
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Tranh châm biếm
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40 Chs

Chapter 8: The Truth(1)

"Nah uh! you can consider me the Last Royal Uzumaki, as for the rest of the part, it comes with the truth, you want it?"

"Tell me"

"So you joining my crew?"

"Humph! Who knows about this truth, and how did you even come into contact with that knowledge?"


'gotta make another bullshit here, but since he is blinded by revenge, I guess I can get out of it'

"You see, since I told you, I am the Last Royal Uzumaki, and I awakened my clan's special physique, which led me to learn this future sight and also made me quite strong, as you might have seen. Also, you can see a few strands of Red hair among the blond ones, this means I am transitioning to the authentic Uzumaki physique, known by their characteristic red hair."

Sasuke noticed these details, and they were true, he felt that Naruto not only gained that weird ability to look into the future for a few seconds but also his physique seemed quite strong with a few strands of red hair on his head. He nodded and prompted Naruto to continue.

" When I awakened the future sight ability, I also got a glimpse of the past, present and future of this world, I think it was just a one-time ability and further I could only see a few seconds in the future. Although I didn't see everything as that would make me omniscient still I saw a few things especially related to Konoha and some things related to the world."

'My ability to make up nonsense is boundless. Well what can I say, I was still in my early Otaku phase, so I skipped the fillers and only read a few theories regarding Sarutobi, so I only know cannon details but I guess they are enough for my nonsense. Plus, it's not as if there is an elder from the Uzumaki clan alive who can attest to my nonsense'

"Don't get too cocky, even if you are stronger than me, I will surpass you and then get my revenge and all the truth myself"

'ugh! This brat is really difficult to deal with.'

"Well Sasuke, who do you think massacred the entire Uchiha clan?"

Hearing this question, anger flared over Sauske's face as he growled, "Of course it's Itachi"

"Now now, don't be so pumped up and calm down boy, just think it slowly, even if he possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, the upgraded version of three tomoe Sharingan, he alone couldn't have done this, right?"

Hearing this, something cracked in Sasuke's brain, deep down he too believed that Itachi alone couldn't have taken down the entire Uchiha clan however strong his eyes might have become, but due to his thoughts of revenge, he never calmly pondered over it, and now that Naruto mentioned this, he suddenly become calm and started thinking things through, and he also recalled another detail that Naruto mentioned.

"Mangekyo, how did you know?"

"Of course, didn't I tell you, I have seen the past, present and future"

"ah, your ability" Now this made Sasuke further believe in Naruto's nonsense as he looked forward towards the truth.

"Fine, if you know everything, you might also know about the perpetrators of the Uchiha massacre, if you help me get revenge and also make me stronger I would follow you."

Now this came as a shock to Naruto. He knew Uchiha respected strength and there was a chance he could recruit Sasuke using manipulation and by helping him get stronger, but for him to agree so easily was a surprise to Naruto.

'Is this my charm as Shanks? I wonder.'


Now coming onto the truth, have you never heard about the Uzumaki clan?"

This question really baffled both Sasuke and Naruto. For Naruto, he thought as much as the existence of the Uzumaki might have been removed from the public records, the clan records of various clans must have mentioned it, or did they also ignore this crucial clan?

"Well, do you have your clan records and ninjutsu?"

"No, clan ninjutsu and business are under Villaige's care until I become a chunin. But I still hold clan records and a few c-rank ninjutsu. "

"So did they not mention the Uzumaki clan? Anyway, it doesn't matter. Let me explain, The Uzumaki clan was one of the strongest clans. Their main characteristics are red hair, strong body and huge amounts of chakra. Apart from that they have three main abilities, Mind's eye of Kagura, adamantine sealing chains and healing bite.

The Mind's Eye of the Kagura is a technique that allows one to sense chakra from exceptional distances in great detail. Adamantine sealing chains are a sealing technique that produces chains made out of their chakra, which emerges from their torso. It controls the chains as they extend outwards from their body, most commonly to wrap around targets and restrain them. As for healing bite, you can heal yourself by biting the body.

Apart from that, Uzumakis are known for their fuinjutsu, and all the Konoha's fuinjutsu was provided by the Uzumaki clan. Uzumakis were Konoha's ally, and the whole clan formed their village, which was as strong as the five great villages. They were confronted by the other four great ninja villages during the second great ninja war and finally eradicated, but a few survivors scattered and you are seeing the descendent of that survivor right now."

"Wait, if the Uzumakis were Konoha's allies, why were they eradicated and not helped by Konoha?" this clan eradication troupe doesn't fit well with Sasuke, and just like the Uchiha's Konoha didn't help or were late to help. Unknowingly, a seed of doubt was sown in his mind regarding Konoha's dealings. He also wasn't a follower of the will of fire, so he wasn't affected by these doubts anyway.

" Now, you get it right. Let me ask you a question now, who are the four strongest clans in the shinobi world, or innately strong, you know what I mean right? clans who are above others from the moment they are born"

"Umm, Uchiha are definitely at the top" Sasuke mentioned and started thinking about other clans.

'This arrogant brat!!' thought Naruto as he looked forward to his answer.

"From what you told me, Uzumaki are also there, then there will be Senju and at last I will mention Hyuga"

"Bingo!! Never thought you were so intelligent"

"....." Sasuke looked at Naruto with a deadpan expression. 'What is this loser thinking, he just became somewhat competent for a day and now he is behaving as if he is above everyone. hateful'

"You see, all these four clans are affiliated to Konoha, three were members while another was an ally, but from the advent of the third Hokage's rule, three of these clans have been exterminated, while the fourth is under suppression, both from within themselves and from outside forces like Konoha elders."

These words were like thunder to the Uchiha brat and all his positive notions regarding the Hokage and Konoha were shattered. He became more thirsty for answers now and the only one who could provide him was sitting right in front of him, the very loser who showed such a mind-blowing change overnight.