a fuse.

"Grandpa Garp, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"....Garp." Akainu said with a frown, his hard ass mode activated.

"Get dressed and get on my ship," Garp growled at me.

"I'm not getting up right now," I stated.

"Now, Ken. Im not asking," Garp damn near yelled.

"Dont talk to him as if he's a child," Akainu said angrily.

"I'll deal with you later. Sengoku sent me to take Ken to my base of operation before the war starts. I'm here so get up, get dressed, and get on my ship." Garp said.

"I wont change in front of you. I still need to shower, brush my teeth, and pack." I said seriously.

"Fine. I'm not looking, hurry up," Garp said and faced the wall.

"....Leave the room or I'll purposely go slow." I said with a frown.

"If i leave the room, who's to say he wont jump you?" Garp said to me angrily.

"Why would he? It's a work day, things to do. Now go," I said exasperated.

Garp angrily stomped out of the room and slammed the door. I turned to Akainu and kissed his softly, "I cant get up..."

"Wait, but you said that you would be fine in the morning?" Akainu said with a slightly shocked face.

"I thought they would be gone.. I was wrong okay.. I'm sorry," I said and buried my face in his neck.

"Let's get you cleaned up.." he sighed.


A quick shower while brushing my teeth, leaning against Akainu the entire time. Aka, who somehow snuck in without Garp noticing, let me ride on his back while laying down and pretending to sleep. I was in my head captain uniform, using the jacket as a blanket. When we got onto Garps ship, I peeked out of my blanket and smiled at the leaving boat.

"Ahem!" Garp coughed angrily.

"What?" I asked with a smile.